small farmer

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

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Unprecedented shock!
"Ah! Hurry up and help..." Master Paoshan was the first to recover, and hurriedly reminded the shocked people;

"Xiaoyi, let's go..." After recovering from the shock, the uncle anxiously led Zhang Yi to Zhang Feng's place, how could he feel at ease if something happened to his nephew;
Soon, everyone came to their senses and rushed out one after another, beating the dog in the water. Seeing that things were not going well, the female wild boar fled to the mountains with three young wild boars;

"Okay, everyone, stop chasing them and let them go! I believe these wild boars will not go down the mountain."

Seeing everyone chasing desperately, Master Paoshan quickly stopped them, as well as his hunting dog. Without the leadership of the boar, this group of wild boars would hardly go down the mountain to harm the crops. If they were all killed, it would probably be destroyed Improve the ecological balance in the mountains;
"Where did you get so much strength, kid? This wild boar doesn't seem to be able to survive..." Master Paoshan got off the tree and stared straight at Zhang Feng as if he was looking at a monster;
"Hey... I took Dali Pills recently, and my strength has increased..." Zhang Feng smiled and didn't care whether everyone believed it or not, anyway, he believed it;

"Xiaofeng, you kid almost scared me out of a heart attack. Next time, you can't be so reckless. If something happens to you, how can I explain to your parents?" The uncle looked at Zhang Feng seriously, and taught;

"Uncle, I will definitely pay attention next time..." Zhang Feng knew that the uncle was worried about him, so he quickly promised.

"What are you being reckless for? Fortunately, Xiaofeng stepped forward in time, otherwise the old man would have died. Speaking of which, Xiaofeng even saved my life." Before Zhang Feng could finish speaking, Master Pao Shan said with a displeased face;

"Look, this tree..." Seeing everyone's suspicious look, Master Paoshan looked at them angrily, as if he was displeased with everyone's attitude just now, especially Uncle Xiao Qi and Uncle Er Niu, who were completely soy saucers. Was too frightened by wild boars to come out;
"Hiss!!!" Looking at Paoshan Master's fingers, everyone gasped at the scene in front of them. It turned out that the trunk of the tree with the thickness of the washbasin had been split in half. If Zhang Feng hadn't stood up in time, this tree The tree will definitely be knocked down by the wild boar, and the running mountain master on the tree will probably...

Thinking of this, everyone felt lucky. Fortunately, Zhang Feng made a move when it was time to do so, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous;

At this time, everyone admired Zhang Feng even more. If it weren't for him, the mountain master would not die, and he would probably lose his skin;

"Brother, have you been possessed by a god, and you have such great strength?" Zhang Yi took the big harpoon, looked at the wild boar still twitching on the ground, and looked at Zhang Feng with admiration;

"Hey, what kind of fairy possessed, did I take the Super Dali Pill?" Zhang Feng replied in a gag;
Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone gave him a blank stare;

"Tsk tsk! This wild boar probably weighs four hundred catties?" Uncle Er Niu kicked the wild boar's head, and then said in surprise;

"It must have, look at its size, its fat body, I don't know how much crops it has eaten." Uncle Seven was also very shocked and said a lot of wild boars on the ground;
"Hmph, you two hid really well just now, quickly bring the wire river pole and carry the wild boars away." The uncle said angrily when he saw the two soy sauce guys;

"Hey, don't we have someone who can take advantage of us?" The two big men were also quite embarrassed. They couldn't help if they wanted to help just now, but they couldn't intervene at all;
Uncle Er Niu even had a fever on his face, because the behavior of his family Rhubarb just now really made him, the master, feel ashamed.

Rhubarb usually looks fierce and domineering in the village, but when he saw a wild boar just now, he was scared to pee, and ran home with his tail between his legs;
"By the way, why didn't Uncle Er Niu see your rhubarb just now?"

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Uncle Er Niu's face froze, and he said in his heart, why don't you open any pot and carry which pot, you sincerely embarrass me;
"Hey, you guys don't know this, right? Their big yellow is a scumbag. It's not useful, and when it sees a wild boar, it's scared to pee, and it goes to the village with its tail between its legs..."

"Zhang Xiaoqi!!" Before Uncle Xiao Qi could finish speaking, Uncle Er Niu gritted his teeth and stared at him;
"What's the matter? Am I wrong?? That dog of yours is a coward. You see, the ground is still wet."

Zhang Xiaoqi retorted as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't see Uncle Er Niu's ugly face at all, after hearing Uncle Xiao Qi's words, Uncle Er Niu felt that his face was shameless, they were all damned rhubarb, they really didn't like it use.


Sure enough, when everyone looked at it, there was indeed a yellow water trail not far away, and everyone burst into laughter. It is estimated that there will be new jokes in the village soon;

"Okay, okay, everyone, hurry up and take the wild boar away..." Seeing Uncle Er Niu's face turned pale with anger, the uncle quickly changed the subject, otherwise Uncle Er Niu couldn't help but get angry;
After the running mountain master put away the cover, everyone also tied up the wild boar. A wild boar weighing more than 400 kilograms requires four big men to lift it.

Uncle, Uncle Seven, Uncle Er Niu, and Zhang Feng, who is recognized as the King of Strength, happily carried the wild boar on two poles and walked towards the village;

As soon as everyone entered the village, they were surrounded by villagers who came from all over the place;
"Let's give way, let's give way"

The four of them quickly carried the wild boar to the yard of the village chief's house, that is, the uncle's house. Not only did the onlookers not disperse, but there was an increasing trend, because Zhangjiawan hadn't hunted wild boars for many years. , I remember the last time was in the 80s;
"Tell me what to do with this wild boar?" Everyone sat down, and the uncle looked around and asked everyone;

"Needless to say, of course it was killed and divided..." Uncle Er Niu couldn't wait to stand up and said, he hated this wild boar to the core, and their crops were severely damaged;

"Master Paoshan, Xiaofeng, you also talk about it?"

The uncle did not make a decision, but continued to ask the two people, because this time the mountain master and Zhang Feng had the most credit, so their opinions are the most important;

"My old man has no objections, you can do whatever you want after discussing..." Master Paoshan seemed very calm and had no objections;
"I think we should divide it up." Zhang Feng said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, let's bleed the wild boar first, clean it up, and then divide it slowly." The uncle nodded in agreement.

Now is not the era of collectives. The wild boars captured by several people are divided among several people, and everyone will not have any opinions. Some people may say that this is the simplicity of the countryside, but the reality is like this.

Of course, Zhangjiawan still maintains simplicity. For example, during the busy farming season, everyone helps each other, and helps out when building houses. These traditional methods are still maintained.

In rural areas, almost all men are good at butchering pigs, because every household will kill pigs to celebrate the New Year every time the Spring Festival approaches.

So a few people made three moves, five cuts and two cuts, and quickly opened up the wild boar's intestines and cleaned it up.

In the end, because Zhang Feng contributed the most, he divided a pig hind leg, which was estimated to be fifty or sixty catties. Since Er Niu’s family suffered the most, everyone finally distributed the other pig hind leg to him;

The two musketeers, Uncle and Pao Shan Ye, contributed a lot, especially Pao Shan Ye was almost in danger, so each of them shared a front leg.

As for Zhang Yi and Xiao Qishu, who contributed the least, they made a pot of soy sauce with everyone, so each of them shared about [-] catties of wild pork.

The rest of the internal organs were divided equally among everyone. Everyone planned to give Zhang Feng the most valuable wild boar belly. After all, he killed the wild boar. The crops were severely damaged by wild boars.

After the wild meat was divided, everyone happily went back to their respective houses, each looking for their own mothers.

"Uncle Er Niu, do you intend to eat the wild pork yourself or sell it?" Zhang Feng asked like Uncle Er Niu after leaving the village elder's house.

"Of course it is sold. I will take it to the vegetable market to sell it immediately..." Uncle Er Niu replied without hesitation. His family suffered a lot of losses due to wild boars, and selling the wild boars can also recover some losses.

"You might as well don't go to the vegetable market, I'll ask Boss Niu for you to see if he wants his restaurant." Because the wild boar's killing certificate has not yet been issued, it will be difficult to deal with businessmen when you come to the market.

"That's fine, you can ask me quickly." Uncle Erniu was not more polite to Zhang Feng. If he got it in the city by himself, not only would he have to sell it for a catty, but he might not be able to sell it at a high price. Boss Niu is really Such a local tyrant, if you sell it to him, the price will definitely not be low.

(End of this chapter)

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