small farmer

Chapter 612 Grapevine

Chapter 612 Grapevine (23)

"Crazy, you go up the tree, I'll let you out!"

Yiyi carefully looked around, and quickly said to Zhang Feng, as if she had already regarded herself as a thief who stole fruit.

"Then I climbed the tree!" Seeing Yiyi's appearance, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah!" Yiyi glanced at Zhang Feng, and looked around vigilantly again. It seems that Yiyi's ability to let go of the wind is self-taught.

There are not many loquats in Uncle’s house. There are only two loquat trees by the roadside, both of which are new varieties from other places. The fruits are not only large in size but also high in sugar, and have a very good taste.

But if this thing is not handled well, there will be no harvest, especially in the ripe season, if it is not bagged, the wild birds in the forest will flock to it, and it will be pecked clean in three or two days.

Moreover, this loquat is prone to worms. If it is not sprayed with medicine, almost all of the fruit will be full of insect feces, and it cannot be eaten at all.

But this year, my uncle should have been treated with fruity aroma and super pesticides, so this loquat not only tastes better, but also doesn't have any insect eyes, and it looks very good.

"Yiyi, go on!" Soon, Zhang Feng picked five or six. Because he didn't bring a bag, he had to hand it to Yiyi under the tree first.

When Zhang Feng, a pair of male and female thieves, stole the loquats from the uncle's house, they didn't even know that the uncle was watching them not far away!

At this time, the mountain pass was in full swing. Under the arrangement of the mountain master, several villagers were digging traps to prevent wild boars from entering the village again.

The village head was also here to supervise the work at this time, and he didn't expect to see Zhang Feng and the two picking loquats.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the village chief smiling and shaking his head, Master Paoshan asked curiously.

"Hehe, I'm laughing at that kid Xiaofeng!"

"What's wrong with Xiaofeng?" Master Paoshan was puzzled, what's the relationship with Xiaofeng now?

"Look, isn't that kid picking my loquat with Yiyi?" The uncle pointed at Zhang Feng and said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's nice to be young!"

"Yeah, think about it when we were young, wasn't it the same? Whenever we encounter delicious melons and fruits, we can't help but try two of them!"

Ever since, the two elders began to recall distant memories, recalling all kinds of interesting things in their youth, smelling things, talking about them, and couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the laughter of the village head and the mountain master, Zhang Feng was startled: "Yiyi, do you hear the voices of the uncle and the mountain master over there?"

"Ah, didn't we have been discovered long ago?" Following Zhang Feng's fingers, Yiyi immediately asked with a wry smile as he saw the two elders standing not far away.

"Haha, it's okay, if you see it, you will see it!" Zhang Feng said indifferently.

"Oh, it's my pity that I was discovered stealing vegetables for the first time!!" Yiyi pouted and said in frustration.

Since her uncle had found out, Yiyi had no interest in stealing loquats, so Zhang Feng took her to the mountain pass.


"Uncle, your loquats are so good, why don't you sell them?" Zhang Feng asked curiously. In the market, such loquats cost more than ten yuan a catty at least!

"What are you selling for? There are not many trees, only a hundred catties, how much can you sell them for?" The uncle smiled and shook his head.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded. Everyone has given up many crops that are not of a large scale in the village. Everyone knows that in the future, only the vegetables in the vegetable field will be the lifeblood of everyone. Ten thousand income, other things are just a drop in the bucket, so no one is willing to spend time for these petty profits.

Look at the trap everyone is digging
Zhang Feng had to say that the traps of Master Paoshan are really useful. I remember that last year, many wild boars fell into the traps and became the trophies of the villagers, earning them a lot of extra money.

Originally, some villagers suggested that if wild boars are caught this year, they should not be sold, and they should simply hold a wild boar banquet, which will increase the popularity of the village and promote the tourism development of Moon Lake.

However, this proposal was still rejected by the uncle, because wild boars are protected animals. It is definitely not suitable to hold such a large-scale wild boar banquet, and it will definitely cause many unnecessary disputes.

Haven’t you seen that the Dog Meat Festival in Guilin has been banned?

If you ask Zhang Feng, these people are really idle, and they are full of food. Dogs are friends of human beings, so isn't it cute little pigs?

Why are those who eat dog meat beaten and killed, while there are so many people who eat pork, almost all the people in the country eat it. The amount of pork eaten every year is tens of millions of tons. How many pigs will be killed?Why don't these guys speak out? ?
Zhang Feng thinks these people are the most disgusting. Everyone has their own favorite food, so why should they kidnap their will on others.

Zhang Feng thinks that the most important thing is to be tolerant. Huaxia's food is all-encompassing. What other people like to eat is their interest and freedom. As long as it doesn't interfere with him, everything is OK.

But this is the reality. There are too many so-called caring people, and the wild boar feast plan died before it even started.

After watching for a while, Yiyi soon lost interest,

So the two bid farewell to everyone and walked towards the village.


the next morning

Zhang Feng watered the vines with a water bottle. It took only half a month, and the newly planted grapes had already climbed onto the trellis.

This used to be the site of the gourd brothers, but because of the big gourd harvest last year, Zhang Feng did not plant gourds this year, but planted this grape instead.

"Brother madman, what are you doing?" Xiao Maoya walked towards the yard clattering in her little slippers.

Seeing Zhang Feng watering, he blinked his big black eyes and asked curiously.

"Hehe, I'm watering the vines!" Zhang Feng looked back, and it turned out to be this little girl.

"Ah, is this the vine?" Mao Ya asked in surprise.

"Of course, haven't you seen it?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile while pouring water.

The little girl pouted and shook her head cutely.

"Brother madman, do vines grow grapes?" The little girl asked Zhang Feng while sitting on the stool, dragging her cheeks with her small hands.

"Sure, otherwise, why would it be called a grape tree!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Oh!" The little girl nodded slowly, but then asked curiously: "Crazy brother, why are there no grapes now?"

"Hehe, because it was just planted this year, just like peaches and plums, it will not bear fruit when it is young, at least it will produce grapes next year!" Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

Zhang Feng’s family grows ruby ​​grapes, which originated in the United States. They were introduced to China in the 90s and [-]s, and are now more commonly planted in Shandong and Hebei provinces.

Moreover, this kind of grape is a seedless grape, and its ripening period is relatively late, and it usually does not mature until mid-to-late September.

"Ah, we have to wait until next year!" The little girl was obviously disappointed, thinking that she would not be able to eat sweet grapes this year.

"Hehe, can't wait so much?" Seeing the cute look on the little girl's face, Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hee hee..." The little girl nodded embarrassingly.

Zhang Feng smiled and touched the little girl's head. This little girl is really innocent and cute.

(End of this chapter)

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