small farmer

Chapter 77 Interesting Posts

Chapter 77 Interesting Posts

had dinner
Strolling along the Moon Lake, the Moon Lake has gradually become silent at this time.

Walking on the quiet lakeside path, the evening wind blows, wrinkling the spring water of the lake, and the calm lake surface is suddenly rippling and sparkling.

Yiyi willows by the lake are fluttering in the wind, scratching their heads and making poses, like a beauty who has lived in a deep palace for a long time, her every move is so beautiful.

The tourists on the shore of the lake have gradually dispersed, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the lake water, half of the river is rustling and half of the river is red. Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Zhang Feng couldn't help but stop to watch it.

It's a pity that the beautiful scenery is fleeting. Although the sunset is beautiful, it's just that the dusk is approaching and the night is coming. All the beauty will be submerged in the dark night sky.

"Hey! Xiaofeng came to take a walk by the lake?" Seeing Zhang Feng walking slowly by the lake, he met the old fish uncle who had just landed.

"That's right, old Uncle Yu is done. How's your harvest today?" Zhang Feng also quickly responded.

"Hehe, it's not always like that. With five or sixty yuan a day, you can't starve to death and you can't make a fortune." Old Uncle Yu smiled and then continued to ask: "By the way, Xiaofeng, I see that you take ducklings and their little ones every day. Fish, I don’t know if you accept mine or not?”

"Oh! Do you also catch small fish? Will it affect you?" Zhang Feng worried that the old fish uncle caught too many small fish, which would affect the ecology of the lake. If all the small fish were caught, there would be big fish in the future fish?

"Hehe, you bastard, do you think I'll do something stupid like fishing in a lake?" The old fish uncle knew what Zhang Feng was thinking, and then continued: "Do you know that the big fish in the lake can produce fewer small fish every year? "

"I don't know. Hundreds of millions of small fish are produced every year, but because there is not enough food, many of them die every day. The crucian carp and grass carp in the lake lay eggs almost twelve months a year, so as long as Catching destructive fishing, there is simply no end to catch."

"Hehe, the most important thing is that our Moon Lake is connected to the Tapang River, so fish from other places in the river will be replenished into Moon Lake by itself. Don't worry that there will be no fish in Moon Lake, and the government There will also be a lot of fish fry in the lake, so you don't have to worry at all." Old Fish Uncle explained to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Then how many small fish can you catch every day?" Zhang Feng nodded and asked.

"Hehe, don't worry, small fish are not so easy to catch. It's not bad if you can weigh twenty or thirty catties a day, and usually only ten catties." Old Uncle Yu certainly knew what Zhang Feng meant, so he laughed Said.

"That's fine. From now on, as long as it doesn't exceed ten catties a day, I'll collect it, five yuan per catty. What do you think?" Zhang Feng plans to collect it for a while to see if it will affect the ecology of the lake, and then make a decision. Whether to continue.

"Hehe, okay, thank you Xiaofeng..." Old Uncle Yu said happily, five yuan a catty, if you can catch ten catties of small fish every day, that is 50 yuan, which is already very good for old uncle Yu so he was very happy.

After making an appointment with Uncle Yu, Zhang Feng was in no mood to play, and walked home quickly along the path by the lake.

Lying in the yard, Zhang Feng was still thinking about what happened just now. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to buy Xiaoyu, and he was very entangled.

"Well, forget it, the big deal is that I will use auxin for the fish in the lake to speed up their reproduction..." Finally, Zhang Feng no longer struggled. Anyway, there are so many fish in the lake, it is impossible to catch them all, even if After catching Zhang Feng, he can also buy some fish fry and put them in, or he can directly cultivate the fish fry with auxin, so as to maintain the ecological balance in the lake.

Then Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone, logged into the local forum, and planned to put the scenery and food pictures he had recently taken on it to advertise his farmhouse.

Suddenly Zhang Feng burst into laughter. It turned out that he saw a very interesting post. We all know that some netizens like to go online to ask for names for their babies. Today’s one is very interesting:

"My surname is Gao, my daughter-in-law's surname is Guo, please give a netizen a good name for the newborn baby..." wrote the landlord surnamed Gao.

"High voltage Guo..." the man on the second floor replied.

Worship the second floor...... The reply from the third floor
Worship the second floor...... The reply from the fourth floor
"Haha...haha, it's really a strange work on the second floor since ancient times, so interesting." Seeing this post, Zhang Feng laughed so hard that his stomach hurts from laughing, and at the same time expressed sympathy for this netizen. These netizens are really funny, of course it is possible This is purely the work of the landlord's water experience, but it is also very interesting.

After lamenting for a while the netizen's divine reply, Zhang Feng posted his own picture, and attached the address and contact information of the farmhouse, officially accepting tourists' reservations.

As soon as Zhang Feng's picture was posted, there was an immediate reply.

"Ah, why have I never found Moon Lake so beautiful..." replied the first floor.

"Is this really Moon Lake? This braised fish looks so tempting. Is this real?" a netizen on the second floor exclaimed.

"Should I tell you that this picture is for reference only?" the netizen on the third floor replied in a funny way.

"Would I tell you that the picture was edited?"

"Would I tell you that this picture is of P?"

"Would I tell you that the fish in this picture is fake?"

Seeing these replies from netizens, Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Fortunately, Zhang Feng had a trump card, so he immediately uploaded a small related video.

After watching the video uploaded by Zhang Feng, everyone was shocked by the delicious food and beauty above, and never thought that there is such a beautiful scenery around them.

As a result, many local netizens said that they would go to Moon Lake this weekend to re-experience the lake and mountains of Moon Lake.

Soon, there were dozens of replies to Zhang Feng's post, and it was increasing rapidly. The owner of the post bar saw that this post was so popular, and immediately pinned the post to the top, so that Zhang Feng's post became even more popular.

So two guest rooms in Zhang Feng's house were booked out in the blink of an eye. The tourists who started late could only complain about their handicap. At the same time, everyone left messages asking Zhang Feng to add more rooms, because there are too few rooms.

Zhang Feng shook his head, he also knew that his house was too small, but his house was so big, there was nothing he could do about it.

"Huh! No..." Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, and he thought of a good way.Isn't the second floor of my house still empty? As long as the second floor is surrounded by wooden boards and then simply decorated, wouldn't this be enough to create two more rooms?

Everyone knows that the first floor of tile-roofed houses in the countryside is the main room and side rooms, and the second floor is the pointed attic. These are usually used to store grain and so on. They are usually empty, and it is completely possible to decorate them into two The room, like Zhang Feng's own room, was made like this.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng immediately got off the net and went into the room to do some actual survey to see if his idea was feasible.

"Well, let Uncle Dashan come over to take a look tomorrow." Zhang Feng himself has no experience in remodeling houses, so he still needs to find a professional to take a look.


Early the next morning, Zhang Feng invited Uncle Dashan to his home: "Uncle Dashan, do you think this place can be transformed into two rooms?"

"It's definitely possible, but I have never remodeled such a wooden house. I think you should ask the little carpenter to take a look." Hearing Zhang Feng's thoughts, Uncle Dashan felt a little tricky, because Zhang Feng had high requirements, not only To make it beautiful and beautiful, but also to maintain the original simplicity, it is estimated that only a small carpenter in the village can do it.

"You mean Uncle Carpenter? Hasn't he been a carpenter for a long time?" The little carpenter is very famous in the village. Their ancestors have been carpenters for generations and have superb carpentry skills. Unfortunately, they are all processed by machines now. Carpenters gradually lost their competitiveness.

"Hehe, can you forget this skill? I think his attic is similar to what you planned, so it will definitely work if you ask him to help." Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

After what Uncle Dashan said, Zhang Feng immediately remembered that the carpenter Shu's house was remodeled in this way?It also transformed the second floor into a traditional wooden house with carved beams and painted buildings, full of traditional rural beauty.

ps: The old rules, as long as the collection reaches 100, or if there are 500 recommendations, there will be three changes today. Yesterday’s recommendations have 620. Everyone is very supportive. As long as there are another 500 votes today, that is, the weekly recommendation reaches 1100 votes, and the tenacious cat will add more , Dude is very tragic, you have to go to work on National Day, everyone, please send some tickets for the author's pity.

(End of this chapter)

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