small farmer

Chapter 599 Little Deer Enters the Village

Chapter 599 Little Deer Enters the Village (24)

"Big brother, big brother..."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng asked curiously when he saw his cousin running into the yard in a hurry the next morning.

"In the village...there are two deer in the village..." Zhang Yi said to Zhang Feng panting.

"What? Deer?" Zhang Feng stood up suddenly.

"You read that right??"

"Of course, they are at the mountain pass now!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!!" Zhang Feng put on his slippers indiscriminately, and drove towards the mountain pass with three wheels.

On the way, Zhang Feng finally understood the ins and outs.

It turned out that the villagers brought their dogs into the mountain and accidentally found a herd of wild deer. The dog immediately jumped on the deer when they saw the herd. The panicked wild deer scattered, so two deer were chased to the mountain pass , Hiding in the cracks in the rocks of the mountain pass.

When Zhang Feng and the others rushed to the mountain pass, the place was already full of villagers and tourists, and everyone was here to watch the excitement.

After all, wild deer are rare. Although Zhang Feng had heard about it from Paoshan Master, he had never actually seen it. Thinking of seeing wild deer soon, Zhang Feng felt a little excited.

"The Paoshan Master is here..."

"Master Paoshan, take a look, what kind of deer is this?"

At this moment, Master Paoshan also rushed over. When everyone saw him, they gave way one after another. Master Paoshan is the village's wildlife expert, and there are no animals in the mountains that he doesn't know.

The Zhang Feng brothers also quickly squeezed in. Sure enough, two yellow deer weighing seven to eight kilograms were hiding in the crevice of the stone, looking at the people outside in horror, screaming nervously, and jumping restlessly.

"Brother, this doesn't seem to be a sika deer, does it?"

"Nonsense, sika deer have white spots on their body, don't they?"

At this moment, curious villagers hurriedly asked Pao Shanye:
"Master Paoshan, what kind of deer is this?"

Zhang Feng and the two quickly shut up and listened attentively.

"This is roe deer, and it is also a kind of deer. I don't know how it came out of the mountain!" After the mountain master finished the identification, he was full of doubts.

"Ah, this is the deer!" Everyone suddenly realized that everyone had heard a lot about the deer, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

According to the old people in the village, in the 80s and [-]s, there were still many wild roe deer in Qinglong Mountain, at least thousands of them.
Later, due to the wanton killing of nearby villagers, in the early 90s, the wild deer in the mountains was almost extinct. In the past 20 years, although there were occasional news about deer, no villagers had ever hunted deer.

"I heard that the meat of the roe deer is very delicious, why don't we catch it back!" The young man in the village looked at the two little roe deer with bright eyes.

"Ouch!" Several young people hadn't woken up from their dreams when they were knocked awake by Paoshan Master's two chestnuts.

"You guys, you know how to eat in a day, don't you know that this is a national second-class protected animal?"

"If you dare to take them back, the police will definitely put you in prison immediately."

Master Paoshan glared at these half-sized boys, and said very ironically.

"I... don't we know this?" Several young people said aggrievedly, covering their heads.

I didn't eat the venison, but was beaten up by the running mountain master instead.

Seeing the 'tragedies' of these guys, other villagers and tourists laughed out loud.

"Let's make room, everyone, the village chief is here..."

At this moment, the village head who got the news also rushed over. The wild deer came to the village. This is not a trivial matter. If the villagers accidentally hurt the wild deer, it would be bad.

So when the village chief saw that the deer was intact, he was relieved.

"Master Paoshan, what are we going to do with these two deer?" Seeing the two trembling deer in the crevice of the stone, the uncle was also a little at a loss.

"It's okay, they just ran away from the deer herd for a while, as long as everyone disperses, the doe will come up after smelling the smell." Master Paoshan smiled slightly.

Having fought with wild animals for most of his life, Master Paoshan is very clear about the habits of roe deer.

"Okay, everyone, get out of here quickly, don't disturb them..."

Hearing Pao Shanye's words, the village chief immediately issued an order to evict the guests.

Most of the villagers left quickly. Originally, a few half-children wanted to watch for a while,

"What are you looking at? Why don't you go back soon?" The village chief glared at these guys.

"Hey, uncle, let's go now, let's go!" Seeing the village chief's fierceness, these guys shrank their heads and left embarrassedly.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Zhang Feng and his brother, together with Master Paoshan and the village head, slowly backed away.

Because the village head was very busy, Pao Shan Ye proposed himself and asked to stay here, watching the two fawns and knowing that they had joined the doe.

I have to say that Master Paoshan is really good at predicting things.

About half an hour later, a yellow doe appeared at the edge of the woods.

As the doe walked and sniffed, her eyes rushed to the door anxiously, like a mother who had lost her child, and everyone felt distressed watching it.

yo yo!

Hearing the mother's cry, the two fawns called out hastily, their little heads kept moving out of the crack of the stone, as if they wanted to see where their mother was.

yo yo! !
When the doe heard the voice of the child, her body gave a serious pause, and then ran quickly following the sound.

When the doe came to the stone crevice, the two fawns jumped out excitedly, using their little heads to feed on the mother's abdomen.

The doe also stuck out her tongue excitedly, licking the faces of the two children. The fawn's family was finally reunited, and they were indescribably excited.

Seeing the affectionate look of the doe licking the calf, the villagers and tourists who stood watching from a distance were silent. They were moved by the scene of the reunion of mother and child, and their hearts were full of shock.

After about a few seconds,

There was another sound of deer singing in the forest.

Looks like the herd is calling them.

long! !
After the mother deer raised her head and yelled into the forest, she took her two cubs and rushed to the forest quickly, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

"It's really shocking!" Seeing the live version of the animal world, Zhang Yi couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hehe, what is this? When I was young, I met tigers and leopards!" Paoshan Master said with a smile,

Then he seemed to recall the past and sighed silently, but unfortunately there are no traces of tigers in the mountains now.

"Yiyi, Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu!" Zhang Feng greeted everyone with a smile.

"Hey! Are you madmen here too?" At this moment, Yiyi and grandparents also came over,

It turned out that they were not far away just now, and they saw the reunion of the wild deer mother and child with their own eyes.

"Of course, we've come a long time ago!" Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"Really? Look, this is the video I just shot. The little deer and mother deer are so cute!!" Yiyi excitedly shared her video with Zhang Feng.

Brother Zhang Feng looked at each other immediately, thinking why didn't we think of it just now,
It's a pity that the wild deer have disappeared into the forest, and it was too late for the two of them to take pictures.

(End of this chapter)

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