small farmer

Chapter 610 Boarding Examination

Chapter 610 Boarding Examination (22)

Because the sky was still clear and the sun was scorching the next day.

Therefore, all the villagers who bought the mushrooms did not leave and could only stay at home.

But Zhang Feng and his cousin got up early in the morning, dressed neatly, and hurriedly drove towards Gudu Shipyard.

Because today's boarding exam will be conducted at the Gudu Shipyard.

Not only the venue for the exam, but also the various ships for the exam are sponsored by Yougudu Shipyard, so it is very convenient for the Gudu Shipyard to register for candidates.

When Zhang Feng and the two arrived at the gate of the Gudu Shipyard, they were let in with the admission ticket.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, you are here, and I am going to pick you up at the door!"

As soon as Manager Wang saw Zhang Feng and the two, he greeted them with a smile.

"Thank you, Manager Wang, you are so polite!" Zhang Feng smiled and shook hands with Manager Wang,
After the three of them exchanged pleasantries, Manager Wang led the two of them to the test dock.

"Old Huang, I'll leave them to you!" Manager Wang said with a smile when he saw the dark-skinned middle-aged man by the pier.

"It's okay, as long as there are no major mistakes, you can generally pass!" Lao Huang nodded with a smile.

Zhang Feng and the two suddenly realized that they were today's exam teacher! !

So the two hurried over to say hello. Although they didn't need to curry favor, they still had to show the minimum respect and courtesy.

About a quarter of an hour later, all three teachers and ten candidates arrived!

As soon as nine o'clock came, Lao Huang notified everyone that the exam had officially started.

First of all, Lao Huang took everyone to familiarize themselves with the ship to be operated later, because everyone had already trained, so this step was just a formality.

"Old Wu, come and do it for everyone, and let everyone see the various items that will be tested later!"

"Good!" Old Wu is not very old, only about 40 years old. According to Manager Wang, among these masters, except Lao Huang, who is an employee of the Shipping Management Office, the other two are masters of Gudu Shipyard, so the Nothing is more familiar than sailing.

Lao Wu got on the boat quickly, first checked the condition of the boat, and confirmed that there was nothing negligent, then started the engine, and drove the speedboat skillfully on the river.

The speedboat ran in a straight line for a while, turned and circled for a while, and did various movements three times before slowly returning to the pier.

"Did everyone understand the demonstration I made just now?"

"Understood!!" In fact, the people here are all old drivers, but they have not obtained a driver's license before.

Therefore, the coach's demonstration is not difficult for everyone, except for the newbies of course.

"That's good, which one of you will come first?" Old Wu asked everyone with a smile.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, but no one gets on the boat first.

After about a few seconds, Zhang Feng raised his hand, "I'll come first!"

"Hehe, that's right. You need to have confidence and courage to sail, so that you can be calm when things happen..." Lao Huang nodded with a smile, and was very optimistic about Zhang Feng's realization.

"Thank you coach!"

Zhang Feng smiled, walked onto the boat calmly, and then carefully checked the speedboat according to the gourd painting. He found that there was no potential safety hazard, so he slowly started the speedboat and started his own assessment.

The other candidates stared at Zhang Feng intently, probably thinking about what they would do if they were themselves, or checking whether Zhang Feng had made any mistakes.

In the end, Zhang Feng's assessment was very successful and won unanimous praise from the coaches. Everyone felt that Zhang Feng was like an old driver of a cargo ship for ten years, and his skills were quite skilled.

Although Zhang Feng performed very well, the performance of the others was not lazy. In particular, there were a few old cruise ship drivers who had seven or eight years of driving experience and completed various assessment items almost perfectly. successfully passed.

Although the others had occasional flaws, their skills were not bad, so in the end, all ten candidates passed the boarding exam smoothly.

After a week, you can get a shipping driver's license.

"Goodbye, Manager Wang!!"

"Goodbye, your driver's license has arrived, I will notify you immediately!"

The two brothers successfully passed the exam. Not only were they very happy, but Manager Wang was also very happy, because in this way he could successfully sell the two ships, and he could get a small two thousand for the achievement alone, plus other income. The monthly salary is quite impressive!
Farewell to Manager Wang
Zhang Feng and the two went back home.
Along the way, Zhang Yi was very happy, and kept humming random songs, which made Zhang Feng frown.

"Could you be quiet, you bastard?"

"Hey, that's good, then I'll be a quiet and handsome man!!" Zhang Yi said with a wretched smile.

Zhang Feng sighed, then shook his head, thinking that this guy probably forgot to take his medicine, or why his performance today was so abnormal.


When the two returned to the entrance of the village, they met the little kids of Net Dragonfly.

"Brother Crazy, Brother Xiaoyi!" The little guys ran over excitedly when they saw Zhang Feng and the two of them.

"Hey! Are you going to net dragonflies?"

"Yes, my father made this net bag for me!" Holding up his net bag, Xiaoshi proudly said.

"Wow, your dad is amazing!" Zhang Feng said with a smile,
"Hee hee, madman brother, look at this big green head we caught, isn't it nice?" Then the little guy took out his spoils and showed off to Zhang Feng.

"Crazy brother, look, this is the red dragonfly I caught, I don't use a net bag!"

Then the little ones took out their trophies one after another, scrambling to show Zhang Feng,

Zhang Feng couldn't help but smiled wryly, praised them one by one, and then sent the little guys away!
"Let's go! Let's go to the river beach!"

A group of little guys huffed and ran towards the river, where there are the most dragonflies, and they like to perch on the leaves of reeds the most.

"Hehe, these little guys are really cute. Brother, do you still remember that we ate dragonflies when we were young!" Looking at the little guys going away, Zhang Yi recalled.

"Haha, why don't you remember that the middle part of the dragonfly's body is still full of lean meat! Roasting it with fire will taste even more delicious than grasshoppers!" Zhang Feng laughed.

We tried almost everything when we were kids.

Even the frogs have been boiled and roasted by everyone, but in the end everyone still dare not eat them.

As the two walked, they recalled interesting childhood stories and laughed constantly along the way.

At the door of the house, Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, was guarding the stall.

"Why are you two laughing so happily?" Wang Guilan asked curiously seeing Zhang Feng and the two smiling so happily.

"It's nothing, just talk about things when I was a child!"

Hearing the words of the two children, Wang Guilan couldn't help shaking her head. These two children were completely mischievous kings when they were young. They either stole other people's melons in one day, or the cattle they let go ate other people's crops. Find home.

Of course, the consequences are also very serious, every time there is a meal of fried pork with golden bamboo shoots! !
But it's actually quite interesting to think about what happened when the two were young, and it's also very interesting to think about it now.

 There are only two chapters today. I am dizzy and have no ideas. I will take a day off. I hope everyone will forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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