small farmer

Chapter 76 The Story the Monkey and the Mushroom Have to Tell

Chapter 76 The Story the Monkey and the Mushroom Have to Tell

"Hahaha, I can finally speak!! Xiaoba can finally speak...!!"

Hearing Xiao Ba's complete utterance of the word "Hello", Zhang Feng barked excitedly, and the two puppies next to him were suddenly awakened. Seeing the dancing master, he thought the master was suffering from epilepsy.

"What's wrong with Xiaofeng? Why are you so happy?" The eldest sister was watching TV in the room, when she heard her younger brother's exclamation, she ran out immediately.

"Haha, elder sister, listen...Xiaoba can talk...haha..." Zhang Feng said happily to the elder sister.

"Hello... hello... hello..." Xiaoba is like a repeater, calling you hello all the time, and this sentence seems to have been deeply imprinted in its brain.

"Hey, I can really talk." The eldest sister was also very surprised. It took only two days to learn to speak. Although it was only a short sentence and only two words, it was already enough for the starling. It's amazing.

"Hello... hello..." The elder sister came over with a smile and said to Xiao Ba.

"Hello... hello..." Xiaoba heard the elder sister say hello, and said hello, as if responding to the elder sister.

"Haha, Xiao Ba is really smart." The eldest sister also praised in surprise.

In order to reward Xiaoba for learning the first sentence of "foreign language", Zhang Feng specially rewarded it with a few worms. After Xiaoba finished eating happily, he continued to review his homework and kept calling "Hello". Blockbuster.


"Hey, lunatic, what are you doing now?" Zhang Feng was resting under the shade of a tree when he suddenly received a call from the monkey.

"I'm lying in the yard, why did you remember to call me?" This guy was dizzy with a busy day, why did he have time to call himself today.

"Oh, my baby is suffering..."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"You don't know how annoying my mother is. Just now she called me and asked me if I wanted to go home for dinner. I said no. I have to work overtime tonight. Guess what my mother said?"

"How to say?" Zhang Feng thought to himself, I'm not your mother, how do I know?

"She said, that's really great. Your dad and I made stewed chicken with mushrooms, which happened to be not enough for us. If you don't come back, we can eat more."

Hearing the monkey's words, Zhang Feng was stunned for a long time and then asked weakly: "Are you sure you are born to your parents?"

"Yeah, I'm also very confused now. I feel like I gave it to me when I charged the phone bill..." Monkey said with a sigh.

"How can it be, didn't we all come here in the flood or pick it up from the garbage dump in our era?" Zhang Feng said jokingly.

"I'll go, you kid is still gloating here, buddy, it's not thanks to you." Monkey said angrily.

"No way, why is it dependent on me?" Zhang Feng asked without knowing why.

"Hmph, it's not the red mushrooms you gave me that caused the trouble. My parents like to eat them very much. You see, they don't even want my son anymore in order to eat more." The monkey pretended to be annoyed. Said.

"Well, I'll send you a few more catties, okay?" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head when he heard the monkey's words. He didn't expect that his own red mushrooms could have such a great charm, and they almost tore apart other people's families. It's over.

"No, my brother will settle the accounts clearly. I will pay for how much it costs per catty. If you don't want the money, I won't." The last time Zhang Feng accepted two catties of red mushrooms. At least three to five hundred.

"That's okay, I sell it to others for three hundred and one catty, and I will give you a [-]% discount, two hundred and four per catty." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Any amount is fine, send me three catties, and I'll send you some money later." Monkey said like a local tyrant.

"Well, I'll send it to you later."

The monkey was busy with work, the two chatted for a few more words, and then hung up the phone.


"Xiaofeng, what are you packing mushrooms for?" Seeing that Zhang Feng covered the mushrooms with plastic bags several times, the eldest sister asked curiously, and the mother also looked over curiously.

"Houzi just called and said he wanted to buy three catties of dried mushrooms..." Zhang Feng then told what happened to Monkey. The laughing mother and eldest sister leaned forward and back together, their stomachs ached from laughing, thinking that Monkey's mother was really interesting.

"Mom, I'm leaving..." Zhang Feng packed the mushrooms and prepared to send them to the monkey immediately.

"Well, hurry up and send it to others, or the monkey's mother won't want him." The mother joked for the first time.

"Hehe, then I'm leaving now..." Zhang Feng smiled as if he was walking towards the village entrance.

Although Zhangjiawan is only a small village, it is a tourist area after all, and the transportation is convenient. There is a bus to the county every hour, so many couriers have set up service points at the canteen at the entrance of the village, and it takes almost an hour or two. There are couriers who will come here to send and receive packages, so it is very convenient for villagers and tourists to send or receive couriers.

"Xiaofeng is here to send a courier?" Seeing Zhang Feng holding a package, Zhang Laosan asked quickly.

"Yes, third brother, how is business today?" Zhang Laosan is the owner of the small shop at the entrance of the village, but he is stingy, so the villagers don't pay much attention to him.

"No, it's just for a living, Xiaofeng, you earn a lot of money by collecting mushrooms." Zhang Laosan said enviously.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

This person was very jealous of Zhang Feng's profits from harvesting mushrooms, so he wanted to get a piece of the pie.

It is said that not long ago he wanted to secretly cooperate with restaurant owners in the county, but unfortunately the purchase prices offered by those people were too low, and he couldn't compete with Zhang Feng at all, so he gave up in desperation.

Of course, Zhang Feng didn't want to talk nonsense to someone who wanted to poach himself, so he filled out the delivery form in twos and twos, and left the canteen.


Just at this time, Zhang Feng was prompted by WeChat. Zhang Feng opened WeChat and saw that it was the monkey who transferred the money, a total of 720 yuan.

"The money has been received. The mushrooms have just been mailed out, and they will probably arrive tomorrow. Please pay attention to check." Zhang Feng immediately sent a WeChat message to the monkey.

"Got it..." the monkey replied briefly after a few minutes.


"Hey, big hairy duckling, what are you doing under the bridge?" On the way home, Zhang Feng saw two little guys huddled under the bridge sneakily, so he asked curiously.

"Hush!!" The little guys quickly put their fingers up around their mouths, signaling for themselves not to speak.

"Oh... oh! I know you are playing hide and seek here, right?" Zhang Feng said loudly with a smile on purpose.

"Oh! Crazy brother, you are too bad... Da Mao, let's go quickly." The little duck complained, and then called Da Mao to quickly change positions.

"Hehe, these little kids..." Seeing the carefree looks of the ducklings, Zhang Feng suddenly thought of his beautiful childhood, running around the village every day, playing hide and seek, really enviable, No wonder some people don't want to grow up all their lives.

"Little duck, big hair, don't run away, I found you..." At this moment, Xiao Shitou, who was in charge of finding people, saw the figures of the two and shouted happily.

"Oh, it doesn't count this time, it doesn't's all the lunatic brother. He let you find us because he exposed us." Although the duckling is young, he is a clever ghost, and he wants to play tricks even if he is caught. Quickly find a reason.

"Why don't you count, anyway, I have found you..." Little Shitou is not easy to be fooled, and the children are very smart now, so the two sides began to argue fiercely, and they would not give in to each other.

"Forget it, forget it, you all go hide, this time I'm here to find you..." Da Mao couldn't stand it anymore, so he interrupted the two of them.

"That's okay..." Seeing that Da Mao was taking the blame again, the two nodded happily and bounced around to find a new hiding place.

"Hehe, these guys, Da Mao is almost becoming a blame man." Some honest Da Mao often blamed his friends, Zhang Feng smiled and ran away shaking his head, and continued to walk home.

PS: There are only more than ten votes left, thank you everyone, the third update is here, I hope you can help to save it after reading it, Renmao is very grateful, and thank you'lonely little bookworm' for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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