small farmer

Chapter 601 is about to be completed

Chapter 601 is about to be completed (44)

"Hehe..." Uncle laughed happily when he saw it.

"These two little things, I don't want to move when I see TV!!" Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhang Feng immediately entered the room, took compulsory measures, turned off the TV, and walked out grabbing their ears.

"Hehe, you want to rebel, don't you? You don't want to listen to work, do you?" Zhang Feng criticized the two dogs for a while.

Seeing that the master seemed to be angry, the two little guys lowered their heads silently, letting the master teach them a lesson.

"You two are going to patrol the mountains for me today, do you want to be obedient?" Zhang Feng and the two little fellows urged.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." After being trained by the owner, the two dogs nodded depressedly.

"Okay, uncle, take them away!"

"Haha, thank you Xiaofeng." The uncle thanked and barked at the two dogs: "Leave Dahei, Xiaohei!!"

The two dogs glanced at Zhang Feng, saw Zhang Feng nodded, and obediently followed the uncle and left.

"Uncle, wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" The uncle stopped immediately when he was about to step over the threshold.

"This is the crispy fish that Da Hei and Xiao Hei love most. Give them some when they are hungry." Zhang Feng immediately went back to the house and brought out a pack of crispy fish.

"Xiaofeng, you are really careful, just like taking care of your own children!!" The uncle took the crispy fish dish with a smile,
You must know that Zhang Feng’s crispy fish is not cheap, it costs hundreds of yuan a catty, so a bag is about half a catty, and it is worth at least 50 yuan.

"Hehe, these two little things are picky eaters! If you don't give them something delicious, I'm afraid they will pick you up." Zhang Feng explained with a wry smile.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing the conversation between Zhang Feng and the uncle, the two little things cried out happily.

It seems to be saying that the shit shovel officer understands us!


"Xiaofeng, where is your uncle taking Dahei Xiaohei?" The mother asked curiously after seeing the uncle leaving with the two dogs.

"Isn't this because there are too many tourists entering the mountain? Uncle borrowed our big black and small black to patrol!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh!" Mother nodded understandingly.

There are indeed too many tourists sneaking into the mountain in the past two days, and the village can't control it, so not only have special guards been arranged for several mountain passes, but there are also people patrolling everywhere in the mountain to ensure the safety of tourists entering the mountain.


After seeing off the two little things, Zhang Feng continued to enjoy the shade in the yard.

Lying leisurely on the chair, with a cup of tea poured on the stone table, he slowly flipped through the examination materials for the speedboat driver's license.

"What book is Big Brother reading?" Just then Zhang Yi walked in and asked with a smile.

"What other book do you have? "Score 100 on the Driving Test"!"

"Oh, I didn't expect that after graduating from high school for so many years, I still have to read books for exams. Now, whenever I am asked to read books, I get a headache!" Zhang Yi said with a wry smile.

"Having a headache is not a matter of reading, the exam is two days away!" Zhang Feng couldn't help exhorting.

"Understood, bro. I've read it roughly, and I've memorized most of it, but there are still some long regulations that I don't remember clearly." Zhang Yi nodded.

"It's okay, you don't need to memorize this thing completely, as long as you know its meaning!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two continued to communicate about the exam and discuss the strategy for the exam the day after tomorrow.


It's three o'clock in the afternoon,

After Zhang Yi returned home, Zhang Feng felt bored and planned to go to the top of Qinglong Mountain to see how the reconstruction progress of the mountain temple was going.

Looking up at the scorching sun above his head, Zhang Feng took a box of beverages from the freezer, put them in an insulated foam box, pulled them on three wheels, and drove towards the back mountain.

Zhang Feng has not been to the construction site for more than half a month, and he is also very curious about the current situation of the mountain temple.

"Liu Gong, Li Gong"

"Hey, Xiaofeng, are you finally willing to show up? Your master is too incompetent, aren't you afraid that we will cut corners?" Liu Gong said jokingly.

"How can it be!" Zhang Feng smiled, and then took out the prepared iced drink, "Liu Gong and Li Gong are here to drink a bottle of drink!!"

"Well, it's cool to drink iced drinks in summer!!" The two of them were not polite, opened the tabs and started drinking.

"Come on, Xiaofeng, I'll take you to the top of the mountain! I'm sure I'll surprise you later!" Gong Liu said with a smile.

"Oh, is the mountain temple almost finished?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hey, you'll know in a while."

Speaking of Liu Gong and Zhang Feng, it was like climbing to the top of a mountain.

The stone road on the mountain has been refurbished by the workers, one stone slab and one step, extending up the mountain step by step, leading to the top of the mountain.

"This..." When Zhang Feng came to the top of the mountain, he froze instantly!

A brand-new mountain temple stands in the center of the mountain top, with black bricks and black tiles, and the main body of the hall has been completed.

"How is it? Isn't the speed not bad?" Seeing Zhang Feng's surprised look, Liu Gong was very satisfied, and then asked with a smile.

"Not bad, not bad!! Gong Liu, you really worked hard!!" Zhang Feng nodded heavily. This is the top of Qinglong Mountain. Building a house here is completely different from building a house at the foot of the mountain.

Almost every brick and tile here has to be transported up from the bottom of the mountain. Although there are hoisting pulleys, the building materials at the foot of the mountain also have to be moved to the middle of the mountain little by little.

Therefore, the rebuilding of the mountain temple will not be fast at all, but now it seems that everyone's speed is really fast, beyond Zhang Feng's imagination.

It took only a month or so to complete the construction of the main building, and Mr. Liu and the others were already finishing the work.

The rest is the interior decoration and such.

"Hehe, where, this is our job."

Liu Gong smiled, and then led Zhang Feng to the main hall.

A main hall and two wing rooms are all completed, and it will be completed in three to five days at most.

At that time, Professor Wang will bring the students over to design and decorate the interior of the hall.

"Everyone, come quickly, Boss Zhang is bringing you iced drinks!"

Liu Gong clapped his hands and shouted loudly to the workers on the top of the mountain.

"Haha, thank you, Boss Zhang..."

"It's been such a hot dog day and it's nice to have ice cold drinks!"

"Don't listen to Boss Liu's nonsense, what kind of boss am I? Just call me Xiaofeng!" Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that Liu Gong was joking.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone laughed,
It has been a month since everyone came to Moon Lake, and they know Zhang Feng quite well. They know that he is not a person who likes to put on airs, and it is easy to get along with everyone.

"Hehe, don't work too hard, everyone, the project was completed that day, and I invite everyone to dinner!"

"Really? Xiaofeng, don't blame me!"

"Yes, Xiaofeng heard that your dishes are super delicious, is it true?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't dislike it, I will definitely cook by myself when the time comes!" Zhang Feng smiled and promised everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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