small farmer

Chapter 74 Dinner

Chapter 74 Dinner

Zhang Feng, the bamboo rat, had eaten it once or twice before.

It tastes delicious, and it is as good as chicken, so it is very popular among everyone.

It's a pity that the bamboo rat is too cunning, the cunning rabbit has three caves, it stays in its underground palace all day long, sleeps when it eats, eats when it sleeps, it is not easy to catch it.

Rare things are precious, and the two of them were able to catch the bamboo rat, not to mention how happy they were, they were full of a sense of accomplishment,

"Hey! Xiaofeng, Xiaoyi, have you caught the bamboo rat?" Second Uncle was smoking in the yard, and asked in surprise when he saw the two carrying the bamboo rat.Bamboo rats are a good thing in the countryside, and they are very rare and delicious.

"Yes, we were lucky today and caught two bamboo rats." Zhang Feng went on to say, "By the way, second uncle, tell my second aunt not to cook tonight, and eat at my house tonight."

"Hehe, okay, I'm lucky tonight." The second uncle also said happily.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi walked home with the bamboo rat in their hands. The second aunt came out when she heard the movement, and asked, "Who was talking to you just now?"

"It's Xiaofeng and Xiaoyi, they caught two bamboo rats, by the way, don't make dinner, go to Xiaofeng's house to eat later." The second uncle said with a smile.

"Okay, you guys are going to drink later, I'll fry some peanuts for you..." Second Aunt said and started preparing, peanuts to go with the wine, which is the favorite of men in the country.

Then Zhang Feng informed Uncle Er Niu to ask him to bring his wife and son to eat at home together. When he heard that there were bamboo rats to eat, Uncle Er Niu happily agreed.


In the evening, Zhang Feng cooked a large table of delicious dishes,

Of course, the main dish is today’s bamboo rat, because everyone likes spicy food, so Zhang Feng made a stir-fried bamboo rat with pepper, ginger, garlic, chili pepper, spring onion, coriander... all kinds of seasonings Everything that one expects to find, put these condiments, not only can get rid of the fishy smell of the bamboo rat, but also make the bamboo rat more delicious.

Two bamboo rats just fried a large pot. Looking at the red and oily bamboo rat meat and smelling the aroma of the room, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

In addition, Zhang Feng also made a few side dishes, a braised fish in brown sauce, a spicy rice field eel, and a pickled cabbage fish head tofu soup. In addition to these meat dishes, Zhang Feng also made a few seasoned vegetables. Meat alone is easy to get bored .

As for the appetizers, Zhang Feng not only prepared crispy fried fish, but also a fried bee egg. The bee egg was left over from last time, and it just came in handy today, as well as a large plate of peanuts prepared by the second aunt.

Looking at a large table full of delicious food, the little duck couldn't wait for it, and he went to the table early, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, if it wasn't for Aunt Erniu watching, the little guy would have already started gobbling it up and down.

"Come on! Let's all have a toast..." After pouring beer and drinks, Zhang Feng stood up and said to everyone.


"Do it!" The little duck also picked up a glass of orange juice and clinked glasses with everyone in a decent manner, which made everyone laugh. This little guy will definitely be like his father when he grows up, and he will also be an alcoholic.

"Everyone, how about trying the bamboo rat I made?" Zhang Feng added a piece of bamboo rat to his mother, and then said to everyone.

"Well, it's delicious, it's really delicious..."

"Crazy brother, is this really a mouse?" The duckling's tender voice sounded.

"Hey, of course it's a mouse. Next time you catch a mouse, you can take it back and fry it." Zhang Feng said to the duckling winkingly.

"You bastard, you're just teasing my son..." Uncle Er Niu said with a smile and scolded, "Stinky boy, this is not a mouse in the house. At this time, the bamboo mouse is a bamboo mouse, do you know that it eats bamboo?"

"That's right, the mice in the house are very dirty, don't even touch them, you know?" Aunt Er Niu also warned her son casually.

"Oh! Got it!" The duckling is not stupid, he knows that mice are something that everyone shouts and beats, and he has never seen anyone eat them. The bamboo rat that he ate today is definitely not the same animal as it.

"Oh, the dishes made by the lunatic brother are delicious..." The little duck couldn't help admiring with his mouth full of food.

"Do you think my cooking is delicious, or your mother's?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course it is..." The little guy wanted to say that you made delicious food when he opened his mouth, but when his mother looked at him with a straight face, the little guy who had learned to read words and expressions immediately changed his words: "Of course my mother made good food!" I ate it, but Brother Crazy did a good job."

"Hahaha..." "This little guy is really smart..."

"Nowadays, children are all smart ghosts...they are getting smarter and smarter." Everyone sighed after laughing.

The women finished eating quickly, the drunkards were still chatting at the table, clinking glasses frequently, and the duckling came over from time to time to mix vegetables and eat, and then got tired of watching TV in his mother's arms.

It’s rare to have a thousand glasses of wine when you meet a bosom friend. The longer you drink in the countryside, the better the relationship. This banquet lasted until the early morning, and the ducklings were already snoring, probably because they were tired from playing wild in the mountains during the day.

Finally, under the urging of Aunt Er Niu, everyone finally left reluctantly. Zhang Feng cleaned up the mess, took a shower, lay on the bed, and slept until dawn.


There is a light rain in the sky

The crops that have not been moistened for a long time open their hungry mouths one after another, greedily sucking the natural rain and dew, wanting to grow quickly.

The drizzle like a cow's hair was getting bigger and bigger. Under the eaves outside the window, the rainwater kept beating the ground and flowing down the ditch to Moon Lake.

Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, the mushrooms in the mountains sneak out of their little heads, and listen to the sound of the drizzle falling on the leaves and then dripping on the ground.

As time goes by, the whole world is in chaos, as if it has become a world of drizzle. The drizzle moisturizes everything silently. The mountains, rivers and the earth are moistened by the rain in silence. The vitality and vigor of the past have also been restored, the grass stands proudly, wild flowers are competing to bloom, and the entire mountain forest is full of vitality and beauty again.

What a timely rain, wealth rain,

The villagers of Zhangjiawan rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water. The treasures in the mountains and forests can only grow quickly when they are moistened by rain. Therefore, even if it rains in the middle of the night, many vigilant villagers are very happy and look forward to going to the mountains tomorrow. There is a good harvest.

Suddenly, like a night of summer rain, mushrooms bloom one after another.

Moisturized by the rain, the mushrooms in the mountains and forests popped out of the ground one after another, like small red umbrellas, like little red riding hoods in fairy tales, their aura is compelling and lovable.

The rooster announces that the dawn is coming, and as the sky gradually brightens, the rain in the sky becomes more and more sparse, and finally pulls the tail of dawn and gradually dissipates with the night.

The red sun is rising in the east, shining brightly, and it is sunny after the rain, and it is another beautiful sunny day.

Facing the rising sun, everyone headed towards the mountain with baskets on their backs and rakes. Everyone hurriedly scrambled to be the first to enter the forest and gather more mushrooms.

When the sun passed over Dongshan and entered Zhang Feng's hut, he slowly opened his eyes as if he heard the bell ringing to get up.

In the early morning, the yard is full of flowers, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, butterflies are flying, and the little bees are also shuttled among the flowers, collecting nectar hard.

After getting dressed and washing up, Zhang Fenglei practiced gymnastics in the yard unmoved.

When Zhang Feng finished exercising, the elder sister and his mother also got up, and then Zhang Feng went into the house and started to make breakfast. Today he was going to buy mushrooms, and he would be busy until noon.

"Mom, my sister has breakfast..." Soon three bowls of steaming noodles came out of the pan. Zhang Feng put some shallots and chili sauce on it, and a few pieces of crispy fried fish. .

Just after eating the noodles, the villagers who went up the mountain to collect mushrooms came back one after another, and everyone gradually got busy. The elder sister was in charge of weighing, Zhang Feng was in charge of accounting and payment, and the mother took the old grandmother in the village to clean the mushrooms.

The family of three has a clear division of labor, and everyone is familiar with their work. As Zhang Feng estimated, everyone has been busy until twelve o'clock at noon.

PS: Everyone, please help me collect and recommend after reading it. Thank you everyone. If you can increase your collection by 100 today, or if you have 500 recommendation tickets, Renmao will do it three times. If you do what you say, I hope you will support me.

(End of this chapter)

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