small farmer

Chapter 73 Digging Bamboo Rat

Chapter 73 Digging Bamboo Rat (Supplement 2)

Hang Xiaoba back on the tree, let him learn to speak from the recording,

Zhang Feng started to get busy again, and took out a wooden board about forty centimeters long and ten centimeters wide from the utility room.
After cleaning and drying the board, Zhang Feng began to write on it: 200 yuan/person/day including food and lodging.

That's right!Zhang Feng plans to hang a business sign on the gate of his house, with the charging standards of the farmhouse written on it, so that tourists who come to visit can see it.

"Xiaofeng, is 200 yuan a day too expensive?" My mother asked worriedly after seeing it.

"It's okay, mom, our family doesn't live on this income now, and besides, we're taking the 'high-end' route, it's too cheap and we won't be able to make any money."

"Yeah, mom, look at our vegetables and fruits, which are better than other people's, so if the charges are too low, it's better not to do this business." The eldest sister also helped to say that her family just sells vegetables every day. It can sell for six to seven eight hundred yuan.

"Well, you're right..." Wang Guilan quickly realized that her family's situation was indeed different from that of other families in the village. The food at her house was no worse than that of a big hotel, so it was definitely not worth the price. There are many things to do, and there are too many guests to take care of.

So the three of them reached a consensus that the farmhouse at home should follow the high-end route and the high-quality route, even if there are fewer guests, it doesn't matter.

After lunch, Zhang Feng lay down under the big cypress tree to enjoy the shade,
The big cypress trees with luxuriant branches almost cover most of the yard, looking like a huge green umbrella from a distance, lying in the shade of the trees, the breeze blows gently, which is extremely cool.

Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone, opened the Qidian Chinese website, and read with relish his favorite rural novel "Little Farmer with Mountains and Rivers". The protagonist in the novel is very similar to himself, and he also obtained the system. Lived a wonderful life.

"Brother is reading novels again?"

"Yes, you didn't go to the market today?" Zhang Feng sat up and asked his cousin.

"I went, but business is not good today, so I came back early." The cousin shook his head and said, "By the way, brother, how about we go catch bamboo worms?"

"Bamboo worms? Where are they?" As the name suggests, bamboo worms are a kind of fleshy insects that grow in bamboo, and they are also called bamboo bees in some places.

Bamboo worms specialize in eating bamboo shoots. They are parasites on bamboo. However, bamboo worms are rich in nutrients, rich in protein and amino acids. love and hate
"In the bamboo grove in the backyard of my house, a lot of bamboos have been eaten by insects. There must be bamboo insects in it." Zhang Yi concluded.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look..." Thinking of the crispy and refreshing taste of fried bamboo worms, Zhang Feng couldn't sit still anymore, and walked to the backyard of his home with a hatchet and Zhang Yi.

"Well, these bamboos were really destroyed by bamboo insects." Zhang Feng and the two came to the bamboo forest, and seven or eight bamboos were poisoned. The bamboos were full of holes, which were obviously masterpieces of bamboo insects.

"Brother, let me do it." Zhang Yi took the hatchet and slashed at the bamboo in front of him, and the bamboo was chopped off with a few clicks.

"Oops! Be careful!" Zhang Feng quickly reminded when he saw a bamboo bee flying out of the fracture.

Alas, it seems that the busy work is for nothing, Zhang Feng thought to himself, because the bamboo bee is the adult insect of the bamboo insect, but only the larva can be eaten, it seems that the season has been missed.

"Oh, it seems that the bamboo worms have turned into bamboo bees." Zhang Yi took a look, and there was no sign of the bamboo worms in the bamboo, so he immediately knew what was going on.

"It's okay, if it's gone, let's go back." Zhang Feng shook his head and stood up, ready to go back home.

"Don't, brother, there are still good things over there, let me take you to have a look."

"You guys are still playing tricks, let's go and lead the way." Zhang Feng smiled and walked not far away with his cousin.

"Hey! This should be the cave made by the bamboo rat, right?" Soon the two came to the edge of a bamboo grove, and saw a fresh cave on the ground, and the entrance of the cave still smelled of earth.

"Hey, I knew I couldn't help you, big brother." Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"You guy, you've never eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run away?" Zhang Feng said proudly.

Then the two found two more caves nearby, which are really three caves for cunning rabbits. I don’t know when the bamboo rats also learned the skills of rabbits. It’s really like dragons and phoenixes. .

"Let's go, let's go back and get the equipment." The two of them were not in a hurry. After all, they couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. The two went back and carried two hoes, and Zhang Feng also took a few small ones. The pig cages were simply transformed into several simple traps.

"Xiaoyi, you dig here, and I will set traps on the other two sides."

"That's great, brother..."

Soon, Zhang Feng set a trap at the entrance of another cave, and then came back to guide Zhang Yi to dig the soil. After digging for a while, Zhang Feng told Zhang Yi to stop after digging the entrance of the cave.

"Xiaoyi, go and break some cypress branches."

"Brother, are you planning to smoke the bamboo rat into the trap?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Yi guessed his plan.

"That's right, otherwise how long will we dig." Zhang Feng nodded and said.

Soon, Zhang Feng picked up a bunch of dried bamboo leaves, and Zhang Yi also broke off a lot of raw cypress leaves and returned.

Everything was ready, only the east wind was needed. Zhang Feng lit the bamboo leaves, and then put the cypress leaves on them. Suddenly, a puff of smoke rose. Zhang Feng and the two hurriedly fanned the wind into the cave, hoping to drive the bamboo rats to the other side.

Soon, there was finally movement in the cave, and the bamboo rats inside were chirping and panicking, and there seemed to be more than one. Zhang Feng was overjoyed, it seemed that today's harvest was good.

Hearing the movement, Zhang Feng stopped quickly and asked his cousin to continue to fan the bamboo rats away, while he himself picked up a hoe to keep vigilant. One, Zhang Feng stared closely at the movement here.

As more and more smoke poured into the cave, the bamboo rats inside finally couldn't bear it anymore, and began to scatter for their lives quickly.

One of them fled to the trap on the other side, and the other big bamboo rat seemed to be in a panic and wanted to rush towards the entrance of the hole with thick smoke. Could it be that Zhang Feng and the two were caught off guard?
It's really not whether this bamboo rat is smart or stupid. If ordinary people really let it escape, it's a pity that it met Zhang Feng who had been modified by the genetic fluid.

"Oh, be careful..." At this moment, a group of chubby bamboo rats quickly came out, rushed through the flames, and escaped from the sky.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and he struck out decisively. He hit the target with a hoe, and the bamboo rat was thrown to the ground immediately, its head was bleeding, and its limbs were twitching non-stop. It seemed that it would not survive.

"Haha, big brother is really good, even if he hits like this." Zhang Yi was very happy when he saw the bamboo mouse lying on the ground. Today's hard work was indeed not in vain.

"Xiaoyi, tie it up. There should be another one over there. I'll go and have a look." Zhang Feng was worried that he wouldn't set a trap and let the bamboo rats in the cage go, so Zhang Feng was going to do it himself.

Zhang Feng checked the other two exits, and finally found another bamboo rat. This bamboo rat had thrown itself into the net and was locked in the cage.

When Zhang Feng came here, the bamboo rat was desperately gnawing on the pig cage with its big teeth. Fortunately, Zhang Feng arrived in time, otherwise it would have escaped. The pig cage was still not strong enough. Well, it's the kind made of steel wire.

With that kind of cage, even if the bamboo rat had big steel teeth, it would never be able to bite through the cage and escape.

Zhang Feng quickly caught the bamboo rat and smothered it to death with two sticks. His cousin and his cousin happily walked home with the spoils.

PS: I hope that book friends who have not collected it can help to collect it. If the website recommends it this time, if the collection is still so popular, it may be rushed again next week, so I ask everyone to help collect it, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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