small farmer

Chapter 72 8 Brothers Learning the Tongue

Chapter 72

"Xiaofeng, I really didn't expect these things to sell for so much money."

Mother sighed, this is comparable to half of the income from farming in previous years.

"Hehe, mom, what is this? There will definitely be more in the future." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Peaches were sold for 600 yuan, rice field eels for 500 yuan, dried mushrooms for [-] yuan, two pheasants for [-] yuan, and other mountain products for [-] to [-] yuan.
Zhang Feng did a rough calculation, and in just half an hour, he sold more than 5000 yuan, and almost all of these were profits.

After packing up the booth and returning home, Zhang Feng started to take care of the flowers and plants in the yard with nothing to do, especially the morning glory on the left wall, which had not been repaired for more than ten days, and the branches and leaves spread everywhere, almost blocking the flowers and plants on the ground.

Zhang Feng picked up the scissors and trimmed off some redundant branches and leaves, removing the old and yellow leaves above, so that the morning glory only looks more beautiful.

After pruning the morning glory, Zhang Feng built a shelf for the gourd vines, and hung the gourd vines on the shelf with thin wires so that they would not grow wildly everywhere, and the gourd babies could also be hung on the shelf. It will be soaked by rainwater and can better absorb sunlight and rain.

"Crazy brother, you are putting on a shelf for cucumber..." At this moment, Da Mao walked in with his head poking his head, saw Zhang Feng in the yard and asked with a smile.

"Yo, Da Mao, are you not with the little duck?" These two leather monkeys are always in focus, and Meng is in focus all day long.

"The little duck was taken away..." Da Mao said without thinking.

"What? Was he taken away? Was he taken away by his father?" Zhang Feng then realized that he thought he was taken away by bad guys at first.

"Yeah, his father asked him to go home and learn to write." Big Mao muttered with his mouth puckered.

"It's time for you skinny kids to learn to write. You'll be going to school next semester. If you can't write after school, the teacher won't open your ass..." Zhang Feng threatened.

"Ah, the teacher is so fierce, so what should I do if I only know how to write my name?" Da Mao panicked when he heard that the teacher was so fierce and even beat someone.

"Then you need to practice writing more, learn simple Chinese characters, whatever size they look like, mountains, rocks, fields... as long as you learn it, the teacher will definitely not beat you." Zhang Feng said with a smile quickly.

"Well, then I will let my father teach me from tomorrow." It seems that Zhang Feng's scaring still had some effect, Da Mao said seriously.

"Crazy brother, is this a cucumber?" Da Mao squatted by the side and watched Zhang Feng put on airs.

"No, this is a gourd vine. The gourd baby has seen it, and the gourd baby grows from it." Zhang Feng made nonsense.

"Ah, this is the kind of gourd vine inside the gourd baby. Can gourd babies really grow on it?" Da Mao's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked Zhang Feng excitedly.

"Of course..." Big Mao was easier to fool than Little Duck, and was soon fooled by Zhang Feng and lost his way.

"Okay, it's finally done. The gourd baby will hang on it after it's born in a few days." Zhang Feng patted the dirt on his hands, then pointed to the gourd stand and said to Da Mao.

"Really? Crazy brother, then I will come here to see it every day." The little guy said excitedly when he heard that he could see the real gourd baby.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng smiled and did not answer.


"Da Mao, go to the backyard and dig some earthworms for me. I'll reward you with a cucumber later!" Zhang Feng lifted the birdcage from the tree and prepared to feed the little mynah. The earthworms in the backyard are the little mynah's favorite.

"Really?" Da Mao asked in surprise.

"Of course, when have I ever lied to a child?" Zhang Feng asked confidently.

"Haha, I'll go then, by the way, how much do you want to dig?" Damao Xin asked cheerfully.

"It's enough to dig a dozen or so..." The little starling is still young and can't eat too much.

"You child..." The mother smiled and shook her head beside her, as if she was saying that she tricked the children into helping her with work.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly.


Putting the birdcage on the stone table, Zhang Feng went into the house and took out the peaches. These were reserved today for the family to taste. Soon Zhang Feng cleaned the peaches and put them in the basket.

"Mom, why don't you come and taste our peaches?" Zhang Feng washed the peaches and brought them to his mother.

"Sister, come and try it too, it's really delicious..." Zhang Feng called out to his elder sister.

"Really? I'll try it..." The eldest sister put down the remote control and walked out immediately. She was too busy just now, so she didn't taste a piece of her own peaches. She is also very curious about the peaches that can be sold for ten yuan a catty.

"Hmm... delicious..." The eldest sister took a bite, closed her eyes enjoying it, and sighed.

"Well, it's delicious. How did Xiaofeng's peaches become so delicious?" Mother said appreciatively, and at the same time she was curious.

"Mom, didn't I go to make potions last time? It's a new high-tech technology, and no one else knows it. After making it, the fruit will not only look better, but also taste better, and even ripen earlier." Zhang Feng immediately explained.

"Xiaofeng, is there any problem?" Wang Guilan asked worriedly after hearing what her son said.

"Mom, don't worry, it was researched by a classmate of mine from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. They are promoting it. They happen to know that our family has fruit trees. Why don't you just send me a few bottles and let me try it... "Zhang Feng continued to explain.

"It's fine if there's no problem, but you must be careful when using drugs." The mother still couldn't help reminding.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely not use unfamiliar drugs..." Zhang Feng quickly assured.

"Brother Madman, Brother Madman, I've finished digging..." At this moment, Da Mao ran out with a few earthworms.

"Okay, just put the earthworms here." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Big Mao, hurry up and wash your hands, sister will give you peaches to eat." The eldest sister said with a smile as she looked at the cute little guy.

"Oh, thank you sister..." Hearing that there were peaches to eat, Da Mao happily put down the earthworms and ran towards the water pipe.

"You monkey, run slowly and don't fall..." The mother also said with a smile.

"No, aunt... I can climb mountains and trees without falling." Da Mao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng rolled his eyes. You didn't fall down when you climbed the tree, but you couldn't get down even if you climbed up. You hung on the tree like a koala, and you didn't dare to come down if you didn't meet yourself. Knowing how long it would take to hang on the tree, Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of this.

"Well, it's delicious, my sister's peaches are so delicious." The little guy ate his mouth, looked at the ones in the basket, and held two big peaches in his hands, as if someone was robbing him.

"Eat slowly, don't choke..." The elder sister quickly reminded.

"Understood, sister..." It's a pity that the little guy is still the same, as if he was reincarnated from starvation, he has never eaten such delicious peaches.


After feeding the little mynah, Zhang Feng recorded a sentence on his mobile phone and put it next to the little mynah's cage to let the little mynah learn to speak. Step by step, little by little.

So the first sentence that Zhang Feng asked the little starling to learn is very simple, that is "Hello", because it is not easy to learn unfamiliar knowledge. Study for a day or two, so Zhang Feng didn't want the mynah to learn this sentence in a day or two. If he could learn it in three to five days, Zhang Feng would be very satisfied.

The new book needs everyone's support. After reading it, please help me to bookmark and recommend it. Thank you. I asked for a day off last time, and there is still a chapter that I didn't make up. Renmao will make it up today. It is estimated to be around [-] o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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