small farmer

Chapter 70 Fried Chicken Fir Oil

Chapter 70 Fried Chicken Fir Oil
Please collect and recommend, Guobenzhong looks forward to your support.

"Hello, Brother Niu?" Zhang Feng immediately called Niu Zhong.

"Xiaofeng, what's the matter?" Niu Zhong asked.

"It's like this. We killed a wild boar today, and we shared some wild boar. I wonder if you want it?" Zhang Feng said in detail.

"Why don't you want to, brother, wait, I'll come right away..." Niu Zhongxin thought that wild boar is a good thing. If his restaurant had wild boar, he believed it would attract many customers.

"Come on, Uncle Er Niu, let's go to my house first, Boss Niu will be here soon." After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng said.


Although it was late, Niu Zhong rushed to Zhangjiawan in the dark.

"Brother Niu is here, come in and take a seat..." Zhang Feng kept paying attention to the movement outside the door when he got home, and when he heard the sound of Fatty Niu's car, he immediately walked out.

"Hey, brother, I wanted to visit again tomorrow. These are some rice dumplings prepared by your sister-in-law." Fatty Niu took out two bags of rice dumplings from the car.

"Hey, it's from Tianxiong Foods, so I won't be polite to you." Tianxiong's zongzi is a famous brand product of Qingshan, and it is said that it is also sold overseas. Although it is not known whether it is true or not, it is indeed very popular in this province.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng entered the room with Niu Zhong in front, and they sat down and drank a cup of tea, and then got to the point.

Let me go, such a big wild boar is almost mature..."

When Niu Zhong saw the huge wild boar head, he was also shocked. Such a big wild boar is very rare, and it must be very ferocious, but it was still cleaned up by Zhang Feng and others. Niu Zhong also admired them.

"That's right, this wild boar spirit almost killed someone..." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, what's going on?" Niu Zhong asked curiously.

"That's what happened..." Uncle Er Niu took up the conversation and told everyone about the process of hunting wild boars. Uncle Er Niu really had a talent for telling stories, and his eloquence was thrilling and ups and downs.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the process to be so thrilling... Xiaofeng is really good at it..." Niu Zhong admired him sincerely.

"That's right, it's just a wild boar. With my current ability, I can even slay a dragon." Zhang Feng said forcefully.

"I'll go, you're pretending too much, I can only give you zero points..." Uncle Er Niu couldn't help complaining, and the others also laughed.


Afterwards, Niu Zhong bought the wild pork in the hands of the three of Zhang Feng at a price of 30 yuan a catty. Yi also earned 2000 yuan.

Uncle Er Niu's wild boar belly also sold for 2000 yuan, so Uncle Er Niu earned a total of [-] yuan, and almost made up all the losses. Uncle Er Niu finally showed a smile on his face.

It can be said that although tonight is dangerous, everyone has gained a lot. As people often say, wealth is found in danger, and sometimes if you want to make money, you must dare to take risks.

In the end, Niu Zhong also wiped out all the wild pork in the hands of Uncle Paoshan and others. Everyone sold it to him for 30 yuan a catty, because in everyone's opinion, the wild pork is rare, but the taste is not good. How about it, the pork that has not been raised in the home is delicious, why not sell it, it is more practical to exchange it for money.


time flies

It's the next day
"Xiaofeng, are you harvesting mushrooms today?" Zhang Feng was lying in the yard in the morning when the second uncle came in suddenly.

"Hey, second uncle, come in and sit down, you found a mushroom today." Zhang Feng quickly stood up.

"Hehe, I was lucky today, and I found a lot of chicken fir." The second uncle smiled all year round, and a catty of chicken fir mushrooms can be sold for 120 yuan.

"Congratulations, second uncle, it seems that you have made a fortune today... You sit down first, I will go in and get the steelyard..."

Soon Zhang Feng came out with a scale: "Second uncle, look, there are a total of twelve catties, and I will count twelve catties for you."

"Hehe, okay, as much as you say, the old man believes you." In fact, he has already weighed it at home, and old people are like this.

"Well, 120 yuan per catty, a total of 440 yuan. Do you think you are wrong?" Zhang Feng smiled slightly, but didn't point it out, because his mother Wang Guilan often did this, weighing everything before buying things.

"That's right, that's all..." Although the second uncle is over 70 years old, but his mind is still clear, he quickly calculated it again.

"Second uncle, go slowly..."


After sending off the second uncle, Zhang Feng poured the chicken fir into a big basin and began to wash it. Zhang Feng made all the chicken fir into chili pepper oil, which was a delicacy.

The method of making chicken fir oil chili is very simple, and there are few materials, mainly chicken fir, cooking oil and chili.

The prime minister just pours cooking oil into a large pot, and when the oil boils, he pours the chicken fir that has been torn into small pieces into the oil pan, and when the water from the chicken fir is dried up, he pours in the whole dried chili until the oil boils. The chili is crispy and fragrant, and a pot of chicken fir oil chili is done.

"Ah, madman brother, what delicious food are you frying? It smells so good..." The little duck sneaked in at some point, and said with a snarl.

"I'm frying human flesh, of course it's delicious..." Zhang Feng said deliberately to scare the little guy.

"Human flesh? Is human flesh delicious? Let me taste a piece?" Smelling the aroma of the pot, the little guy salivated.

"Do you also eat human flesh?" Zhang Feng was completely taken aback. He didn't expect this guy to be afraid of eating human flesh.

"What's the matter? I was watching Journey to the West at Damao's house yesterday. Can't Tang Seng eat it steamed?" The corner of the little guy's mouth curled up, and he asked innocently.

It turned out that the little guy saw the picture of the monster catching Tang Monk and his disciples and preparing to steam them for food, so he said this. It seems that the little guy also has the potential to become a spirit.

"Hehe, all people who eat human flesh are monsters, don't you think you want to be a monster?" Zhang Feng said amusedly.

"Bah bah!! I'm not a monster, you are a monster..." The little guy shook his head quickly, knowing that monsters are not good things.

"Okay, I'm lying to you, I'm frying mushrooms." Zhang Feng stopped teasing the little guy.

"It turned out to be fried mushrooms, why is it so fragrant?" The little guy couldn't help swallowing and nodded.

"Of course, this mushroom costs more than 100 catties, and it can buy ten catties of pork." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

The little guy thought, this mushroom is so expensive, it must be more delicious than pork, so the little guy stared straight at the oil pan, if it wasn't for the tumbling vegetable oil inside, the little guy really wanted to sneak a piece of it and taste it.

"You bastard, if you want to eat, go get a bowl..." Seeing that the little guy's head was about to go into the pot, Zhang Feng shook his head and quickly pushed him away. This hot oil pot is very dangerous.

"Okay, crazy brother..." The little guy ran to the cabinet immediately after hearing such good news.

"Go out to eat, it's very dangerous here, if you get burned, you'll be uglier than a monster..."

"Understood, Brother Crazy..." The little guy happily left with delicious food.

Zhang Feng was relieved to finally send this little ancestor away.

Then Zhang Feng hurriedly packed the chicken fir oil in a jar and put it in a safe place. Now the bear children are more dangerous than each other.


"Crazy brother, why don't you hang a lantern at the door of your house? I think the lantern at the door of the third uncle's house is very beautiful." The little guy said while squatting at the door while eating.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng suddenly realized, no wonder he always felt weird at home, what else was missing?My family opened a farmhouse, but they didn't even have a plaque or a lantern. No wonder there was no business for the past two days.

"Haha, little guy, your suggestion is good. I hereby reward you with two cucumbers. You can pick them in the backyard later." Zhang Feng stood up and hurried into the house.

"Oh, thank you crazy brother." Although the little guy didn't understand why, he was still very happy.

Zhang Feng was going to carve a signboard by himself, so he came to the house and took out all the carving knives he bought some time ago. After learning the basic carving skills last time, Zhang Feng bought a set of tools, and today they finally have a place to use .

Taking all the tools to the yard, he went to the utility room to find a solid wooden board, and then Zhang Feng began to carve carefully. Because he had a clear memory, Zhang Feng was not nervous and started carving step by step.

After about half an hour, the signboard of 'Shanshui Farm' was finally finished. Finally, Zhang Feng painted red paint on the signboard, and a brand new signboard was finally completed.

As for the red lanterns, just go to the street to buy a few later, just happened to be on the way when Zhang Feng was going to give some wild pork to his sister.

(End of this chapter)

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