small farmer

Chapter 63 Watching the Sunset

Chapter 63 Watching the Sunset (Please recommend for collection)
A few little things fell into a deep sleep,

It is estimated that earth-shaking changes will occur after waking up. After arranging the little things, Zhang Feng left here.

As soon as they walked out of the backyard, they saw the girls standing up, carrying their bags as if they were going somewhere.

"Brother, we are going to the mountains to watch the sunset, do you want to go?" The younger sister asked immediately when she saw Zhang Feng.

"Aren't you eating dinner?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"Didn't we just eat cold noodles?" the little girl asked back.

"Yes, we can have dinner later, the weather is so good today, the sunset on the mountain must be beautiful." In order to see the scenery, the girls didn't even eat.

Because he was worried about them, Zhang Feng had no choice but to follow everyone. Zhang Yi, a boy who had been in the team early, was obviously a fun guy.

The tree-shaded path on the shore of the lake twists and turns around Moon Lake. On the sidewalk by the lake, there are shades of green willows.

When the breeze blows gently, the willows by the lake are like beautiful women in the south of the Yangtze River, with strands of blue silk fluttering in the wind, just as the poet said, with white hair three thousand feet long, and the fate seems to be long, maybe the green willow beauty is also worried about her long hair And worry about it.

Along the meandering path by the lake, everyone talked and laughed, admiring all the beautiful scenery by the lake, it may be a beautiful little flower, or a strange cloud in the sky, or a frightening bird.

Everything here is so natural and harmonious, full of simple and natural rural colors, which makes people in a hurry in the city feel extremely relaxed and comfortable.

"Hey, why is there no road on this mountain?" Zhang Xi wiped his sweat as he walked on the rugged mountain road. This beautiful woman from the city never thought that climbing a mountain would be so hard.

"Hee hee, didn't someone say it? There is no road in the world, and when there are many people walking, it will naturally become a road..." The little girl looked at Zhang Xi's embarrassed look, and said amusedly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we all became the trailblazers..." Chen Qian seemed to be more able to bear hardships, she smiled and brushed aside the weeds on the side of the road, and followed the people in front of her closely.

Although the road up the mountain is hard, the scenery on the mountain is even more beautiful. Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and wild flowers can be seen everywhere on the mountain. Wild chrysanthemums under big trees, dandelions in wild grass, and even the demeanor of Dendrobium candidum can be seen in the cracks of barren rocks.

Due to the abundant rain and bright sunshine, the wild flowers on the mountain bloom wantonly. These colorful flowers decorate the whole mountain plain into a beautiful castle.

Looking at the colorful wild flowers, one can't help but think of a poem, when the wild flowers are in full bloom, she laughs in the bushes.

Therefore, Zhang Feng and others are undoubtedly lucky. In this season of blooming mountains and flowers, to welcome the breeze, enjoy the flowers, watch the mountains and rivers, and watch the sunset. Meeting in this life and seeing such a beautiful scenery is really a blessing accumulated over several lifetimes.

"Okay, here it is..." I came to the place where I had a picnic last time. The terrain here is flat, the grass is full of grass, and the view is wide. Not only can I see the mountains in the distance, but I can also see the small villages at the foot of the mountains and the beautiful scenery. Moon Lake.

"Ah! It's finally here..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Xi sat down on the ground excitedly.

After climbing the mountain for more than ten minutes, everyone except Zhang Feng gasped a little, and found the grass to sit down.

"Ah, the cool wind on the mountain is so refreshing..." Suddenly a mountain wind blew, and everyone felt refreshed, as if blowing away everyone's fatigue.

Bathed in the breeze, everyone gradually regained their energy. They looked at the scenery in the distance with great interest. The mountains in the distance were like coiled snakes, undulating and stretching into the distance.

The rice field at the foot of the mountain is lush, like a green carpet, and it is refreshing from a distance. If it is night, it is just like the ancient poets described: the fragrance of rice flowers tells a good year, and the sound of frogs is heard.

I think the poets in ancient times also experienced it personally, otherwise they would not be able to describe such a vivid summer night scene. This kind of beauty can only be better experienced by personally feeling it.

It is true that people who have traveled all over Qingshan are not old, and the scenery here is unique.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, the water in the distance, the sky in the distance, and the land under your feet, it is really beautiful. There are so many beautiful scenery that make everyone overwhelmed, as if they will never know how tired they are.

Looking at such a beautiful scenery, Zhang Feng really wants to be with the person he loves, this is in this beautiful small mountain village, the sun rises and the sunset rests, and it will grow old like this;
Maybe this kind of love does not have vows of eternal love, and it is not earth-shattering, but it is full of sweetness and warmth in the plain. Such a plain love may make me look forward to it even more.

What Zhang Feng likes most now is this kind of rural tranquility, just like the great poet Tao Yuanming, picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely.

Zhang Feng doesn't have any lofty ambitions, he just wants to live every day happily and let his family live happily. This is Zhang Feng's current mentality.

As the saying goes, there are mountains, water, some fields, wives, children, hot kang, filial piety to parents, and caring for family members. This is Zhang Feng's current pursuit.


There seems to be a strange calm in the mountains
Everyone was immersed in this beautiful landscape, completely forgetting where they were, and only saw the beautiful scenery in their eyes.

Time is like flowing water, so quietly passing by, the sun has approached the west mountain, the day will disappear, and the night will soon fall.

The sunset is infinitely good, but it's almost dusk,
At this time, the golden light in the western sky was shining brightly, exuding dazzling light, as if it was the sun's return, swaying the last brilliance before sunset.

As time passed, the sun was gradually covered by the mountains, and the light became increasingly dimmer, until only half of the red face was left.

A residual sun spreads in the water, half of the river is half red.

After about a cup of tea, the sun has completely set, the sky has entered night mode, and the moon gradually emits its own light.

The moon is sparse, the black magpie flies south,
Seeing the birds returning to their nests, Zhang Feng and others also put away their bags, turned on the lights of their mobile phones, and walked down the mountain along the winding mountain road wearing stars and moon.

Although the sky had already plunged into darkness, everyone was still in high spirits, chirping and chatting about the evening scene just now.

Zhang Xi and Chen Qian, in particular, seemed extremely excited. Although the mountain road was difficult, they were still full of energy, especially Zhang Xi, who was listless when he went up the mountain, but after seeing the beautiful scenery on the mountain, he looked energized, as if beautiful The beautiful scenery gave her infinite power.

When everyone returned home, the sky had completely plunged into darkness, and the entire Moon Lake had fallen into the silence of the night.

After dinner, everyone sat in the courtyard, bathed in the bright moonlight, looked at the stars all over the sky, and their hearts became extremely peaceful.

Lying on the chair, looking at the Altair Vega and the vast sea of ​​stars, Zhang Feng thought of the ancient "Heavenly Questions", the origin of human beings, and the possible life in the infinite sea of ​​stars. Looking at the infinite starry sky, Zhang Feng felt that human beings are so insignificant, just like a speck of dust or a drop of water.

(End of this chapter)

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