small farmer

Chapter 602 Cutting Bamboo

Chapter 602 Cutting Bamboo (14)

As soon as Zhang Feng came back from the mountain temple, his mother walked into the courtyard and told him:

"Xiaofeng, you can go catch some rice field eels later, an old customer has ordered ten catties."

"Understood, Mom!" Zhang Feng nodded, then got up from the recliner, and walked to the utility room.

The utility room of Zhang Feng's house is actually a small room next to the kitchen, about ten square meters, in which various tools and agricultural tools of the family are placed.

Hoes and sickles, saw axes, fishing nets and fishing rods...and some pesticides and fertilizers at home are all placed here.

Zhang Feng got into the hut, took off the net from the wall with ease, packed some bait in a small box, and walked to the backyard with a bucket in his hand.

The rice field eels in Zhang Feng's backyard are no longer sold to takeaways, only when regular customers come, they will sell some to them.

However, due to the good quality and delicious taste of rice field eels in his house, although the price is very expensive, 100 yuan per catty, there are still regular customers who come to buy them every now and then, and they will buy five or six catties at a time.

No, two elderly people came to make an order today, and each ordered five catties. After buying it, you don’t have to worry even if you can’t finish it. Just put the rice field eel in a clean bucket and it won’t die in three to five days.

And it can also be given to relatives and friends. The eels in Moon Lake are very in short supply, and most people can't buy them yet.


"Hey, Xiaoyi, where are you going?" Zhang Feng sent the rice field eel to his mother's stall, and just as he was walking back, he met Zhang Yi, who looked like he was about to enter the mountain.

"Brother, I'm going into the mountains to chop bamboo."

"Why chop bamboo?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Didn't my mother raise dozens of chickens in the backyard? I'm going to cut some bamboo and weave it into a fence to enclose the backyard." Zhang Yi said in earnest.

have to!Zhang Feng is fine.

Climb into Zhang Yi's car and follow his cousin into the mountain.

"Why does Second Aunt want to raise chickens?" Zhang Feng asked Zhang Yi while walking on the mountain road.

"My mother said it was a pity that the backyard was deserted, so I bought dozens of chicks and kept them in the back. When they grow up, the hens can lay eggs, and the roosters can be sold to tourists." Zhang Yi said as he walked.

"Not bad!! Now the free-range chickens in the village are very popular among tourists. The free-range chickens from Pao Shanye's house cost 100 yuan per piece!" Zhang Feng nodded.

"Hey, my mother probably thinks so too!"

Zhang Feng thinks that the second aunt's idea is really good. The backyard of their house is wider than Zhang Feng's, about [-] square meters. Such a large piece of land is full of bamboo forests and miscellaneous trees, which is useless at all.

Therefore, it is better to raise some free-range chickens. The old vegetable leaves cut from the vegetable field every day can also be used to feed chickens. The native chickens fed with Moon Lake vegetables are also a big gimmick.

In the bamboo forest of Zhang Yi's family, there are not only golden bamboo, mian bamboo, but also tall and strong mottled bamboo, but these are all local names, and he doesn't know what they are called outside.

Among them, the golden bamboo is slender and tough. Zhang Feng often used it to make fishing rods when he was a child. The cotton bamboo is moderate in thickness and generally about ten centimeters in diameter. However, it is very flexible and is the best raw material for bamboo weaving.

As for the mottled bamboo, everyone may be familiar with it, but this is not the mottled bamboo on the Internet, but a tall and sturdy bamboo. They can reach a height of 30 meters and a thickness of more than 20 centimeters.

The villagers don't use the mottled bamboo much, and the most useful thing is to make chopsticks. Zhang Feng really doesn't know about other uses.

"Hey, Xiaoyi, look, there are bamboo shoots here!" Suddenly Zhang Feng saw a bamboo shoot with a small sharp corner, and his face suddenly became happy.

"It's been there for a long time. My dad dug a few a few days ago. Brother, if you want it, you can dig a few back." Zhang Yi said indifferently.

"No, your bamboo shoots have been unearthed, but mine are not the same!" Zhang Feng shook his head and declined politely. If he wants to eat, he can just dig a few in his own bamboo forest.

Along the way, without taking a few steps, you can see a fresh bamboo shoot, and some have grown one or two meters high and have grown into bamboo.

The growth rate of bamboo shoots is super fast. According to experience, as long as the weather environment is suitable, the newly emerged bamboo shoots can grow to a height of one or two meters within a week.

Therefore, the harvest period of bamboo shoots is very short, and the time for digging is missed if one is not paying attention.

"Xiao Yi, what do you think of this bamboo? Just chop it up!" Zhang Feng suggested to Zhang Yi, pointing to a yellowish mottled bamboo.

"Okay, that's it!"

Although the mottled bamboo is not very useful, it is still a good skeleton for the fence.

The remaining part needs to be woven with cotton bamboo.Therefore, mottled bamboo and Mianzhu must be used.

"It's so tough!!" This old mottled bamboo has been around for at least ten years, so the skin is thick and hard. Zhang Yi cut down with a knife, and only a little bit of the skin was cut, but the knife fell back.

"Let me do it!" Zhang Feng smiled, he was strong enough to chew on such a tough bone.

In fact, whether it is cutting trees or bamboos, there are some small skills.

The most important point is not to cut horizontally, but to cut down obliquely, so that it is easy to break the fibrous tissue of trees and bamboo.

The second skill in cutting bamboo is to choose the right direction. If you want the bamboo to fall to the ground in an open place, you have to cut the place with a knife.

Boom boom boom! !

Every time Zhang Feng slashed, he could cut a big hole, and the bamboo shavings flew, and after a while, he heard the sound of bamboo crackling, as if he was about to fall to the ground.

"Xiaoyi, get out of the way and stand on it!"

Zhang Feng told his cousin, who immediately ran to the other side.

After his cousin left, Zhang Feng pushed hard, and the tall mottled bamboo fell to the ground with a crack, and the branches and leaves covered the ground.

Some people may say that bamboo has no branches and leaves?In fact, this is an illusion. How can bamboo have no branches and leaves, but there are very few branches.

Fresh bamboo leaves can be used to make zongzi. This kind of zongzi has a delicate taste and a faint aroma of bamboo leaves.

"Xiaoyi, go get the saw, let's cut it off first and then pull it back."

"Okay, brother!" Zhang Yi responded, and immediately brought the saw from the ground.

"Come and saw, it's about three meters long! I'll cut some cotton bamboo." Zhang Feng stood up with a hatchet, and then said to his cousin.

Zhang Yi nodded. Such work as sawing bamboo couldn't be easier. In the countryside, even children aged seven or eight can do it.

The two brothers made a division of labor and began to act separately.

In less than half an hour, Zhang Feng cut down a dozen bamboos and dismembered them into sections about three meters long.

"Xiaoyi, go to the small side and watch. I'll slide the bamboo down from above, don't let anyone get close!" Seeing that his cousin had also finished the work, Zhang Feng said like his cousin.

"Don't worry brother, I understand!" The two brothers have cooperated many times.

Because the mountain road is difficult to walk, if you honestly carry the bamboo down the mountain one by one, it will be time-consuming and laborious. Therefore, the two guys have found such a simple method since they were young, which is to throw them directly from the mountain along the mountain.

I have to say that such a method is really good. After seeing it, the villagers were all amazed, and then they gradually adopted the method of Zhang Feng and his brother.

At that time, the two brothers were still proud for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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