small farmer

Chapter 78 Fruit Harvest

Chapter 78 Fruit Harvest
Uncle Carpenter's name is Zhang Heng, and he is Zhang Feng's distant cousin.

He has been learning carpentry since he was a child, and at the age of eight or nine, he followed his father to villages and villages to help others build beds, cabinets, tables and chairs. With this skill, making a living is easier than everyone else.

It is a pity that in the new century, the traditional carpenter is no longer popular, and is gradually replaced by machine work, so the carpenter uncle also gradually changed his career, began to tend the land, and planted crops.

What a pity for his exquisite craftsmanship, Zhang Feng shook his head, thinking to himself, maybe this is the inevitable price of economic development, the survival of the fittest and the elimination of the fittest, the competition for survival is so fierce and cruel.

"Is Uncle Carpenter at home?" Zhang Feng came to the yard of Uncle Carpenter's house, and then called into the house.

"Who is it?" Uncle Carpenter came out and asked, "Yo, it's Xiaofeng, hurry up and sit down..."

"Thank you Uncle Carpenter, I have something to ask you..." After entering the room and sitting down, Zhang Feng explained his purpose of coming.

"So that's the matter, no problem, I'll take a look with you now?" For Uncle Carpenter, remodeling two wooden houses is a piece of cake, so he agreed on the spot.

So Zhang Feng took the carpenter's book and walked home. After some exchanges and discussions, the two finally decided on the renovation plan.

Uncle Carpenter is responsible for transforming the second floor into two rooms, and the decoration and carvings must have rustic characteristics. The engineering volume of the two rooms is not large, but it is more complicated, because in the traditional wooden house crafts, not only every interface In order to fit tightly, the firmness of the structure must also be considered, and a single nail cannot be used.
As for the flower windows and the front of the door of the room, it needs to be carefully carved. It costs thousands of yuan to carve these small things. Although it costs a lot, Zhang Feng thinks it is very worthwhile. Fewer and fewer.

"Uncle Carpenter, how long will it take to renovate these two rooms?" Zhang Feng is more concerned about the length of the construction period.

"Don't worry, it will take about a week. In fact, the most time-consuming is a few carvings, and the rest can be done in two or three days." Uncle Carpenter said confidently.

Zhang Feng nodded in satisfaction, and it was faster than he imagined. In the end, Zhang Feng handed over the renovation project of the house to him, with a total of [-] yuan including labor and materials.

After finalizing the renovation of the house, Zhang Feng quickly walked to the orchard carrying the burden. His mother and eldest sister had already set off first.

With the passage of time, the peaches in the orchard have gradually reached the peak harvest period. Today, it is estimated that one or two hundred catties can be picked. With so many ripe peaches, the mother and eldest sister alone must not be able to carry them back, so Zhang Feng has to rush to meet them. .

"Where is Xiaofeng going with the burden?" Uncle Er Niu was also busy in his orchard, and when he saw Zhang Feng, he got up and asked.

"I'm going to pick peaches. Uncle Erniu is still weeding here. Why don't you help me pick peaches, and I can lend you my family's Dabai Xiaobai?" Zhang Feng smiled and prepared to catch a young man.

"Oh, are those two weeding beasts in your family?" Hearing Zhang Feng's suggestion, Uncle Er Niu's eyes lit up. He had been coveting Zhang Feng's weeding goat for a long time, but he was always embarrassed to speak. Feng took the initiative to send them over.

You know, his family's orchard is not small, about five or six acres. If weeding by hand, it is estimated to be exhausted. If there are two weeding goats, it will be much simpler. A sheep can handle it by itself.

"Haha, okay, let's make an agreement, I'll help you carry peaches, and you must lend me your beast." Uncle Er Niu said happily.

"Of course, when will I stop talking?" Zhang Feng was very happy to have successfully captured the strong man, but he just lent Dabai and Xiaobai out for a few days. Besides, the relationship between the two is so good, even if Uncle Erniu doesn't help, Zhang Feng will also lend it to him. I believe Uncle Er Niu will do the same.

"Okay, let's go!" Uncle Er Niu happily put down his hoe, and immediately followed Zhang Feng to the orchard.

"Xiaofeng and Erniu are here, and we just finished picking them." Mother said with a smile when she saw the two.

"Sister-in-law, so we came at the right time?" Uncle Er Niu also said with a smile.

"Yes, sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, why are we so polite." Uncle Er Niu waved his hands and said indifferently.

Afterwards, the two of them took all the peaches together. Zhang Feng carried the peaches and walked in front, and Uncle Er Niu walked behind with his back on his back.

"You carry the burden... I lead the horse... welcome the sunrise and send off the sunset..." Uncle Er Niu sang where is the road as he walked.

"I'm going, Uncle Er Niu, you want to kill someone, right?" Zhang Feng was taken aback by Uncle Er Niu's singing. It is estimated that it can really scare people to death.

"Hey, this is a brand new Beast style, okay? You don't know how to appreciate it at all." Uncle Er Niu said proudly instead of ashamed.

"Hey, I think your singing style can only be understood by beasts..."

The two joked with each other, and walked slowly on the mountain road without feeling tired, and returned home in about five or six minutes.

"Peach is here, peach is here..."

"Young man, quickly weigh me ten catties..."

"I want five catties..."

Seeing Zhang Feng returning home with peaches, the tourists who had already been waiting at the door of the house suddenly became excited. Everyone scrambled to be the first, worried that the same as the previous two days, the peach pits that fell behind did not see a single one.

"Everyone, don't worry, don't worry, there are a lot of peaches today, everyone has..." Zhang Feng quickly put down his burden, and his mother and eldest sister who followed hurried up to help.

One of the two greeted the tourists, and the other thanked them for entering the house to get the scales and plastic bags. Uncle Er Niu also looked nervously at his basket of peaches, fearing that they would be knocked to the ground by excited tourists.

"Hey, I was smart enough to bring a plastic bag myself..." Just when everyone was helpless with empty hands, one of the tourists took out a big plastic bag from his pocket and said triumphantly.

"I'll go, there is still such a solution, I knew I would have prepared one..." Immediately, the other tourists regretted it, and could only watch him put the peaches into bags one by one.

It's a pity that before the tourist was satisfied, Zhang Qin took out a large handful of plastic bags from home and distributed them to everyone, so everyone started buying them one after another, as if the peaches in Zhang Feng's family didn't cost money.

Seeing the panic buying in front of Zhang Feng's house also stimulated other tourists, so the number of people snapping up did not decrease at all, but increased.

This lively scene lasted for about half an hour, until the peaches were sold out, and the tourists gradually dispersed. Uncle Er Niu was dumbfounded watching such a hot scene.

"Madman, did you give these people ecstasy?" Uncle Er Niu asked incredulously that the two hundred catties of peaches were sold out before leaving the house.

"I'll go, I want this kind of ecstasy, isn't it too early?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"Ten yuan a catty, it's only sold for 2000 yuan in such a short period of time. When did Zhangjiawan's peaches become so popular?" Uncle Er Niu shook his head, he couldn't believe it.

"Hey, you have to taste the peaches first." As he spoke, Zhang Feng picked up one of the leftover peaches and handed it to Uncle Er Niu.

"Is there something different?" Uncle Er Niu took a sip in doubt, and asked in shock: "I'll go, why are your peaches so delicious? Aren't ours all the same variety?"

"This is a commercial secret..."

"Fuck off, you kid, tell me quickly, be frank and lenient and resist strict..." The excited Uncle Er Niu grabbed Zhang Feng.

"Ah! All right, all right! Can't I tell you?" Then Zhang Feng spoke nonsense in a serious manner, attributing the fruity fragrance to his classmates in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

"You boy, don't tell me such a good thing..." After hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, Uncle Er Niu calmed down.

"Don't I also want to try it first, and then recommend it to you?" Zhang Feng explained afterwards.

"Well, I'll let you go this time, but you must share a bottle with me." Although a bottle costs 500 yuan, it is nothing compared to the subsequent income, so Uncle Erniu doesn't think it is expensive at all. .

In the end, after some coercion and temptation from Uncle Er Niu, Zhang Feng still agreed to give him a bottle, but he must keep it a secret, as this thing has not yet reached the time of large-scale dissemination.

ps: Please collect it, the trend of collection is on the street again, please help me to collect it after reading it, it is really urgently needed.The third update is estimated at 21^22 points.

(End of this chapter)

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