small farmer

Chapter 71 The Peach Is Ripe

Chapter 71 The Peach Is Ripe
Zhangjiawan fog in the morning
It's like being in a beautiful fairyland.

As soon as the sun was shining, my mother and sister were busy in the backyard, picking various vegetables in the backyard, and preparing to sell them to Niu Zhong's restaurant.

And Zhang Feng has already come to the orchard with a basket on his back, and it is estimated that the fruits in the orchard are about to ripen, so Zhang Feng has come to have a look almost every day recently.

"Well, it tastes good..." Zhang Feng picked the biggest and most popular one and tasted it. It was delicious, juicy, fragrant and delicious.

However, there are not many ripe ones. It is estimated that there are only three or five fruit trees on one fruit tree. They need to be picked slowly. Then Zhang Feng quickly started to pick the ripe ones. If they wait until tomorrow, these ripe fruits will be soft. , then it will not be easy to sell.

"Crazy Brother, Crazy Brother... We are here to help you pick peaches..."

Zhang Feng was busy in the orchard when the little ducklings and Da Mao suddenly appeared in the orchard. Obviously, it was not a day or two since they were staring at their own peaches, because their own peaches were the first to ripen, so the greedy little guy They have long been salivating.

"Okay, you guys help me pick all the red ones, but be careful not to break the branches." Don't underestimate these little ones, they are very good at picking peaches. They usually go up trees to catch birds, go down rivers to touch Yu has already developed a good skill, so things like picking peaches are not difficult for them at all.

"Hee hee... Got it, madman..." The little ones immediately cheered, and with Zhang Feng's permission, they could finally eat peaches in a fair manner.

Looking at the jumping and jumping monkeys, Zhang Feng thought of a word 'monkey stealing peaches', and then burst out laughing,

Zhang Feng is very clear about the character of these monkeys. If they are not allowed to help today, they may sneak into the orchard as soon as he leaves, and the damage will definitely be even greater.
So Zhang Feng simply let them eat whatever they wanted, so that he would not have any problems watching them. Looking at these happy monkeys, Zhang Feng smiled, as if he saw himself when he was a child.

The little monkeys gained the trust of the adults, and worked extraordinarily hard. They climbed up the tree nimbly, picked the best fruits, and of course ate delicious peaches non-stop.

"Crazy brother, your peaches are so delicious..."

"Yeah, it's better than my home..."

The little ones did not hesitate to praise them, saying that it was delicious. They ate a peach in three or two bites, and kept stuffing it into their mouths.

"Delicious? If you come to help tomorrow, I will let you eat enough..." Zhang Feng shamelessly tempted children with peaches and asked them to work for him for free. Feng squeezed child labor.

"Really? Crazy brother?"


"Then let's come back tomorrow..." The little ones said they would definitely come back tomorrow when they heard that there was still a chance to eat peaches openly tomorrow. In this way, the old and cunning Zhang Feng cheated a few more free laborers.

"Okay, we're done, let's go home... come back tomorrow..."

"Understood, madman..."

"Let's go..."

After picking the ripe peaches, Zhang Feng just put them into a basket. Zhang Feng gave a few peaches to each of the little guys, and then sent them away.


"Xiaofeng is back?" As soon as Zhang Feng entered the yard, his mother asked, "Hey, have you picked so many peaches?"

"Yeah, it's probably fifty or sixty catties..."

"Is that going to be sold in the market?" Mother suggested.

"No, just put it at the door and sell it later. There are so many tourists here." Zhang Feng has already made plans to set up a small stall at the door. The pheasant caught for the first time and the rice field eel in the backyard are only a few dozen catties of peaches, and I believe they will be sold out soon.

Zhang Feng spoke out his plan, and his mother and elder sister agreed very much. Recently, both of them were in a hurry, and they just happened to find something to do.

So the mother and eldest sister started to set up a table at the door, preparing to sell their own fruits and local products.

Zhang Feng put down the peaches, carried the bucket and walked towards the backyard non-stop. About a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Feng came out again with a bucket full of eels.

"The rice field eel is sold, the wild rice field eel I just caught..."

"Ah, young man has rice field eel again today, give me three catties..."

"Young man, give me two catties, but it's a pity that I didn't grab it during the Dragon Boat Festival..."

"Hehe, it seems that we are in the same disease, but today we are lucky, the boss gave me five catties."

Soon the tourists by the lake came to hear the news. Zhang Feng’s rice field eel had already gained a good reputation. As long as tourists who often come here to play, they all know that his family’s rice field eel tastes surprisingly good, and the supply is in short supply. When the eels were sold, everyone flocked to them immediately.

"Hey, boy, why do your peaches ripen so early?" Someone noticed the peaches on the stall at this time and asked curiously.

"Hehe, it's not too early. The peaches on Luyu's side have already matured. How about a few catties?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"How much is a catty?" The other party was a little moved, and then asked.

"Hehe, buddy, you should try it first, you won't be tempted to buy it after you taste it... Everyone can taste it for free, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it..." Zhang Feng's peaches are not cheap, they cost ten yuan a catty, so I want to Everyone try it,
Zhang Feng is very confident in his own fruit. If such a delicious peach is in a big city, he would not even think about it for less than 30 yuan a catty.

"Really, let's try..."

"I'll try it too. It's not common to see such an early-ripening peach..." Everyone was attracted by the attractive appearance of the peach, and even those who were not ready to buy couldn't help but pick one up and try it.

"Well, delicious..."

"Why are there such delicious peaches..."

"Is this a fairy peach? It's so delicious..."

"Brother, how much is a catty of these peaches?" After eating such delicious peaches, everyone's greed was aroused, and they couldn't wait to ask Zhang Feng.

"There is no bargaining for ten yuan a catty..." Before Zhang Feng finished speaking, a tourist who was not short of money said, "Brother, give me ten catties..."

"Give me five catties..."

Some tourists hesitated for a while when they heard ten yuan a catty, but Zhang Feng's peaches were almost sold out in just a short while, and tourists who hadn't bought them all became anxious.

"Hey, take it easy everyone, we haven't bought it yet..."

"Who made you think it was too expensive just now, don't sell it if you think it's too expensive..."

"That's right, ten yuan a catty is already very cheap for such delicious peaches..."

"That's right, look at those boutique fruit shops in the city, what kind of fruit doesn't cost more than ten pieces, and the taste is far worse than this..."

Tourists who are not short of money have paid for it, and Zhang Feng's delicious peaches have completely conquered them.

"Oh! My little brother is gone?" The turbulent tourists divided up fifty or sixty catties of peaches in twos and twos, and there were only a few crooked melons and dates left on the table. The tourists who hadn't bought them were suddenly dumbfounded .

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, today's peaches are sold out, everyone who wants to buy them will come back tomorrow..." Seeing the expectant eyes of the tourists, Zhang Feng quickly apologized.

"Brother, why don't you pick more..."

"That's right, buddy, hurry up and pick some more, we can wait here..."

"I'm really sorry everyone, all the ripe fruits in the orchard have been picked, and today they are really gone, but you can take a look at other special products. Everyone knows the quality of my products, and I will definitely not fool you." Zhang Feng apologized while promoting other special products on the stall.

Sure enough, after hearing what Zhang Feng said, everyone's attention immediately turned to other things, such as dried mushrooms, dried fungus, crispy fried fish, and even the two pheasants caught two days ago.

In the end, the dried fungus, crispy fried fish, and pheasant were all swept away, leaving only the most expensive dried mushrooms. After all, the local consumption level is limited, and it is quite rare to be willing to spend 300 yuan for a catty, so the dried mushrooms are only sold. I lost three or four catties.

But even so, Zhang Feng's family's things sold for 6000 yuan today, which was far beyond the expectations of his mother and eldest sister. Both of them were very happy and satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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