small farmer

Chapter 609 Hiiragi Leaf Zongye

Chapter 609 Hiiragi Leaf Zongye (13)

Successfully pass the test for a shipping driver's license
Both brothers were very happy, especially Zhang Yi, who was excited for a long time before gradually calming down.

"I wonder if tomorrow's boarding operation will be difficult?"

Zhang Yi seems to have test anxiety. This guy has just passed the written test, and now he is starting to worry about taking the test.

"Don't worry, our speedboat test is not as difficult as your truck driver's license test!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hey, it's true!!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Yi was finally relieved.

Besides, the two brothers have long been extremely proficient in driving Xiao Qishu's speedboat. Although their skills have not reached the peak level, there is still no problem in passing.


The weather in early June is already very hot
The asphalt pavement outside was almost melted by the heat.

Suddenly a gust of cool wind blows, feeling very cool, the flowers, plants and trees in the yard shake their heads listlessly.

Because of the sufficient rain and nutrients, the golden leaf privets on both sides of the gate are also rising slowly. After only half a month without pruning, they have already grown [-] to [-] centimeters.

Taking advantage of his free time, Zhang Feng took the large scissors from the utility room, and trimmed the branches and leaves of the privet, just like a gardener or a greening master, designing his own greening works.

"Haha, Xiaofeng, you hold a pair of big scissors, why do you feel like Yue Laosan in Tianlong?" At this moment, Uncle Er Niu came in, saw Zhang Feng holding the big scissors in both hands, and said amusedly.

"I'll go, Uncle Erniu, are you dizzy? Do you think there is such a handsome Yue Laosan in the world?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, then said with a smile.

Yue Laosan in Tianlong has a strange appearance, bald and bearded, which does not match Zhang Feng's image at all.

"Hey, I didn't say you guys look alike, I mean that your equipment is very similar, don't you see that you both have a pair of big scissors?" Uncle Er Niu blinked Zhang Feng and said with a smile .

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, "Come on, don't you have such big scissors? I think your figure is really similar to that of Yue Laosan. If you don't know that your acting skills are too poor, I would doubt whether Yue Laosan is your actor." of it!"

"Got it! Don't talk nonsense with you kid, let's go pick some zong leaves!" Uncle Er Niu said that he couldn't beat Zhang Feng, so he interrupted the topic just now, and then waved to Zhang Feng!

"Picking Zongye?" Zhang Feng was a little confused, why did Uncle Er Niu suddenly mention this matter.

"You guys don't know that the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, right?" Uncle Er Niu exaggeratedly asked.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I really forgot!" Zhang Feng slapped his head in frustration, only then did he remember that the Dragon Boat Festival is really coming soon.

The Dragon Boat Festival is also a relatively grand festival in China.

It is still a national statutory holiday, and the students in the school will also have a day off.

On this day, everyone eats zongzi, whether it is to commemorate Qu Yuan or not, but it has become a traditional custom that has been passed down through the ages.

And making zongzi definitely needs zong leaves.

However, people in Qingshan generally do not use bamboo leaves to make zongzi, because the area of ​​bamboo leaves is too small to wrap too many things, and they are only used when making small triangular cakes.

Therefore, what Uncle Er Niu and Zhang Feng were going to pick was not bamboo leaves, but another larger plant called zhong (zhong) leaves.

Hiiragi is a perennial herb belonging to the Arrowroot family. The plant height can reach one meter. The leaves are basal, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, and the petiole can reach [-] cm. It looks like a plantain fan.

Because of its large and smooth leaves, it is very suitable for making zongzi.


There is a large piece of Hiiragi leaves beside the bamboo grove of Uncle Er Niu's house. Zhang Feng took a rough look and estimated that it was about half an mu. This was planted by Uncle Er Niu's mother when she was alive, and it has been more than [-] years.

I have to say that the old man is still very discerning. The Hiiragi leaves planted in the past are worth a lot of money now.

A leaf can be sold for two to three cents, especially around the Dragon Boat Festival, when it is even more popular, and the supply is almost in short supply.

"I said Uncle Er Niu, why don't you cut the Hiiragi leaves to sell this year?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"What do you sell? You can only earn 600 yuan after a few days of busy work. I don't have that kind of free time!!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head.

Now that he has made money, Uncle Er Niu no longer looks down on such a small amount of money, but in previous years, not to mention five or six hundred, even one or two hundred and two hundred, Uncle Niu would work very hard.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, which is also understandable.

After all, everyone is rich now. When the cooperative settled the bill this morning, the entire village of Moon Lake received an average of more than 6 yuan per household.

More than 6!This is only a month, and the money earned is almost equal to the income of the past two or three years.
So everyone is very excited and very happy,
After earning so much money, who would spend so much time selling zong leaves? Isn't that throwing away sesame seeds and picking up watermelons?If you have time, you might as well go to the vegetable field to have a look!
"By the way, Xiaofeng, when I went to the countryside to harvest mushrooms, someone from the next county asked me if I would accept them. Do you think we should accept them?" Uncle Er Niu straightened his face, and then asked Zhang Feng.

"Oh! Everyone in the next county knows?" Zhang Feng frowned.

"Of course, how far is the next county?" Uncle Er Niu nodded.

"Harvest, harvest as much as you can!" Zhang Feng thought for a while. Recently, the farm work at home has almost been done, especially once the fruits in the orchard are picked, he is completely free.

Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so it is better to collect more mushrooms, and besides Yelang Restaurant, Jiajiawang Supermarket also hopes to supply fresh and dried mushrooms.

Therefore, no matter how much you collect, you don't have to worry about no sales.

Moreover, the profit of buying mushrooms is also very considerable, almost reaching [-]%, and dried mushrooms can even reach [-]%.

Now as long as there is rain, I can buy more than 1 catties a day, and at least earn more than [-]. If the scope of purchases is expanded to the next few counties, it is very possible to double or triple the daily profit.

As for the manpower issue, there is nothing to worry about.

Although the villagers are very busy, the fruits have already been harvested now. If Zhang Feng knew that he was looking for someone to buy mushrooms, the people in line would probably be able to line up from the beginning of the village to the end of the village.

Because Uncle Erniu and his friends are ahead of others, especially after Ah Hong's big mouth made publicity, no one in the village knows that they are making a lot of money.

A business that can earn four to five thousand a day, such a good thing, anyone who does not snatch it will do it, unless it is really a fool.

It has to be said that Zhang Feng's forecast was very good. As soon as the news was released that day, there were countless calls immediately, and many of them were villagers from other villages.

Fortunately, there are many people in need this time, so Zhang Feng only rejected a few unsuitable ones, and kept most of them.

In the evening, Zhang Feng called everyone for a meeting and divided everyone's acquisition areas, so that there would be no conflicts and everyone's interests could be guaranteed.

 Thank you very much for the reward from book friend 'A000759', and thank you very much for your subscription and tickets, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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