small farmer

Chapter 68 Battle of the Wild Boars

Chapter 68 Battle of the Wild Boars (Supplement 1)

The last time the Internet was disconnected for one day, Renmao promised to make up the update. Today, I will make up a chapter first, and I will make up the rest later. Book friends who have recommendations and favorites can help, thank you all.

"Wild boar won't find out." I saw the leading big boar stopped by the newly dug trap and sniffed;

"How is it possible, you think he is Zhu Bajie, he is not so smart, just wait patiently." Zhang Feng dispelled Zhang Yi's unfounded worries;
Sure enough, the big wild boar was not so smart, and hit the camouflaged wire cover, and the big pig's head and front hooves were trapped;

"Say...speak..." The big wild boar couldn't break free several times, so he screamed anxiously, and collapsed forward, making the cover tighter and tighter, and he didn't know how to step back and get out of the cover;
At this time, the wild boars behind also became confused, looking around in panic, at a loss;
"Woof! Wang! Wang..." At this moment, the two hounds rushed towards the wild boar like tigers;


"The Paoshan Lord fired." Hearing a gunshot, Zhang Feng hurriedly looked to the place where the Pao Shanye was hiding. Sure enough, black smoke was still coming out of the gunpowder gun buckle, and he saw a cloud of blood emanating from the wild boar's head. ,
Zhang Feng took a closer look and couldn't help admiring. Pao Shanye is indeed the best hunter in Zhangjiawan. He actually shot the most vulnerable eye of the wild boar. Unfortunately, the power of the gunpowder gun is too weak. The wild boar did not die, but the eyes. wounded;
"Good marksmanship! Look at me!" At this time, the uncle also shot,
"Boom..." Another shot rang out, and when Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi were expecting the results of the battle, the uncle missed the target;
"What are you looking at? I haven't touched a gun for more than ten years. What's the point of shooting it flying?" Seeing the two nephews staring at him blankly, Zhang Chenglin couldn't help but blush, feeling that he had lost his hair just now, so He stared at the two blind bastards and said;

"Hey..." The two quickly looked away, but they were laughing wildly in their hearts. I don't know who said that the marksmanship is like a god, and where to hit where;

But laughing, the two still tightly held the harpoon and pole in their hands, ready to step forward to support;

The injured wild boar was even more dangerous, and seemed to know the danger, so he fought hard, and miraculously broke free from the wire cover;
"Kacha..." There was only a click sound, and the cover snapped. Unexpectedly, the wild boar's brute force was so powerful that it could break free from the wire cover;
The crazy wild boar rushed towards Paoshan with red eyes. Wild boars are also animals that can hold vengeance. They know that Paoshan is the greatest threat to them. The big wild boar of three or four hundred catties is like a mighty tank, rushing towards Paoshan like lightning. Grandpa rushed;
"Not good..." At this moment, Paoshan Master had already rushed out, and it was impossible to return to the hidden place, so he quickly climbed up the big tree next to him;

"Woof..." At this moment, the two hounds seemed to know that their master was in danger, so they tried their best to protect the wild boar, and rushed towards the wild boar without hesitation;
The two hunting dogs rushed at the wild boar one after the other, and suddenly the two dogs and the pig collided fiercely. The wild boar showed its sharp fangs and slammed into the hunting dog fiercely. The two hunting dogs also opened their mouths wide, flexibly biting the wild boar;

The three animals fought in a melee, but the wild boar was completely crazy. The two hounds couldn't stop the killing of the wild boar. They were covered in blood. One dog even broke a leg and was soon injured and retired;

"One pig, two bears and three tigers, the injured beast is indeed the craziest." Seeing such a tragic battle, Zhang Feng was so excited that he tightly held the harpoon in his hand. If his uncle hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed down ;

Seeing the wild boar continue to rush towards the Paoshan Master, it seemed that he was about to tear the Paoshan Master into pieces before giving up. At this moment, the uncle shot again;

"Boom..." With a gunshot, the wild boar paused, and was indeed hit;


"Okay..." Uncle's shot did not cause fatal damage to it, but enraged the wild boar again. The wild boar accelerated again and slammed into the big tree where the running mountain master was hiding;

"Boom..." The wild boar slammed desperately, even though it was bloody, it didn't care. Even the female wild boar surrounded it with a few young wild boars, preparing to besiege the running mountain master on the tree. The situation was very grim. With every impact of the wild boar, the big tree shook violently, and Pao Shanye hugged the tree trunk with a pale face;

Seeing this, Zhang Feng knew that he couldn't hesitate anymore. It was impossible for other people to save Pao Shanye, even if the uncle had a gun in his hand, because the gunpowder gun was still less powerful, and the weapons in other people's hands were even less powerful. use;
"It seems that I can only rely on myself." Zhang Feng is very confident in his skills. After the transformation of the primary genetic fluid, his strength has greatly increased. Even the wild boar in his heyday believes that he can fight, and even win the battle. , not to mention the current wild boar has been seriously injured;
"Ha..." Zhang Feng roared, and holding a steel fork, he rushed towards the herd of wild boars like a lightning meteor, and the uncle and cousin beside him had no time to stop;
"Hmph..." Seeing Zhang Feng rushing towards him quickly, the wild boar turned around slowly, as if he didn't pay attention to the kid in front of him;
"Looking for death..." As if seeing the contempt in the wild boar's eyes, Zhang Feng gripped the harpoon tightly and stabbed at the wild boar's head with all his might;
"Pfft..." The harpoon went out to sea like a dragon, and stabbed the wild boar with tremendous force. Unfortunately, Zhang Feng was inexperienced. He didn't know that the head of the wild boar is the hardest part. stuck;

"Say..." The wild boar didn't expect Zhang Feng to have such great strength, and he sat down on the ground after being hit;

"Hmph, I'll kill you while you're sick..." Seeing that he failed in the first blow, Zhang Feng raised the steel fork, and before the wild boar could react, he stabbed fiercely at the wild boar's neck;
"Pfft..." The harpoon pierced through the main artery of the wild boar, and the blood was soaring, and the wild boar let out a miserable scream, desperately trying to stand up, but Zhang Feng had a thousand catties of brute force all over his body, and he was under heavy pressure. On its neck, no matter how hard it tries, it will be in vain;
They didn't expect that Zhang Feng killed a wild boar weighing three to four hundred catties with the harpoon in his hand;
The scene was silent for a while, only the screams of wild boars, and the screams of wild boars and young wild boars. Everyone was stunned by Zhang Feng's bravery. They opened their mouths wide and couldn't say a word. Come;
From Zhang Feng rushing out like a god of war,
Fighting with wild boars, but in just a few seconds,
The ferocious wild boar was nailed to the ground with a harpoon by Zhang Feng, without any strength to fight back;

It seems that the ferocious beast has turned into a docile kitten. I don’t know when the ferocious wild boar became so vulnerable;

Unprecedented shock!
Everyone stared in surprise, unable to believe that the fierce beast before had fallen into a pool of blood at this moment;
What shocked everyone even more was Zhang Feng's force. How much strength can overthrow the crazy wild boar. It is estimated that the ancient evil is nothing more than this;
(End of this chapter)

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