small farmer

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Xiao Wang's truck was sent away
Today's busyness has finally come to an end.

After paying wages to several elderly people who helped wash the mushrooms, everyone left one after another, leaving only three members of Zhang Feng's family.

"Mom, take a rest for a while, and I'll cook." Having been busy all morning without touching the ground, the mother and eldest sister were a little tired, and their faces were full of tiredness.

"Well, just cook two dishes. By the way, make them light, or you won't have an appetite." Both of them were too tired and didn't want to eat too greasy food, so Zhang Feng fried a small cabbage and cooked it. I ordered a sauce mixed with lettuce, and finally made a tomato and egg soup.

Zhang Feng's perverted body didn't feel tired at all, so his appetite didn't matter. He ate three bowls of rice and two bowls of tomato and egg soup before he was full.

"Crazy brother, are you done with your work? When are we going to pick peaches?" Zhang Feng just finished eating, and the duckling ran over impatiently and asked again.

"You monkey can't wait anymore?" Zhang Feng sat at the door and asked with a smile. This guy has come to inquire four or five times in the morning.

"Yeah, Da Mao and I have been waiting all morning." The little duck nodded cutely.

"Hehe, let's go after I drink some water." Zhang Feng drank some water, then got up and prepared a basket for the little duck, put the basket on his back, and the two of them walked outside the house.

When they came to the door, a group of children gathered together. Like a monkey king, Zhang Feng led a group of little monkeys to the orchard on the mountain.

"Hey, Xiaofeng has been upgraded to become the King of Kids? Where are you going?" Brother Zhuzi joked when he met Brother Zhuzi halfway.

"Hehe, where, I'm going to pick peaches. When these monkeys heard that there were peaches to eat, they also clamored to go!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"These gluttonous kids are really..." Brother Zhuzi asked curiously after finishing speaking: "By the way, why did your peaches ripen so early this year?" Because every household in the village has peach trees, only Zhang Feng's matured.

"I'm not very clear about this. I guess it's because my orchard has better lighting conditions." Of course Zhang Feng knew why, because his own fruit trees were treated with the fruity aroma potion produced by the system, so the peaches at home ripened earlier .

But Zhang Feng can't tell everyone, because the effect of the Guoguoxiang Potion is so good, Zhang Feng dare not take it out, and he will not be able to tell at the time, so Zhang Feng simply pretended not to know.

After chatting with Brother Zhuzi for a few more words, Zhang Feng led a group of monkeys and continued to march towards the orchard on the mountain.

Just had a drizzling rain last night

So the mountain road is a little slippery, but it can't stop the excited steps of the leather monkeys.

"Everyone, be careful, be careful, don't take risks, and tell me where you can't get it, do you understand?" When he came to the orchard, Zhang Feng immediately told everyone to pay attention to safety.

"Understood, madman..." Afterwards, the little ones scattered and excitedly went up to the tree to pick peaches. Zhang Feng shook his head, wondering if the group of monkeys had listened.

"Oh, the peaches I picked are so big..."

"What are you, I'm only big..."

The little ones competed with each other to see who picked the bigger peach, and they were not discouraged than the one who lost, but instead worked hard to find the bigger one to avenge their shame.

The little ones are playing around, it's not efficient at all, but Zhang Feng didn't count on them, as long as they don't hold back and don't make trouble for himself.


"Let's go, let's go back..." About half an hour later, Zhang Feng finally picked all the ripe peaches in the orchard, and shouted to the monkeys who were fighting.

"Crazy brother, let's not pick it up?"

"Crazy brother, haven't we finished picking?" The little guys seemed to have not played enough, and said in a hurry.

"I don't want to pick any more, the rest are still uncooked." Zhang Feng continued to shout: "Big Mao, come quickly, we have to leave."

After a lot of effort, Zhang Feng finally got the group of mischievous guys together, and then led the group of monkeys back home.

When they got to the door of the house, Zhang Feng sent the group of leather monkeys away by giving them two peaches. While eating the peaches, the leather monkeys walked towards the lake, and they probably went to the lake to harm the small fish and shrimp .

"Hey! The young man is carrying peaches, right? Hurry up and weigh ten catties." Putting the peaches at the door of the house, Zhang Feng was about to enter the house to get the steelyard, when an old lady came over in surprise and said.

"Hey, it's you, old man. Didn't you just buy five catties yesterday? Why, you finished eating?" Zhang Feng looked back, remembering that the old man bought five catties of peaches for himself yesterday, why did he still buy ten catties today? .

"Not yet, but young man, your peaches are really good. I'm going to buy more to give to relatives." The old man said quickly.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go back and get the steelyard." Zhang Feng was also very happy that his peaches were recognized by others. When he came out with the scale, there were two more customers buying peaches outside. Peaches from home are still more popular.

Praise the peaches to the three tourists, and other tourists also noticed the movement here, and came here one after another. You three catties and I five catties, and Zhang Feng quickly swept away all the peaches in the basket.

"Oh, why is it gone again? It would be great if I came back earlier." Many tourists who came late beat their chests and stamped their feet with regret.

"Young man, why are they sold out again today?"

"Yeah, boy, why don't you get some more?"

"Who is worse than me? I didn't buy it yesterday. I waited all morning today, and I just couldn't bear to go to the bathroom. I didn't know that the peaches were sold out after I came back!!" Hearing the tragedy of this customer, Zhang Feng also felt sympathetic.

"I'm really sorry, today's peaches are really sold out. If you want to buy them, you can come back tomorrow morning..." Zhang Feng apologized repeatedly, and then suggested to the two of you.

"Well, it seems that we can only wait until tomorrow..." A tourist shook his head and said helplessly.

"Hmph, I'll wait here at dawn tomorrow, so I won't miss it again." The tourist who missed the toilet just now said very angrily.

"Hey, brother, don't talk so much, if you still miss it tomorrow."

"That's right, who can explain the matter of eating, drinking and lazing." Everyone laughed and joked.

Everyone also knew that they really couldn't buy it today, and it was useless to urge Zhang Feng, so the tourists slowly dispersed, and the doorway became calm again.


The sun was shining brightly at noon, and Zhang Feng was covered with stinky sweat.

After selling the peaches, Zhang Feng quickly took a shower, and immediately felt refreshed and extremely comfortable.

After taking a bath, Zhang Feng lay leisurely in the yard to enjoy the shade, and the two puppies lay obediently at Zhang Feng's feet, squinting their small eyes as if they were about to fall asleep at any time.

Xiaoba hanging on the tree is still learning Chinese, almost without rest for [-] hours a day. Seeing its hard work, Zhang Feng really wants to give it a hard-working award.

It's a pity that the little starling doesn't know Zhang Feng's thoughts at this time, otherwise he will definitely complain: "Master, please stop your curse, the Lun family will not be able to hold on anymore.

Listening to 'Hello!Hello! ', even the bird man can't bear it.

Listening to the brainwashing recording played by Zhang Feng, the little starling couldn't change his master's mind, so he could only bear it silently, constantly accepting 'Hello! 'The baptism.

"Hello, hello! Come on, tell me, I'll feed you worms..." Zhang Feng took down the birdcage, put it on the stone table, and teased the little starling.

"Chichi... Chichi..." It's a pity that the little starling still speaks his own bird language, and the two of them are not on the same channel at all.

"Hello! Hello!" Zhang Feng still taught the little starling patiently.

"You... Chi Chi..."

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, I'm going to be able to talk soon..." Although the little mynah only said you, Zhang Feng was also very happy, full of a sense of accomplishment, as if his child got a high score in the exam.

Immediately, Zhang Feng was full of energy and confidence. After the transformation of the spiritual enlightenment liquid, Xiao Ba is no longer an ordinary bird. I believe that Xiao Ba will learn the first sentence soon.

PS: After reading it, please help to collect and recommend. Thank you everyone. Today, if there are 100 collections, or if the recommendation reaches 500, Renmao will add one more. The recommendation is only more than 100 short. Come on, everyone, and Renmao will quickly code it. A chapter is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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