small farmer

Chapter 605 The Dog Barking in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 605 The Dog Barking in the Middle of the Night (44)

In the middle of the night, the dogs in the village barked one after another, and the barking became more and more ferocious and eager, as if they had encountered a scourge.

Hearing the shrill dog barking, Zhang Feng woke up immediately, "What's going on?"

Putting on his clothes in twos and twos, Zhang Feng quickly went downstairs, gently opened the door, and walked out of the house quietly.

Seeing Zhang Feng get up, Dahei Xiaohei hurried over and followed Zhang Feng closely.

Zhang Feng touched their heads, then stood behind the wall, poked his head out, and looked into the village.

At this moment, the barking of the dog moved from far to near, slowly approaching the village from the mountain pass.

Zhang Feng couldn't help holding his breath, opened his eyes wide, and stared at it tightly.

"Fuck! It looks like a wild boar?" Zhang Feng finally heard the cry of the wild boar.
Are the boars coming again? ?

Although Zhang Feng was very powerful, he didn't rush out immediately. Instead, he opened the door of the utility room, took out the sharp harpoon, went back to the door, and waited for the wild boar to approach slowly.

"One, two, three...six, there are actually six wild boars!!!" Zhang Feng was amazed, he didn't expect the whole family to come.

There are a total of six wild boars in this group, including two big and four small. The largest boar is estimated to weigh about 150 jin, and the sow weighs about 120 jin. The rest of the piglets are probably just full moon, just like little fragrant pigs. , no more than seven or eight catties.

woof woof woof woof woof

A few wild boars pressed forward step by step, and five or six dogs in the village kept backing away in fright.

At this time, the villagers were also awakened. Everyone got up one after another, some with poles, some with hoes, and walked out of the house.

"What's wrong? Is there a thief in the village??"

"Everyone, come out and see what happened!"

Seeing that everyone was going to his door, Zhang Feng was worried that the wild boar would be angered, so he quickly opened the door and called to everyone.

"Everyone, come in, it's a wild boar, the wild boar is coming into the village soon!!"

"What?? Really a wild boar?"

"If you don't believe me, look over there!" After everyone entered the yard, Zhang Feng pointed to the west intersection and said to everyone.

"I'll go, it's really a wild boar!"

"Of course it's a wild boar, and there's more than one of them!!"


Seeing wild boars about to enter the village, worried about hurting everyone, Master Paoshan immediately suggested to Zhang Feng:
"Xiaofeng, do you have any firecrackers at home? If so, set off firecrackers to blow them away."

"Yes, yes, everyone, wait a minute, I'll get it right away!" Zhang Feng nodded, and hurried into the house to look for firecrackers. Fortunately, there was still one of the firecrackers he bought during the Ching Ming Festival.

Soon Zhang Feng ran out with firecrackers.

"Xiaofeng, you have great strength, light the firecrackers and throw them into the wild boars!"

"Okay, running mountain master!!" Zhang Feng is bold, if he was alone, he wouldn't worry about wild boars hurting him at all.
But with everyone by his side, Zhang Feng didn't want to rush up and anger the wild boar, because the wild boar was extremely ferocious, if the wild boar avoided him and rushed towards the crowd, it would be a disaster.

Therefore, Zhang Feng only planned to drive the wild boar away.

Clap clap clap! ! !

Firecrackers suddenly exploded among the wild boars.

The wild boars fled in fright.

The villagers were not idle at this time, they beat the washbasin one after another, trying to drive the wild boar out of the village.

Originally, two wild boars wanted to escape into the village, but they were scared away by the villagers just after running a few steps.

After dozens of seconds, the firecrackers finally ended.

The wild boars also disappeared into the thick smoke, and fled back to the mountains in embarrassment.

"There are more and more wild boars!"

"Yeah, this was ten years ago, and it was already overturned by everyone."

"Hehe, who cares about wild boars back then? But now, if you don't have a hunting certificate, you will be sent to jail!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but shake their heads, the wild animals now live much happier lives than before! !

"Okay, okay, let's leave everyone, we have to get up early to work tomorrow!!"

Seeing everyone chattering about the wild boar, the village chief clapped his hands to remind everyone.

"Uh... um! It's not dawn yet, go back and sleep in the cage!" Uncle Er Niu yawned, stretched his waist, and patted his buttocks like walking home.

"Hey, I just slept soundly, I didn't expect to be woken up by a wild boar!!" Zhang Yi also shook his head and walked home.

Everyone is similar, with sleepy eyes, carrying poles and hoes, going back to each house to find their own mothers.

Soon, the village regained its calm.

"Really, it's a good thing the wild boar didn't enter the village!" Mother Zhang shook her head, still feeling a little terrified,

Because my house is at the end of the village, the wild boar will reach the door after a few steps.Thinking of this, Wang Guilan shuddered a little.

"Hehe, mom is fine, isn't there still a big black and a small black at home?" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Well, that's true!!"

Hearing her son's words, Wang Guilan thought of her family, Big Black and Little Black. These two guys are as mighty as wolf kings, and they are very smart. As long as they are in the yard, wild boars will never want to break into the house.

"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

Dahei Xiaohei hurried to Zhang's mother, raising his head as if to say, we are amazing! !

"Hehe, our big black and little black are the best!!" Seeing the two smart ghosts, Wang Guilan praised with a smile.

"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

After being praised by Lafayette, Dahei Xiaohei was as happy as if he was drunk, jumping up and down in the room, very happy.

"Okay, stop making trouble, and go to sleep!" Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, these two little things are really...

After closing the door again and turning off the light, Zhang Feng returned to the room and continued to sleep.

Seeing that the lights in the house were turned off, the two dogs finally stopped tossing around, and lay obediently in the kennel at the door, with a pair of dog eyes glowing green, they kept looking around, as if they were worried that the wild boar would come again .


Oh oh oh! ! ! !

Moon Lake in the morning is like a beautiful oil painting, which is a kind of static beauty.

As the villagers get up, the chickens and dogs contend, and the smoke rises from the kitchen. In an instant, it turns into a dynamic beauty, which is suffocating.

"so beautiful!!"

Looking up at the sky, the sky is clear and cloudless,

The entire sky is like a simple sapphire, waiting for the sun, the master polisher, to polish it and make it glow with beautiful colors.


"Don't bother me, go and play!"

Zhang Feng waved away the two enthusiastic dogs.

Standing in the yard like a pine, exuding a powerful aura,

Suddenly, Zhang Feng moved, every move was full of mystery, every movement was so elegant, so graceful, like a martial arts master, heaven and man are one, completely integrated into the whole world.

Seeing Zhang Feng's practice, the eldest sister and mother were shocked and numb.
At this time, they were already familiar with the strangeness, and then the mother and daughter started today's morning exercise together.

 After writing for a long time, I finally finished writing four chapters. I am asking for a bowl of subscriptions and tickets. I hope everyone supports it.

(End of this chapter)

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