small farmer

Chapter 600 Tragic Fatty

Chapter 600 Tragic Fatty (34)

Brother Zhang Feng looked at each other immediately, thinking why didn't we think of it just now,
It's a pity that the wild deer have disappeared into the forest, and it was too late for the two of them to take pictures.

After returning home, Zhang Feng quickly took Yiyi's mobile phone, copied Xiaolu's video, and immediately sent it to Moments, with the title "Wild Xiaolu Looking for Mom".

Everyone saw that it was a wild deer, and they immediately became interested.

Click on the video to see, ho!It's actually true, not a headline party, it's so touching.

Because the current circle of friends has also been distorted by the editors of the news headlines. The headlines are so horrifying, and everyone has a nervous breakdown. They no longer believe what the headlines say. Every time they read the news, they have to ask Shennong to try it. Poison, see if it is a headline party.

Therefore, after everyone clicked on it, all they saw was slow sincerity, all dry goods, the panicked expressions of the two deer, and the surprise after hearing the mother's voice.

It can be said that every move of the two deer affects everyone's heart.

When the mother deer finally returned to the big mountain forest with the two fawns, people in the circle of friends were silently happy and blessed for them, hoping that they could live happily in the forest.

"Fuck! It's really shocking to see a wild deer for the first time!!"

"These two wild deer babies are so cute!!"

"Seeing the doe's licking the calf so affectionately, the tears are almost shed!"

After watching, everyone expressed their impressions.

"Crazy, are there really wild deer in Moon Lake??"

"It's amazing, I didn't expect Moon Lake to even have wild deer."

"Hey, I heard that venison tastes very good, I wonder if it's true?" Xiaopang made a drooling emoji after typing.

After the girls in the group saw it, they rose up one after another to crusade against the innocent chubby.

"Little fat, you are a pig, even such a cute deer wants to eat it!"

"Xiao Pang didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Why did our deer provoke you? Look at their cute appearance, how cute!!"

"Come out, little fat, I promise I won't beat you to death!!" Some tough girls in the group threatened with bloody knives.

Xiaopang saw that he had caused public outrage, and immediately gave an apology in the group, begging for mercy from the ladies and sisters.

In the end, Xiaopang swore sadly that he would abstain from meat for five days and eat vegetarian dishes for five days. Only then could he satisfy the girls.

God!O earth!What kind of crime did I do to eat vegetarian food for five days!

After logging off WeChat, Xiaopang was devastated immediately. He was not happy with meat all the time. Not only could he not eat meat for the past five days, he didn't even eat meat. How could he live like this!
"Hehe, little fat is really unlucky!!"

Zhang Feng dived for a while and saw Xiaopang being forced into such a situation by the girls in the group, he was also very funny.

At first, this guy thought he could get away with it, because no one would supervise what he ate every day.

It's a pity that I can't die, many of the girls in this group are in the same office building as him, and there is another girl who is his colleague.

Ever since, Xiaopang was a tragedy.

In order to punish Xiaopang who tried to eat deer, the girls are going to adopt the strongest supervision mode, and they are accompanied by colleagues when they eat lunch every day.

When I go home to eat at night, I have to live broadcast the meal for everyone to see, otherwise the number of days of vegetarianism will be increased.

"Haha, sorry for Fatty!!"

"Haha, Xiaopang is so pitiful. For five days, let him eat vegetarian food for five days, it is probably more uncomfortable than killing him."

"Haha, poor little fat is really tragic!"

Seeing Xiaopang's misfortune, the boys gloated one after another, feeling really happy.

It's a pity that Xiaopang has already got off the net at this time, otherwise, if he saw everyone's reply, he might have the heart to kill these guys. He really opened his wounds abruptly.


The sighting of wild deer in Moon Lake not only received enthusiastic responses from Zhang Feng's circle of friends,

In the next few days, even Qingshan news and provincial news were reported, which aroused wider discussions.

Therefore, there are more and more tourists in Moon Lake these days. In the past, from Monday to Friday, there were only 500 people per day on average, but because of the appearance of wild deer, the number of tourists has more than doubled in an instant, and thousands of people come every day. Travel to Moon Lake.

So these days, the village chief is always smiling wherever he goes, and he is very happy that the tourism in the village is booming.

However, the arrival of these tourists was not without a little trouble, because everyone wanted to see the wild deer with their own eyes, so many tourists ignored the warnings of the village and sneaked into the mountain, which brought great trouble to the management of the village.

Sure enough, on June [-]th,

Finally something happened to the tourists.

A tourist from the city took two friends into the mountains to look for wild deer because he had been a donkey friend for a few days.

Unexpectedly, not long after entering the mountain, they encountered a group of wild boars. The other two panicked and disturbed the wild boars, so they were kicked by the wild boars and injured their thighs.

Fortunately, the mountain rangers in the village were nearby. When they heard the call for help, they immediately beat the gong and set off firecrackers, which scared the wild boar away!

I have to say that this person is really lucky, if not for the mountain patrol team who happens to be nearby, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

One bear, two pigs and three tigers!

The ferocity of wild boars is beyond doubt.

This is the experience summed up by countless forest hunters with their lives, so don't mess into unfamiliar deep forests.


"Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng..."

"Hey, uncle, come in and sit down!" Seeing the uncle walking in, Zhang Feng hurriedly greeted with a smile.

"Xiaofeng, it's been too hard for everyone to patrol the mountains these days, can you lend your big black and little black to the mountain patrol team?"

Everyone was amazed at Zhang Feng's big black and small black, and their intelligence surprised everyone.

These two dogs are not only docile and cute, but also super smart. They can even understand what everyone says, just like three or five-year-old children.

"Okay, no problem!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded

"Thank you Xiaofeng!!"

Hearing that Zhang Feng agreed, the uncle was also very happy. With these two monstrous dogs, tourists who want to sneak into the mountain will have nowhere to go.

Otherwise, these days there are always tourists sneaking into the mountain despite everyone's dissuasion, and some tourists were seriously injured in the morning.

"Dahei Xiaohei! Come out to work!!"

At this time, the two guys were watching TV at home, and they were still watching cat and mouse cartoons, and the two dogs were still watching with gusto.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Dahei glanced back, then continued to watch his own TV,

As for Xiao Hei, it was even too much, pointing his big black butt at Zhang Feng, as if to say that the shit-shoveling officer wants Ben Wang to work, and there is no way!
Seeing the reaction of the two little guys, Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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