small farmer

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Wild mountain pickles are not only sweet and sour, but also rich in vitamins and flavonoids, so they have high nutritional value and health care.

Its rich vitamins can be the source of vitamins for everyone, and flavonoids can lower blood sugar and blood lipids, so eating wild mountain bubbles for the elderly is also very beneficial to the body.

Zhang Xi and Chen Qian, who have never picked wild fruits, have always been immersed in the joy of this kind of harvest, and eating the wild fruits they picked is extraordinarily sweet.

Everyone picked all kinds of delicious wild fruits with great interest, among which the wild mountain pickles were the most popular. When everyone filled up all the plastic bags they carried, they reluctantly stopped.

"Brother, are you going to finish?" After picking the wild fruits, the girls walked towards the orchard chattering.

"It's almost half an hour..." Zhang Feng turned around and continued, "Little sister, can you help me see if you caught a pheasant in the trap over the big rock?"

"Okay, I'll go and have a look..." As soon as Zhang Yue heard that the big brother had set a trap, Zhang Yue couldn't wait to run to the place where the trap was set.

"Wait, let's go take a look too..." Chen Qian and the two daughters were also very curious, and hurriedly followed.

"Ah, I caught it, haha ​​I caught the big cock..." Suddenly the little girl shouted in surprise.

"Let's take a look, let's take a look..." Chen Qian and Zhang Xi hurried over in three or two steps, as if they were worried that the pheasant would fly away if they slowed down a bit.

"Ah, this is a pheasant..."

"It's so beautiful..." The feathers of the pheasant are very gorgeous, and many places have made it into a work of art.

The women hurriedly caught the pheasant, and then, like a victorious general, walked towards Zhang Feng with the spoils.

"Hee hee, brother, what a beautiful pheasant you see..."

"I didn't expect you to be a trap..." In the eyes of the two women, isn't the ability of hunting all the old man's patent?When did a brat like Zhang Feng have such a skill?

"Hehe, practice makes perfect, and now that the environment has improved, there are more pheasants and hares, so hunting is easier..." Zhang Feng explained with a slight smile.

"Will that kill the pheasant again?" Zhang Xi asked worriedly.

"How is that possible? Pheasants hatch one or two broods of chicks every year, and there are seven or eight chicks at a time. As long as no one destructively captures them, it is impossible for them to disappear." Zhang Feng felt that the other party was simply worrying, because they would catch them. There are not many pheasants at all. The reason why Zhang Feng has been able to succeed repeatedly is not only because he has learned hunting techniques, but more importantly, the effect of Rihua auxin.

Soon, Zhang Feng finished the work, set up the trap again, called everyone and walked home.

As soon as Zhang Feng returned home, someone came to the house.

"Is Xiaofeng at home? Someone is looking for..." Aunt Osmanthus walked in with two old people.

Hearing the voice, Zhang Feng hurried out, "Aunt Osmanthus, hurry up and sit down..."

Then Zhang Feng saw Aunt Osmanthus and the two old people behind him, and suddenly realized that they had met once, "These two... Huh? Aren't you the old man who went fishing last time?"

"That's right, young man, it was thanks to you last time. If it weren't for you, the old man might have been dragged away by the big fish..." The old man thanked quickly.

"Young man, thank you so much. If it weren't for our old man, he would be in danger. This time, I came here to thank you..." The old man's wife thanked him sincerely.

"Xiaofeng, quickly ask the guests to come in and sit down..." The mother came out and reminded Zhang Feng.

"Oh, that's right, everyone! Come in and sit down, let's talk in the room..." Zhang Feng also reacted, and hurriedly said to the three of them.

"Xiaofeng, I won't bother you, there are still things at home..." Aunt Osmanthus quickly waved her hand.

"Then Aunt Osmanthus often comes to play..." "Hey! I come here when I have time..." After saying that, Aunt Osmanthus left.


As soon as the two old people entered the room, they quickly handed over the gifts in their hands and said, "Young man, these are some special products we bought, I hope you don't mind..."

"Hey, thank you...thank are so kind," Zhang Feng hurriedly took the gift from the old man, and he glanced at it casually. It was filled with seafood, squid or something.

"Grandpa, grandma drink tea..." the little girl said after serving tea to the two old people.

"Thank you, the little girl is so cute..."


After exchanging pleasantries, Zhang Feng learned that the two old people lived in the county seat. They were both retired cadres. They usually took the bus to play here. The old man liked fishing. He was in danger last week and was almost caught by a big fish in the lake. Drag it away, if Zhang Feng hadn't had quick eyesight and quick hands, the old man would have fallen into the water.

At that time, Zhang Feng left after saving someone. After the two elders realized, they could not find the savior. Finally, after many inquiries, they finally found Zhang Feng, so they came to thank them today.

"Young man, it was really thanks to you last time..."

"Old man, this is what I should do. I believe that no matter who encounters that situation, they will definitely help..." Zhang Feng waved his hands again and again.

"But the old man shouldn't fish so desperately next time..." Zhang Feng reminded again.

"No, no, I also regret it afterwards..." The old man also realized his recklessness back then.

"He dares, I will not allow him to fish from now on, unless someone is there to take care of him..." the old lady said hastily.

"Yes, old man, next time you go fishing, it's better to be with others, so that everyone can take care of each other." Everyone also nodded in agreement.


"Xiaofeng, I'm calling everyone over for dinner..." At this moment, the eldest sister had already prepared the meal, so she called out to Zhang Feng.

"Grandpa, Grandma Liu, let's go and have dinner." Zhang Feng got up and invited.

"That's really disturbing..." The two old people came early in the morning and found it after searching for a long time. They haven't had lunch yet, so they didn't refuse.

"Where is it, it's just a regular meal..." Zhang Feng hurriedly led the two elders into the main room.

Everyone made a table around the Eight Immortals table. The five members of Zhang Feng's family, Chen Qian's two daughters, and two elderly people made a full table.

Fortunately, the eldest sister cooked a lot of extra meals, a table full of fragrant dishes, everyone's appetite increased greatly.

"You are welcome, you can eat whatever you like, as if you are in your own home..." The mother said to the guests with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you... Thank you, we will not be polite..." Several people responded with smiles.

"Everyone try my braised fish and see how it goes with my younger brother?" Zhang Qin, the eldest sister, said to everyone with a smile.

"Well, it's delicious, and the eldest sister's cooking skills are so good." The little girl looked in disbelief, obviously the eldest sister did a very good job.

"Grandpa, Grandma Liu, try it too..." Zhang Feng picked a piece for the two old people respectively, and specially chose a place with few fishbone.

"Well, it's delicious. My daughter's cooking is really delicious, and it's no better than those in big hotels..." After taking a bite, the old man was full of praise, and Grandma Liu was also full of praise: "This girl's cooking skills are really good. Whoever gets it in the future is really lucky..."

"Thank you, thank you, as long as everyone likes to eat." The eldest sister turned her head and said embarrassedly.

"This farmhouse fried pork is also delicious. It seems that my sister's cooking skills are really no worse than Zhang Feng's..." Zhang Xi also said with a smile.

"Where, is it far worse than Xiaofeng's?" The elder sister said modestly.

"Oh! The young man can also cook?" the two elders asked curiously.

"Of course, his culinary skills are at their peak. Even chefs in five-star hotels may not be as capable as him." Zhang Xi said without hesitation.

"Really?" The two elders were surprised and couldn't believe it.

"It's not as good as they said. If you are always okay, I will cook in the afternoon and treat everyone to a meal." Zhang Feng smiled slightly. Although his mouth was modest, he was very confident in his cooking skills.

"Hehe, then we are really lucky today..." The two old people have retired and have nothing to do for a day, so they agreed to stay and try Zhang Feng's skills.

After dinner, Zhang Feng had nothing to do, so he accompanied the old man to water the flowers in the yard and played chess. As for Grandma Liu, she and her mother recalled the bitterness and sweetness, and had a meeting of the hard times.

(End of this chapter)

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