small farmer

Chapter 67 Trap

Chapter 67 Trap
With the guarantee of Pao Shan Ye, everyone finally felt relieved,
Besides, except Pao Shan Ye, everyone here is young and strong, and they will not be timid even in the face of wild boars, and they are even a little eager to try.

Everyone is looking forward to the wild boar hunting for the first time, wanting to see if the wild boar is as ferocious as in the legend;
Looking at the two dogs of Master Paoshan, Zhang Feng also wondered when his two puppies would grow up.

"Master Paoshan, you are the most experienced, what do you think we should do?" After smoking a cigarette, the uncle asked Paoshanye. The wild boars in his hands are countless;
"Wait for a while, who of you can shoot?" Paoshan Master, who had two gunpowder guns hanging on his shoulders, did not answer right away, but took down a gun and said;

In China, the control over guns is extremely strict. The juniors have almost never touched a gun, or even seen it with their own eyes, so let alone know how to use it;

"Hey, I think I was a militiaman in the village back then. What's the point of shooting? I promise to shoot wherever I can." At this moment, the uncle immediately took the gun, looked at everyone triumphantly and said;

"Brother, blow it hard, just don't pee your pants when you meet a wild boar..." Uncle Qi couldn't help joking when he saw his uncle's complacent look;
"Brother, I'm not afraid of anything, but I'm afraid of wild boars? But you have to be careful, Seventh." The uncle said with a face full of disdain;

"Okay, stop arguing, both of you, let's go to the mountain pass first..." Said Running Shan, leading two dogs and carrying shotguns in front;


"Look, this is the footprint of a wild boar..."

Master Paoshan observed very carefully. As expected of an experienced old hunter, he soon found the footprints of wild boars. Following the direction of his fingers, everyone saw a mess of animal footprints;

"Huh! I guess we're in trouble this time?" Master Pao Shan looked at the footprints on the ground and said to everyone with a serious expression;

"What's the matter? Master Paoshan?" Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help feeling nervous, so the uncle asked;
"It is estimated that there were more than one wild boar going down the mountain last time"

"Look here..., here..., the sizes of these footprints are obviously different. According to my estimate, there should be five wild boars that went down the mountain last time, two big and three small..." Paoshan Master is indeed an experienced old man. The hunter quickly judged the basic information of the wild boar based on the clues left by the wild boar;

"Let's dig a few holes here first, otherwise we won't be able to stop the wild boars coming." Seeing everyone's dignified expressions, Master Paoshan instructed everyone to start setting up where the wild boars must go down the mountain;
"Master Paoshan, this mountain is full of rocks, so there is no way to dig a big hole?" the uncle questioned;

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, just dig out a path here, and leave the rest to me." Master Pao Shan pretended to be a secret, as if everything was under his control;

Although everyone was puzzled, they still followed Paoshan Master's instructions, because he was the most experienced, and he should be right;
After about half an hour, everyone finally dug a one-person-wide earth ditch at the mountain pass. The earth ditch was only about one foot deep. After digging, everyone looked at Pao Shanye to see what he would do next;
"Hehe, Lao Qi, take out the wire you brought." Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Master Paoshan smiled and said to Uncle Qi;
"Look carefully, I'm going to trap a wild boar." After taking the wire, Master Paoshan solved the mystery for everyone,
It turns out that this is a hunting method commonly used by Pao Shanye, because the terrain here is rugged and full of rocks, and hunting pits cannot be dug like the plains and hills in the north, so they can only be set with wire;

Although Master Paoshan is over 60 years old, his hands and feet are still very nimble. It may be that practice makes perfect. I saw that he arranged a cover very easily in two or three times. Soon, three iron covers of different sizes were arranged on the On the path of wild boars;

"Master Paoshan, can these traps really trap wild boars?" Er Niu finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked questioningly when he saw that these traps were just a simple circular iron ring;

"Hmph! Don't be ignorant. Although this kind of cover looks simple, it is very domineering and even harmful to the peace. As long as ten or eight are placed in the mountains, after one or two years, all the large beasts in the entire mountain will be extinct. Seeing everyone's questioning expressions, Master Paoshan said with a serious expression;
"Is this really so powerful?" Er Niu asked excitedly after hearing Pao Shanye's words, as if he had some plan in mind;
"Hmph! Erniu, let go of your small thoughts. The animals in the mountains are all protected by the state. If you dare to do this, I will definitely put you in prison and eat the state food." The uncle looked at Erniu's expression. I knew what was going on in his heart, and immediately warned;
"The village chief is right. It's not just Erniu. You are not allowed to do this in the future. This kind of hunting method is against the peace. If the wild boars have not frequently descended the mountain in the past two years, I would not use this kind of trap." People are old and smart, knowing that today we will teach everyone to set up a cover, and some people will definitely try it, so I immediately warned;

Pao Shan Ye used to be the most famous hunter in the neighborhood. He did not know how many prey he hunted. He was young at the time and had no psychological burden. I felt guilty, so I washed my hands more than ten years ago, no longer actively hunted prey in the mountains, and instead made a living by digging herbs and farming;

Hearing the warning words from the two, everyone dispelled the idea of ​​going into the mountains to try in the future. It was just a momentary impulse. Even when Zhang Feng heard the power of this set, his heart was a little ready to move, but reason told himself , which is contrary to one's own principles, and one cannot do so;
It’s okay if you go hunting in the mountains once in a while, but you can’t use extinction methods, which will break the fragile ecological balance in the mountains again;

Once because of poverty, Zhangjiawan and even the entire Southwest region crazily demanded from nature, deforestation, slash-and-burn farming, forest disappearance, soil erosion, and barren rocky desertification land, making most of the land barren. life, a vicious circle, people not only did not get rich because of it, but fell into a poorer situation because of the reduced income in the field;

Therefore, everyone gradually understands the importance of protecting the environment. After seven or eight years of returning farmland to forests, coupled with a large number of people leaving the land to make a living, these have greatly reduced the pressure on the environment and made the ecological environment near Zhangjiawan This gradually recovered, and the beautiful Qinglong Mountain gradually glowed with vitality;
Just at the moment when everyone dug the hole and set up the set
Suddenly, a heavy nasal sound of 'hum' came from the forest,
"The wild boar is coming, everyone, hurry up and find a safe place to hide, and wait for the wild boar to enter the trap before listening to my orders."

As soon as he heard the sound from the mountain forest, the experienced mountain runner immediately knew that the wild boar king was coming down the mountain to beat the autumn wind, so he quickly asked everyone to hide;

"Xiaoyi, uncle, let's go! Let's hide on that big rock." Zhang Feng observed the surrounding terrain earlier, and found that the rock next to him was huge, two or three meters high, and square in shape. Wild boars would definitely not be able to climb it. Moreover, there is a shelter on the rock, which is both concealed and safe, so I took Uncle Er Niu and my cousin to hide on the rock;

Sure enough, after several people hid separately, the wild boar that everyone had been looking forward to finally appeared in everyone's sight;

"One, two, three, four, five?"

"Sure enough, Jiang is old and spicy!!" Counting the group of wild boars carefully, Zhang Feng couldn't help but admire Pao Shanye. As he estimated, there were exactly five wild boars, not more than one and not less;
This group of wild boars is a family. It happens that there are two big wild boars, one male and one female, and there are three small boars whimpering behind their buttocks. The wild boars seem to have no premonition of the imminent danger, and they are still walking leisurely on the mountain road. stop;

(End of this chapter)

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