small farmer

Chapter 606

Chapter 606

"Help! My mother is going to kill someone!!"

Tie Dan desperately ran ahead, and Zhu Zisao chased after him with Zhu Yasao on her shoulders.

The leather monkeys in the village are extremely proficient at escaping, and within two or three strokes, Zhuzi's sister-in-law is stunned and out of breath.

Seeing that her mother stopped chasing, Tie Dan also slowly stopped, so the mother and son stared at each other and confronted each other at the entrance of the village.

Seeing the scene at this time, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, but he still pretended to be concerned and asked:

"Sister Zhuzi, what are you two mothers doing?"

"This bastard is full and has nothing to do. He kicked the broom I just bought and broke it. Do you think it should be hit!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhuzi was still very angry. The new broom she bought just two days ago was kicked off by this monkey before she had been sweeping it for two days.

Zhang Feng shook his head, thinking that the monkey really needed to be cleaned up, and then asked Tie Dan.

"How can you kick a broom, Tie Dan?"

"I... I didn't mean to..."

"Didn't you do it on purpose? My old lady saw you break it with a kick, and you still dare to argue!" Hearing this kid's words, Zhuzi's sister-in-law immediately became furious, and stared at her son fiercely, wishing she could slap this guy to death with a broom.

"I... I just kicked it lightly, who knew it was so weak..." Tie Dan's voice became weaker and weaker, and he said with a little confidence.

"You bastard, can a broom handle made of fir be strong? See if I won't beat you to death!" Hearing this, Zhu Zi's sister-in-law became even more angry, picked up the bamboo broom and chased after Tie Dan.

"Oh! Crazy brother, help me..." Tie Dan saw his mother go crazy, let go of his feet and ran, yelling for help while running.

Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry, and stood on the road for a while, at a loss.

Shaking his head, Zhang Feng continued to walk towards the entrance of the village.

"Xiaofeng is here!!" At this time, Uncle Yu and his staff were loading feed on the boat.

"Uncle Yu, are you going to start work?" Zhang Feng smiled, and then filled cigarettes for everyone.

"Hehe, thank you Xiaofeng. This morning, noon and evening, you will feed three times a day, and you can't miss one!" Old Uncle Yu put a cigarette on his ear, and then said with a smile.

Later, Zhang Feng followed the workers to the river to feed the eels,
With the arrival of summer, the vitality of the rice field eels in the farm has greatly increased, and their food intake has also increased a lot. However, the rice field eels also grow faster in this way, and they can grow about two taels in almost a month.

From seedlings, it only takes three months to be on the market, and each one weighs no less than half a catty.

Up to now, Zhang Feng's eel farm has expanded to the extreme.

One thousand net cages almost covered the entire river, leaving only a [-]-[-] meter wide river channel for upstream and downstream ships to pass through.

Based on the calculation of 300 catties of eel in each net cage, Zhang Feng's farm can have more than [-] net cages of eels on the market every month, which is [-] catties, or about [-] tons.

On average, one ton is sold every day, and the supply exceeds demand, which is very hot.

Therefore, Zhang Feng earns more than 280 yuan a day just by selling eels, which is about [-] million yuan a month. Excluding the wages of the workers and various costs, there is at least a net profit of more than [-] million yuan. .

Therefore, although Zhang Feng's farm is very inconspicuous in the village, and it cannot be compared with the sensational cooperative, it does have the highest profit margin, as high as 90.00%.

Moreover, the farm doesn't need Zhang Feng to worry about it. He can easily earn more than 3000 million yuan a year by lying at home.


"Yo! Tie Dan is going to school?"

As soon as Zhang Feng walked out of the farm, he saw Tie Dan sitting on his father's motorcycle with a schoolbag on his back, and the father and son were driving out of the village.

"Crazy brother, good morning!" Tie Dan greeted Zhang Feng with a grin.

Brother Zhuzi smiled and nodded at Zhang Feng, and continued to drive towards the school with his son on his motorcycle.

As soon as I saw the iron egg Zhang Feng, I thought of the eight, nine, and ten stalks. At that time, this guy was beaten so badly by his father, his legs were all bruised and purple.

But don't treat each other with admiration for three days,
At this time, Tie Dan not only got rid of the single-digit grades, but also almost passed the monthly exam last month, both Chinese and mathematics.
I got 58 points in the mathematics test, 53 points in the Chinese test, and 32 points in English.

In any case, he has made great progress, and it is not in vain that his father did not pay 600 yuan a month to send him to work in the morning.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng had already walked to the cooperative without knowing it.

So Zhang Feng was going to go in and see how the cooperative's income was this month.
The only cousin Zhang Jing is on duty in the office now
"Xiao Jing?"

"Ah! Brother Feng is here!"

"Where are Brother Hua and the others?" Zhang Feng asked curiously, why did the others disappear.

"They, they went to the countryside to reconcile the accounts! Isn't the account due tomorrow?" Zhang Jing smiled, and quickly got Zhang Feng a glass of water.

"So that's the case. Has the cooperative's sales revenue been calculated this month?" Zhang Feng drank his saliva, and then asked his cousin, who is now the cooperative's accountant.

"It's been counted. Last month's sales revenue totaled 2000 million. After deducting the villagers' income of 5000 million, the gross profit of the cooperative this month is 7000 million." After finishing speaking, the cousin looked adoring. Looking at Zhang Feng.

"7000 million!" Zhang Feng remained calm, but he was very happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, it took only half a year or so for him to reach such a height that he could earn more than [-] million yuan in a month.

In the future, when you pretend to be aggressive, you can say this: My next goal is to earn another billion, because the small goal of earning one billion has already been achieved.

Zhang Feng smiled and quickly reacted, and then promised his cousin:

"Very good. I have seen everyone's performance this month. At the end of the year, I will definitely give everyone a big red envelope!"

"How big is it?" the cousin asked half jokingly.

"Hehe, won't you know when the time comes?" Zhang Feng said in a reticent manner.

"Hmph! It's fine if you don't say it!" The cousin said with her mouth raised, pretending to be angry.

But she is happy in her heart, because the current job is not only easy, but the salary is also very good. The monthly salary is [-], plus the bonus at the end of the year, the annual income is at least more than [-].

The most important thing is that the place of work is in the village, and I can see my family every day after get off work, and live with everyone. This kind of life is really good.

Saying goodbye to his cousin, Zhang Feng is like a tourist, admiring the scenery along the road while walking.

When I got home, I saw a lot of tourists blocking the entrance to the mountain. It sounded like they were listening to the villagers talking about the wild boar invasion last night.

(End of this chapter)

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