small farmer

Chapter 64 Working in the Orchard

Chapter 64 Working in the Orchard (Please recommend for collection)

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under the beautiful night sky

In the courtyard full of flowers, everyone is playing card games, talking and laughing, as if returning to the long-lost student days,
Everyone is carefree, don't need to think about tomorrow's food, rice, oil and salt, and enjoy the leisure and comfort here to the fullest. As the saying goes, life must be full of joy, and don't let the gold bottle be empty to the moon.

Everyone played until late at night, and then reluctantly went back to rest.

After everyone returned to the house, Zhang Feng also took a shower, climbed upstairs, lay down on the bed and fell asleep deeply, probably everyone was tired from playing today.

The small mountain village in the early morning gradually became noisy, and the birds outside the window were chirping and jumping around on the trees.

Due to the influence of the biological clock, Zhang Feng gradually woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a blue sky.

Zhang Feng didn't continue to stay on the bed, he got up immediately, put on his clothes, and then walked to the window, looking at the high mountains in the distance, the blue sky, and the smoke from the small village.

"Ah, from today, I will be a happy person, chop firewood, feed horses, travel around the world..." Looking at such a beautiful scenery, Zhang Feng couldn't help but think of a beautiful verse. Such a life is really exciting Longing for longing.

Zhang Feng took a deep breath. Zhangjiawan is full of trees and the air is fresh and pure. It is really a natural oxygen bar.

Then Zhang Feng went downstairs and began to wash. After washing, he began to practice gymnastics, which has become a compulsory course for Zhang Feng every day.

"Xiaofeng, aren't the peaches in our orchard about to ripen?" Mother Wang Guilan also got up, and elderly people don't sleep much.

"It's almost there. I guess it will be sold in a few days." Zhang Feng went to the orchard just the day before yesterday. The peaches in the orchard are already the size of eggs, but they are still a little green, and they are estimated to be ripe in three to five days.

"Hey, I don't know how to sell this year?" My mother said worriedly, because now the farmland is being converted to forests, and fruit trees have been planted in many areas of Qingshan County, so the fruit has become difficult to sell.

"Mom, it's okay. You don't have to worry about selling fruit. I will find a way then."

"Hmm..." The mother was a little absent-minded, and it seemed to her that the son was just comforting herself.

Seeing his mother's appearance, Zhang Feng didn't say anything. He was very confident in his own fruit, because his fruit fragrance potion was not for nothing.

Because of the fruity aroma potion, the fruits not only grow better, but also taste more delicious. With such good quality, they will definitely not worry about selling them.

The most important point is that Zhang Feng found that his own peaches seemed to ripen earlier than others', and it was estimated that they could be on the market a week earlier, so with this time difference, his own peaches would definitely be sold at a higher price.

"Mom, did I go to the orchard to spray medicine on the plums?" The plum trees in the orchard had already begun to bear fruit, Zhang Feng said to his mother with the sprayer on his back.

"You go, right? Dabai and Xiaobai are also called to go, let them go to the orchard..." Mother did not forget to remind.

"Understood, Mom." Then Zhang Feng came to the backyard, called Dabai Xiaobai and walked towards the orchard.

The orchard of Zhang Feng's family is just behind the small village, with a small area of ​​about ten mu, and the main trees in it are peach and plum trees.

Among them, there are about three acres of peach trees, four or five acres of plum trees, and the rest are sporadically planted with pear trees, orange trees, and walnut trees.

Peach trees were the first to bear fruit. Zhang Feng had applied the medicine a few days ago. Since the plum trees were later to bear fruit, it was the turn of the plum trees today.

Soon, Zhang Feng brought the two lambs to the orchard, and walked straight to the place where the trap was placed the day before yesterday, wanting to see if there was any harvest.

"Oh, it's a pity that I'm late..." The trap cage in front of me has already fallen to the other side, and there are still a few chicken feathers on the ground. It is obvious that the prey has been successfully caught, but unfortunately, somehow, it finally broke free from the trap and escaped. day of birth.

Zhang Feng put away the chicken coop, found another place where pheasants might haunt, sprinkled bait and put traps on it, and waited for the prey to take the bait.

Then Zhang Feng came to the pool, filled the water and started spraying the fruit trees. As for the two silly and cute, they consciously started their own work as soon as they arrived in the orchard—grazing, grazing desperately, just like two big Stomach kings seem to never have enough to eat. Zhang Feng is a little curious about how big their stomachs are.

Carrying a bucket of 5 to [-] catties of potion, Zhang Feng felt light and light, without any sense of weight. This is the toughness after the system transformation. If he was the previous self, he would probably have to lie down from exhaustion in three to five minutes.

Turning on the switch, Zhang Feng started today's work. It is estimated that it will take three to four hours to finish spraying the four or five mu of fruit trees. It is now seven in the morning, and it is estimated that it will be finished at around eleven noon.

So Zhang Feng stopped hesitating and started to work quickly. His strong physical fitness made Zhang Feng's movements more rapid and efficient. A fruit tree can be finished in one to two minutes, and an acre of land can be finished in four to five or 2 minutes.

With the passage of time, Zhang Feng's experience has become more and more abundant, and the speed has become even more frightening. An acre can be finished in about half an hour, and it is believed that work can be finished early at about ten o'clock.

"Hee hee, Dabai Xiaobai, we are here..." Just as Zhang Feng was busy, the younger sister and the others also came to the orchard.

"Baa baa..." The two lambs heard the familiar cry, turned their heads and saw Zhang Yue, and immediately ran towards Zhang Yue and his daughters with short legs.

"Hehe, Dabai Xiaobai, here are the vegetables I brought to you..."

"Ah, Dabai and Xiaobai are really smart..." The two girls, Chen Qian and Zhang Xi, were astonished. Seeing the two cute snow-white pets, they couldn't help but go up to 'ravage' them.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Feng put down the sprayer and asked the girls.

"Hee hee, brother, didn't we come to see you?" Zhang Yue said with a smile.

Zhang Feng had an expression of believing that you are a ghost. Obviously, the little girl came to play on the mountain, so she probably just dropped in to see her.

"Xiaoyue said that there are many wild alpine bubbles on the mountain here, so let's come and have a look..." Zhang Xi explained with a smile.

"Then you are really in the right place. There are a lot of wild fruits on the mountain road over there, you can go there and have a look..." Zhang Feng pointed to the mountain road next to him and said to everyone.

In recent years, due to the conversion of farmland and forests, the environment has become better, and the wild fruits on the mountain have become more abundant, such as wild mountain bubbles, goat's milk fruit (a fruit that looks like goat's milk), red thumb, prickly pear and so on almost everywhere.

After teasing the two fools for a while, everyone bid farewell to Zhang Feng, and walked to the place pointed by Zhang Feng with plastic bags.

"Ah, are these wild mountain bubbles?"

"Yes, these are wild mountain bubbles, and some places are also called wild strawberries or something?"

"Ah, what does it taste like when I come to taste it?" Zhang Xi looked at the bright red fruit in front of him and said impatiently.

"Be careful, there are thorns on it..." Zhang Lin quickly reminded.

"Understood..." "Well, it's delicious... The sweet and sour taste is very good, Xiaoqian, you should try it too."

"Well, it's really good... I didn't expect such an inconspicuous little thing to taste so good..." The two women couldn't stop after tasting the taste, and kept stuffing it into their mouths.

The taste of wild mountain pickles is natural and sweet. The biggest difference from artificially cultivated fruits is that it has a variety of tastes, not as simple as ordinary fruits.

We all know that ordinary fruits are either sweet or fragrant, but wild mountain pickles are not only sweet and sour, but also rich in aroma, so the taste is better and better.

It is said that in the Erie Valley area, wild mountain pickles are a famous local specialty, and are deeply loved by local herdsmen and tourists. A pound of wild wild pickles can be sold for dozens of yuan. If it is made into fruit jam, it will be more expensive, and it is generally used for Entertain distinguished guests.

Therefore, the local herdsmen can generate a lot of income every year just by selling wild mountain bubbles. There is still a long way to go to develop it into a mature specialty product.

(End of this chapter)

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