small farmer

Chapter 66

Chapter 66
The two old people stayed at Zhang Feng's house for a day,
I was completely conquered by Zhang Feng's superb cooking skills, and I was a little bit reluctant before leaving.

Zhang Feng sent them some dried mushrooms, dried fungus and other mountain products, and then sent them back before dark.

On the last day of the holiday, Chen Qian and Zhang Xi reluctantly left,
For them, this trip is really a magical trip, not only the beautiful scenery, delicious food and simple people here.

The two younger sisters also went back to school this afternoon, preparing for the final review and tackling tough challenges, to welcome the arrival of the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination.

In the evening, after dinner, Zhang Feng lay leisurely in the yard for a nap.

"Is Xiaofeng at home?"

"Is Xiaofeng at home?" I heard my uncle calling me from a distance,
"Uncle, come in and sit down quickly..." Zhang Feng stood up and hurriedly invited uncle into the room. After he sat down, Zhang Feng asked again: "I wonder what you want from me?"

"Hey! It's not the wild boar's fault. It went down the mountain again this evening, so I'm going to find some people to dig some traps at the mountain pass, and form a patrol team or something."

Immediately afterwards, the village elder spoke out his intentions, because almost all the young people in Zhangjiawan went out to work, and there were not many middle-aged people staying at home, so they came here to catch the young men;

"What? The wild boar has gone down the mountain again? I wonder if my cornfield has been harmed?"

Mom heard that it was okay, the wild boar likes to harm the corn field, you said it would be fine if it harmed one by one like a mouse, but once the wild boar enters the corn field, it will be like a bulldozer, and it will become a piece of corn. Pieces of arches are broken, and the corn in the field will never be harvested, so wild boars are the most hated wild animals in the countryside;

"I've checked in the past. Your cornfield didn't suffer any disasters, only Erniu's soybeans and peanuts were harmed. It's too miserable. It's like the land has been plowed by oxen."

The uncle also frowned when he mentioned the field that was hit by wild boars. The scene was a bit horrible. All the crops in the field were planted for nothing, and the beast was taken advantage of in vain;

"It's really a crime. You say this government is really good. Why do wild boars protect it?" Last year, a large cornfield in my house was completely destroyed by wild boars, so my mother was quite dissatisfied with the policy of protecting wild boars. ;

"We can't control the country's policies, but I have already told the village, the leader let us do it with peace of mind, and the killing certificate will be issued to us later." Then the uncle said;
"It's easy to handle if you have a hunting certificate..." Zhang Feng nodded. What worries him the most is that he doesn't have this thing. Even if you encounter wild boars, you have nothing to do with them. You can't kill them at that time. You can only drive them away, but that's just Treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

With the killing certificate, everyone has no scruples, as long as they encounter a big wild boar, they will kill it. There are still many shotguns in the village.

"As the saying goes, one pig, two bears and three tigers, this wild boar is not easy to kill, his uncle and Xiaofeng, you have to be careful..." Mom said with some worry;
"Don't worry, brother and sister, this time I called the old man Paoshan, he still has two guys." The uncle nodded and said.

When the uncle called Pa Shan Ye, the mother finally felt relieved, because Pa Shan Ye is the most powerful hunter in the village.
It is said that when he was young, he specialized in mountain running, and he captured almost all the animals in the mountains, so he got the title of running mountain master. Everyone in the village admired his hunting skills.

With such a veteran hunter with rich experience, the success rate of hunting wild boars has increased a lot, and the danger has also been reduced a lot;

"Xiaofeng, I remember that half an hour later, we will gather at the foot of the back mountain behind the village." After giving Zhang Feng a few more words, the uncle left in a hurry, probably going to catch a few strong men;
"Okay, uncle, I will be there on time."

"Xiaofeng will take out that harpoon and sharpen it later. Since your father passed away, he hasn't used it for six or seven years."

"Okay, mom, I'll go get it now..." Thinking of hunting wild boars later, Zhang Feng felt a little nervous, but also a little excited, eager to try,

Since obtaining the system, Zhang Feng has not only learned basic hunting skills, but also improved his physical fitness a lot through the transformation of the genetic fluid. Zhang Feng also wants to know if he can handle a wild boar;
Zhang Feng couldn't wait to take out the harpoon left by his father and put it on the big bluestone to sharpen it. Although it hadn't been used in six or seven years, the harpoon was still shining. It is said that the harpoon was made of fine steel. Zhang Feng I tried it very hard, and it weighs thirty to forty catties. If ordinary people can't swing it a few times, but Zhang Feng has plenty of strength now, so he doesn't worry about running out of strength at all;

Half an hour later
When Zhang Feng came to the foot of the back mountain with a pitch-black harpoon

Er Niu was already sitting there early, with a hoe at his feet, and a local dog lying in front of him,
"Uncle Er Niu is you alone?" Zhang Feng greeted Uncle Er Niu seeing that no one else had arrived yet;
"Xiaofeng is here, they are probably coming soon." Uncle Er Niu frowned, probably in a bad mood, it would be the same if anyone's crops were harmed.

"Uncle Er Niu, I heard from Uncle Er Niu that your crops have been severely damaged by wild boars?" Sitting down on the open space beside Uncle Er Niu, Zhang Feng chatted with Uncle Er Niu.

"Damn it, eight lifetimes of bloody misfortune this year! The soybeans and peanuts in the one-acre field were all destroyed by that beast. If I caught it, I would definitely skin it and eat its flesh..." When Zhang Feng mentioned this matter, Uncle Er Niu became furious, and he was very reluctant to kill the wild boar that entered his property;

"Hehe... Uncle Er Niu, wild boar is twice as expensive as domestic pork. You may not be able to eat it if you want to." Hearing what Uncle Er Niu said, Zhang Feng smiled. Wild boar is a rarity nowadays. If Zhangjiawan was not close to Qinglong Mountain, it is estimated that even the shadow of wild boar would not be seen;

However, in recent years, with the exodus of the rural population, people's demands and pressure on the mountains have been greatly reduced, which has led to a rapid recovery of the wild environment and the restoration of vitality in the mountains and forests. Those disappeared wild animals have gradually reappeared before everyone's eyes;

"Uncle, Paoshan Master, Seventh are here."

A few minutes later, the village elder, Zhang Yi, Pao Shan Ye and Xiao Qishu came to the foot of the mountain, and Pa Shan Ye brought their two wolf dogs;

"Xiaofeng, Er Niu, you came early..." the uncle saw the two from a distance, and said loudly with a smile;

Seeing the arrival of the large army, Er Niu hurried forward to offer cigarettes to several people, because the roundup of wild boars this time is not only everyone's business, but also has a lot to do with himself;
As soon as Zhang Yi saw Zhang Feng, he hurried over with his pole on his shoulders, said hello, and let the two of them discuss the rounding up of wild boars enthusiastically;

"Master Paoshan, are your two dogs okay? Why do you look so dumb?" The uncle carefully observed the two hounds brought by Paoshanpai at this time, and asked worriedly. After all, he hadn't seen running dogs for a long time. Lord Shan has hunted;
"Hmph, don't underestimate these two dogs of mine. My dog ​​has the blood of the blue wolf. It is a hunting dog specially trained by me. Even if it goes one-on-one against wild wolves, it will not be at a disadvantage." Seeing the uncle's question, he widened his eyes and said angrily;

"Hehe, that's good, then we will be much safer when we encounter wild boars." Hearing Paoshan Master's words, everyone was finally relieved,
With the guarantee of Pao Shan Ye, I finally feel relieved, and besides Pao Shan Ye, everyone here is young and strong, everyone is full of confidence,
(End of this chapter)

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