small farmer

Chapter 607 Uncle Pony's Brilliant Deeds

Chapter 607 Uncle Pony's Brilliant Deeds
"Xiaofeng, go to the entrance of the village and buy two handfuls of edamame beans, and make a fried edamame with minced meat for lunch!"

"Is there edamame at the entrance of the village today?" Zhang Feng looked at his mother suspiciously, and then asked.

"Why not? The second uncle came back from the field with a basket on his back at dawn!" Mother said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Zhang Feng turned around and walked towards the entrance of the village.

As tourism in the village becomes more and more prosperous, the small market at the entrance of the village is also more prosperous.

There used to be only seven or eight small stalls here, but now it has increased by four or five times, and almost every household's common vegetables and mountain products are sold here.

However, the most popular here and the most popular among tourists are all kinds of local snacks.

Fried potatoes, wrapped in cold skin, buckwheat jelly, crystal jelly... almost all the common local snacks in Qingshan are available here.

"Xiaofeng, come and eat a bowl of Liangpi..."

"Xiaofeng, come and taste my crystal jelly..."

"Thank you, thank you all..."

Walking in the small market, the seven aunts and eight aunts shouted enthusiastically to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng kept cupping his hands, thanking everyone for their kindness, and then quickened his pace and walked towards the second uncle.

The second uncle saw Zhang Feng coming in a hurry, and said with a smile.

"Haha, you caused a sensation as soon as you came here!!"

"Xiaofeng just wants to please women!" Uncle Ma also said with a smile.

Hearing Uncle Xiao Ma's words, Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry, "Uncle Xiao Ma, don't make fun of me when you are old! Who doesn't know that when you were young and old, everyone loved you, and the girls in the nearby towns and villages were all your little fans. !"

"Hey, that's of course... I think back then..." Then Uncle Ma talked about his glorious deeds of walking around the streets and causing many big girls and daughter-in-laws to stick to his door.

When Uncle Xiao Ma was young, he was not only handsome, but also had an eloquent mouth. Therefore, when he went to a nearby village to buy mountain goods, he was favored by many girls and daughters-in-law.

But Uncle Ma is not a casual person, of course he wouldn't know if he was casual.

In the [-]s, Uncle Ma went to Yakou Village to collect mountain goods, and finally met someone who made his heart flutter. Since then, Uncle Ma has been going to Yakou Village every now and then, and the price of the mountain goods is also increased each time. high.

It's a pity that the father-in-law and mother-in-law still disagree!
what to do? ?This made Uncle Ma very anxious.

I have to say that Zhang Feng's aunt really dared to have sex and hate. She eloped with Uncle Xiao Ma without the consent of her parents, and finally achieved a legendary love.

Therefore, whenever Uncle Xiao Ma has time, he publicizes his glorious achievements in his youth, which makes the bachelors in the village envious.

"Okay, Xiaofeng's business is tens of thousands every minute, so I don't have time to listen to you bragging!" The second uncle said without losing face.

"Hey, second uncle..." Uncle Xiao Ma became angry for a while, and just about to refute, he was stared back by the second uncle.

Seeing that Uncle Pony was deflated, Zhang Feng couldn't help but chuckled, thinking that Uncle Pony's glorious deeds had no chance of publicity today.

"Xiao Feng, where are you going?" The second uncle asked Zhang Feng with a smile, regardless of Uncle Ma's resentful eyes.

"If I don't go there, I'm going to sell you two handfuls of edamame all the time!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"Buy what to buy..." The second uncle glared at Zhang Feng, grabbed three or four handfuls of edamame and stuffed it into Zhang Feng's hands.

Just as Zhang Feng wanted to refuse, he was glared at by the second uncle, and said domineeringly: "You look down on me, don't you? Just take what I give you obediently."

"Second uncle, please don't say that, can I take it?" Zhang Feng caught it dumbfounded, thinking that he would help the second uncle more in the future.

"That's right. From now on, if you want to eat, go to the field to pick it yourself, and pick as much as you want!" The second uncle waved his hand and said generously.

"I know the second uncle, so I'll go back first?"

"Go! Go!" The second uncle smiled and nodded.


As soon as he walked out of the small market and came to the square at the entrance of the village, Zhang Feng met his uncle.

"Uncle, have you gone to the city?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"That's right, I asked your cousin to apply for some hunting certificates this morning. Didn't you just go and get them back?" the uncle said with a smile.

The incident of the wild boar entering the village last night was really a bit thrilling. Fortunately, it was in the middle of the night. If it were during the day, the village would be full of tourists at that time. What if the tourists were injured?Even if the tourists are not injured, it is not okay to be frightened!

"It's good to have a hunting license. The wild boars in the mountains have bred too fast in recent years." Although the wild boars are not as many as domestic pigs, there are at least five or six in a litter.

With the improvement of the environment in recent years and the reduction of hunters in the countryside, the wild boars in Qinglong Mountain have also reproduced rapidly. Especially in recent years, there have been several wild boars going down the mountain every year.

Especially this time, he almost entered the village.

Therefore, the village uncle attached great importance to it. At dawn today, he called his brother who was the police chief and asked for a dozen wild boar hunting certificates.

With these ten hunting certificates, the village can finally hunt wild boars with confidence.

Don't think that killing ten wild boars a year is a lot. You should know that wild boars can give birth twice a year, and there are five or six in a litter.

And how many wild boars are there in Qinglong Mountain?It is estimated that even Pao Shanye, an experienced old hunter, can't tell clearly.

But everyone knows that there must be many, at least hundreds of them nearby. This is the mountain forest near Moon Lake, and there must be many in other places.

Therefore, there are at least five or six hundred wild boars in the entire Qinglong Mountain. If the food inside is not enough to support the expansion of the wild boar population, there will definitely be more wild boars in the mountain at this time.

In order to find food, the wild boars in the mountains will run down the mountain every year and harm the villagers' crops everywhere. Last year, the peanut and corn fields of Uncle Er Niu's family were harmed by wild boars, and the peanut harvest was completely lost.

In the end, fortunately, the village applied for a subsidy for him to make up for part of the loss, otherwise Uncle Er Niu's crops for one season would have been planted in vain.

"Xiaofeng, later, you go and inform Xia Pao Shanye to come to the village committee at [-]:[-] noon, so we can discuss the management of wild boars."

"Don't worry, I will definitely notify you!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

I just happened to be on the way home by myself, and I just need to notify Master Shan when the time comes.

"Well, that's good." The uncle nodded with a smile and walked towards the village committee.


When Zhang Feng returned home, he happened to see Li Jun making a bed in the east wing, because it was very inconvenient to go back and forth between the city and the village, so after everyone's suggestions, Li Jun moved to the house.

Therefore, starting today, there is one more person in the family.

Of course, as long as the homestay is built, he will move back, and he should live at home in the next two or three months.

"Brother Jun, do you want me to help?"

"Hehe! No, I can do it myself!" Li Jun smiled and declined.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and walked to the backyard with a vegetable basket, starting to prepare today's lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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