small farmer

Chapter 608 Anxious Exam

Chapter 608 Anxious Exam (33)

At noon, Zhang Feng sat in the yard and read a book quietly. Tomorrow is the time for the shipping driver's license test.

"Hee hee, madman brother, what are you looking at?"

"Me, I'm reading the exam book!" Zhang Feng said with a smile when he saw that it was Xiao Maoya.

"Ah, lunatics, you guys are going to take the exam too? My brother said they are going to take the exam too!!" Mao Ya asked Zhang Feng in surprise.

Hearing Mao Ya's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing. This girl thought she was going to take a unit test just like Da Mao!

"Really? Is your brother reading at home?"

"Hee hee, he was stopped by my father just as he wanted to come out to play, and now he is doing homework on the desk!" Mao Ya squinted and said happily.

Zhang Feng chatted with Mao Ya casually, and the time passed slowly.


"Oh, brother, I feel like I can't pass!" On the way back from the exam, Zhang Yi said very anxiously.

"What's wrong? Is the topic difficult?" Zhang Feng asked while driving.

"Of course, there are a few questions that are very difficult, and I've been fooled by them all!" Zhang Yi said without confidence.

"Hehe, it's okay, a few questions are just a few points, as long as the others are correct, you can definitely pass!" Zhang Feng smiled and comforted.

"I hope!!" Zhang Yi still had no idea,

The written test for the shipping driver's license is really not easy. It really takes hard work to pass, but many people are like that. Only after the test starts, do they regret that they didn't review well. Unfortunately, it is already too late.

"If you don't pass the test this time, let's take the test next time. Isn't there another chance at the end of the month?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Well, that's the only way to go!!" Zhang Yi looked at his elder brother enviously and said.

As for Zhang Feng, he almost has a photographic memory. The knowledge points on the exam materials can be firmly remembered in his mind as long as he has read them once.

It doesn't matter if there are some omissions, isn't there still a ball?With this super-intelligent system manager, it doesn't matter even if you can't do a single question, as long as Dandan checks it online, he will be able to find it out.

Of course, Zhang Feng wasn't so bad that he needed Eggy's help to cheat in the exam. This exam was very simple, with all multiple-choice questions. It took Zhang Feng only 10 minutes to complete all the questions in the one-and-a-half hour exam.

If it wasn't for waiting for Zhang Yi to come with him, Zhang Feng would have already handed in the papers and left.

However, Zhang Feng's answering speed also stunned the invigilating teacher. At first, the teacher thought that Zhang Feng was answering the questions indiscriminately, and walked over curiously to see that they were all right! !
Shock! !The test teacher opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Shaking his head in horror, he returned to the podium and thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out where this monster came from.

As for the suspicion of cheating, it is simply impossible, because these questions are all randomly generated by the computer, and everyone's is different, and even the correction of the paper is done by the computer, so it is even more difficult to cheat.

Moreover, Zhang Feng's gentle appearance looks like a college student who just graduated, so the possibility of cheating is also very small.

"Brother, what did you do so quickly today, I saw that the teacher's surprised eyes almost fell off."

"Of course, I have a photographic memory. What's the point of taking a test? It's not easy!" Zhang Feng said pretendingly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Yi immediately rolled his eyes, wishing to find Zhang Feng to PK, but unfortunately it was just a thought, because when he thought of his elder brother's terrifying force value, Zhang Yi immediately lost his mind.

"Brother, I heard that the test results will come out in the afternoon, is it true?"

"It seems so, didn't the invigilator say that?"

Because there were not many people who took the exam, or even very few, this time there were only seven or eight people, so the results came out very quickly, and the results could be announced after work in the afternoon.

Just log in to the official website of Qingshan County Water Transportation Management Office to view it.


"Brother, I'm leaving first!" Zhang Yi said listlessly when he came to the door.

"Well, remember to check your grades this afternoon!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.


When I got home, the eldest sister was still busy in the room, and Brother Jun was not there, so she probably went to the construction site.

"Hey, Xiaofeng is back?" Hearing the movement in the room, the eldest sister came out and said with a smile when she saw Zhang Feng.

"I'm back." Zhang Feng drank a glass of water and nodded with a smile.

"How is the exam? Is it possible to pass?" The elder sister knew that Zhang Feng was going to take the exam for the shipping driver's license today, so she asked with concern.

"As long as there are no accidents, we can definitely pass!" Zhang Feng smiled and said confidently.

"That's good. By the way, what about Zhang Yi?" The elder sister nodded and asked again.

"Zhang Yi's test is mediocre, I don't know if he can pass it!" Zhang Feng shook his head.

"It's okay to fail the exam this time, isn't there another chance?" the eldest sister comforted with a smile.

Zhang Feng nodded. Everyone has two chances. Even if they fail the first time, they still have one chance to make up the exam.

If you fail the test the second time, you can only pay another 1000 yuan registration fee, and then take the test again.


Ding ding dong dong......

At noon, the alarm clock set by Zhang Feng finally rang.

Zhang Feng quickly took out his mobile phone, turned on the WiFi on his face, turned on the pipe network of the Water Transportation Management Office, and checked the exam results in the morning.

"I'll go? [-] points?? Isn't the teacher afraid that I'll be proud??" After seeing his grades, Zhang Feng laughed and couldn't express his joy.

This guy must have burned his brain out of joy, and even forgot to correct the papers with the computer. No teacher is afraid of him being proud.

Besides, this is the driver's license test, and the teacher is eager for everyone to get [-] points in the test!
"By the way, there's Zhang Yi's too!!" After enjoying himself for a while, Zhang Feng finally came to his senses and began to check Zhang Yi's grades.

"92 points!! That's great! Enough, enough!" Zhang Feng clenched his fists excitedly, feeling happy for Zhang Yi, because he could pass the driver's license written test with only [-] points.

Ninety long live, one more point is wasted, as long as it can pass everything is OK!

"Hahaha, brother, I passed, I actually passed..." Zhang Yi ran to the yard excitedly after 2 minutes, shouting while running.

"I see! I see! 92 points, right?" Seeing his cousin so happy, Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, presumably it was the same when Fan Jinzhong held the exam!

"Hey, I didn't expect me to be able to live this too!" Zhang Yi was still very happy, and it still feels unbelievable to this day.

"But brother, you are the best. You can get full marks on such a difficult subject!" When talking about Zhang Feng's test results, Zhang Yi also admired him.

Of the eight people in this exam, there are five of them, but only Zhang Feng has a perfect score, and he is the only one with a perfect score this year, which is really amazing!It's crazy!
"It's nothing, just prepare well, and the test paper this time is not too difficult." Zhang Feng smiled modestly.

Zhang Yi immediately rolled his eyes, this is not difficult, could it be that my eighth score was blackmailed by the teacher? ? ?
 Thanks to the book friend 'I hope time flies' for the reward of 1000 starting coins. I will go back to my hometown to pick plums tomorrow, so there should only be two chapters. If I come back too late, I may have to ask for leave. I hope everyone will forgive me! !

(End of this chapter)

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