small farmer

Chapter 604 The Hairy Ya Who Was Bitten and Cried by the Beetle

Chapter 604 The Hairy Ya Who Was Bitten and Cried by the Beetle (34)

"What are you thinking? Are you drooling?" Seeing Zhang Yi's smirk, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Ah?" Zhang Yi was stunned for a while before he realized,
Wiping the corners of his mouth with his hands, he couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Brother, you're teasing me again! There's no saliva!"

"Hey, what do you say?"

The two brothers bickered, and drove the car happily, pulling the bamboo and driving towards home.


"I went home to cook. I put half of the bamboo worms here. In the evening, I called Uncle Erniu and the others to come over for a drink."

"Don't you brother, shouldn't you come to my house for dinner tonight?" Zhang Yi said hastily.

"Don't bother, remember to come at night."

"Understood brother!" Zhang Yi finally gave up asking Zhang Feng to eat at his house, because the two of them didn't have to be so polite.


"Crazy brother..."

"Where did you go, madman?"

As soon as Zhang Feng walked into the yard, a group of little kids surrounded him, chirping and asking Zhang Feng.

"Hey, I went up the mountain to grab something delicious!"

"What's delicious?" The little guys were all curious, blinking their big round eyes, and asked Zhang Feng.

"Okay, I'll show you guys now!!"


"Ah... so many bugs!"

The little ones were startled when they saw the bamboo worm, but they reacted quickly.

After all, this group of leather monkeys run all over the mountains and plains all day long, and they have never seen any insects.

Even the caterpillars that can sting, the aniseed little guys have seen it, and even the pig bugs that are as thick as a thumb.

Even Xiao Maoya was stunned for a while before returning to her curious look.

"Crazy brother, what kind of bug is this?" The little ones asked curiously.

"Here, these are bamboo worms. They grow in bamboo and specialize in sucking the juice of bamboo. They are a kind of pest..." Zhang Feng smiled and said to the little ones while pouring the bamboo worms into the big basin .

"Ah, is it also a pest?" The little ones were amazed, thinking how such a small bug could be a pest!
"Of course! Don't look at them as small, but they will grow up, and they will be very powerful when they grow up!" Zhang Feng smiled and explained to the little kids.

"Oh! Crazy brother, why did you bring them back?" The little duck nodded, and then asked Zhang Feng curiously.

"Hehe, it's a good thing. Once it's fried in oil, it tastes delicious!"

"Really?" The little guy swallowed, feeling greedy, and asked Zhang Feng with bright eyes,
"Of course, I'll make it tonight, and I'll treat you to it!!"

"Hee hee, thank you madman!!"

"Okay, we have something delicious tonight!!"

The little ones jumped up happily, jumping and jumping excitedly, in an indescribably happy mood.

A few crispy fish to get rid of the nagging little guys

The newly caught bamboo insects should be dealt with in time.

Boil water in daily life, when the water is scalded, pour the rinsed bamboo worms into the hot water,
Pick it up immediately after one pass. Just burn the bamboo worms to death. After the bamboo worms are drained and cooled in the Shake Kei, they can be put into plastic bags and put in the refrigerator.

When you want to eat, just take it out and defrost it.

As soon as Zhang Feng got the bamboo worm out of the kitchen, he heard Mao Ya crying.

"Mao Ya, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? Tell my sister, she will help you beat him!" The elder sister quickly squatted down to comfort the little girl.

"Woooo!!! Little... little duck...he bit me with a longhorn..." Maoya cried so sadly, she twitched, and told her elder sister.

"Ah, where did you bite? Sister Kuairen, can you take a look?" Zhang Qin asked with concern.

"Just... this is here..."

"Oh, it's all red, the little duck is so bad! Later, my sister will help you beat him up!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Maoya nodded heavily, and her crying became quieter when she saw someone supporting her.

"Come on, bring your hand here, my sister will blow it for you and it won't hurt!!" The elder sister pinched Mao Ya's little hand and blew gently twice.

"Okay, it doesn't hurt, right?"

"Yeah!" Mao Ya nodded with tears in her eyes, she looked really cute.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, thinking that the elder sister was blowing the fairy air?This girl was crying in pain just now, why did she get better all of a sudden?

But children are like this, as long as they feel wronged in their hearts, they will cry loudly, and the tears will fall down.

But as long as there is an adult to comfort, it will get better soon.

Zhang Feng shook his head, ready to start making dinner.

"Sister, Brother Jun is at the construction site today, right?"

"No, today he said he has something to do, come back tomorrow!"

"Oh!" Zhang Feng nodded, since Brother Jun is not here, he can cook less.


A residual sun spreads in the water, half of the river is half red.

In the evening, the Moon Lake is calm, and an incomplete sun is reflected in the lake, like a beautiful landscape painting, which is extremely shocking.

On the willow trees by the lake, beetles and cicadas sang in harmony like a jasper, blowing a symphony in the night, reminding people that night is coming.

At this time, the yard of Zhang Feng's house was also extremely lively.

Uncle Er's family, Yiyi and grandparents, of course Uncle Er Niu and Duckling are also essential,
And the group of leather monkeys in the village had been waiting in the yard of Zhang Feng's house for a long time. When they saw the golden fried bamboo worms brought out by Zhang Feng, the little guys swarmed up.

"Don't worry, don't worry, yours is still in the kitchen, and there's still a big bowl!" Zhang Feng quickly knocked off the protruding claws of the little greedy cats, and said with a smile.

"Little duck, Maoya, can we come over here? They are all drunks! Don't be with them." Yiyi smiled and waved to the little guys.

"Drunkard? Hehe..." Upon hearing the word "drunkard", the little ones laughed happily, thinking that we should not be with drunkards!

So the little guys came running over.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Smelling the delicious fried bamboo worms, the little guy exclaimed excitedly.

"Hehe, hurry up and wash your hands, look at your hands, they are really dirty!" the eldest sister smiled and told the little guy.

"Oh, you still have to wash your hands?" Xia Yazi stared eagerly at the delicious food on the plate, pouted, a little unsympathetic.

"Of course, didn't the teacher say that you should wash your hands before and after meals, and pay attention to hygiene." Yiyi patiently explained to the little ones.

"Come on, one pair of chopsticks per person! Eat slowly!"

"Thank you, sister Xiaoqin!!" The little guys said in a hurry.

After getting the chopsticks, the little guy finally got his wish and ate the delicious food on the plate, and then said to the adults with a smile.

"Yeah, it's delicious, grandpa, grandma, sister Yiyi, sister Xiaoqin, do you eat it too?"

"Haha, let's eat too..." The adults also smiled gratifiedly, holding chopsticks, and slowly began to taste.

 I am very grateful to the book friend 'Book Friends 130718230714751' for the reward, and also thank you very much for your subscription and ticket support, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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