small farmer

Chapter 613 Homemade Tomato Sauce

Chapter 613 Homemade Tomato Sauce (33)

"Come on, let's go pick tomatoes in the backyard!"

Zhang Feng put down the kettle, smiled and waved to Maoya.

The little girl nodded, and followed Zhang Feng's buttocks with a smile, like a little tail. The two, one big and one small, quickly came to the vegetable garden in the backyard.

The few tomato plants planted in spring have already covered the shelves, each of them is red and watery, shining brightly under the sunlight, shining like gems, and like exquisite handicrafts, extremely beautiful .

"Crazy brother?"

"what happened?"

"Why do your tomatoes grow so well?" the little girl asked innocently.

"Hehe, because the madman took good care of them. He watered and weeded them every day. In addition, he also applied fertilizer and pesticides, so they grew well!" Zhang Feng smiled, of course he would not say that he watered them himself. Because of auxin.

"Oh!" The little girl nodded obediently, then stood by the side, quietly watching Zhang Feng pick off the beautiful tomatoes one by one, and then put them into the vegetable basket.

"Come on, try one!" Zhang Feng picked a fist-sized tomato, wiped it and handed it to Xiao Maoya.

"Hee hee, thank you madman!!" The little girl swallowed, happily took the tomato Zhang Feng gave her,
She tried her best to open her small mouth, wanting to bite more flesh in one bite, but unfortunately the little girl's mouth was too small, and although her movements were exaggerated, she only bit off a small piece of tomato.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Seeing Mao Ya eating with gusto, Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's delicious! It's delicious!" The little girl nodded heavily, thinking that the tomatoes from the crazy brother's house were as delicious as watermelons.

Due to the sufficient nutrition, the vines of several tomato plants are covered with fruits, which are very red and very gratifying.

The family can't eat so much for a while, so Zhang Feng is going to pick off all the ripe ones, and send some to Yiyi's family later, and the rest can be made into tomato sauce.

The method of making tomato sauce is very simple.

First heat the water to 3 to [-] degrees, then put the cleaned tomatoes into the hot water, cover the pot and cook until it boils, it will be ready after two to three minutes.

After that, fish out the tomatoes, peel off the skins, pour them into a clean container, and then keep rolling until the tomatoes are stirred into a paste.

Finally, pour the crushed tomatoes into the pot, add a small amount of water and rock sugar, and heat for a few minutes until the sauce becomes thick, and our tomato sauce is considered successful!

"Crazy brother?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Zhang Feng was immersed in picking tomatoes, when he turned his head and saw Mao Ya looking at him timidly.

"Crazy brother, can I... can I eat the cucumber over there?"

"Haha, Mao Ya wants to eat cucumber??"

"Yeah!!" Seeing Zhang Feng's face, Mao Ya smiled and nodded.

"Okay, brother madman will pick one for you!" Zhang Feng smiled, put down the vegetable basket, brought Maoya to the melon root, found a cucumber that grew from it, and after picking it, he clicked it and divided it into pieces. Two halves, one half for herself and one half for Mao Ya.

"Thank you madman!!" Mao Ya said politely as she took the cucumber.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and ate the cucumber in his hand. It was fragrant and crunchy, and had a unique fragrance. It tasted really good.


"Xiao Feng is here?" The old man and Grandpa Zhou were drinking tea in the yard, when they saw Zhang Feng coming, they asked with a smile.

"Hey, I brought you some tomatoes from the backyard. There are too many tomatoes at home!" Zhang Feng smiled and walked in with two catties of tomatoes.

"Hehe, that's right, the tomatoes grown in your backyard are of high quality, almost the best tomatoes I've ever seen!" The old man was not stingy with his praise.

Therefore, the vegetables in Zhang Feng's backyard are indeed worthy of such praise.

Grandpa Zhou also nodded with a smile, and was very satisfied with the vegetables in Zhang Feng's backyard.

Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Yiyi walked out with a smile.

"Crazy, you are here!"

"Well, here are the tomatoes I just picked! Sending some for you to try!"

"Thank you." Yiyi took the tomatoes and put them in the refrigerator with a smile.

"Crazy, how many tomatoes do you have?"

"It's still thirty or forty catties!" Zhang Feng estimated,

"Then you can make tomato sauce or something?" Yiyi suggested with a smile.

"Hey, I actually think so too!" I have to say that the two of them really have a good understanding, and they both thought of being together.


Ershu's family, Maoya's family, Erniushu, Dashanshu, uncle, etc.,

Zhang Feng sent one or two catties to each family, but in the end there were still more than ten catties left in the family.

Except for one or two catties left for cooking, the rest of Zhang Feng made tomato sauce and filled a medium-sized clay pot.

"Hehe, these ketchup should be enough for several months!"

Looking at the jar full of ketchup, Zhang Feng also felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. He actually succeeded for the first time.

"Well, it tastes good!" Zhang Feng dipped his finger in some and tasted it, the sweet and sour taste was very good.

In the future, when eating noodles for breakfast every day, you can put it for a while, it will definitely taste good.

And you can give some to Zhang Yue every week to supplement the little girl with some vitamins, and tomatoes have the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin. I believe the little girl will like it very much.

At noon, Zhang Feng made a tomato egg and a tomato egg soup with tomatoes.

After the eldest sister saw it, she jokingly said that she ate a tomato meal today, and Zhang Feng couldn't laugh or cry.


Breeze blowing in the cool courtyard
There was a plate of red tomatoes on the white stone table, with water droplets still hanging on it, looking very attractive.

Zhang Feng sat leisurely at the stone table, reading local novels with relish,

"Crazy brother, we are here!!"

After a while, the little guys who had finished eating came here to visit again.

Duckling, led by Da Mao, Mao Ya, Xiao Shi Shi, and Er Dan followed behind, just like a group of chirping sparrows came to the yard.

"Wow, crazy man, your tomatoes are so big!" The little duck's eyes lit up when he saw the juicy tomatoes on the table.

"Crazy brother, your tomatoes are delicious??" Xiao Shitou also leaned over and asked expectantly.

Hearing what the little guys said, Zhang Feng smiled, thinking how cute these little guys insisted on playing tricks with him even though they wanted to eat their own tomatoes.

"Of course it's delicious. Do you want to eat it?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"I want to eat! Hee hee..." the little ones said happily.

"Okay, wash your hands for me if you want to eat, you can only eat after washing!!"

"Yeah! Thank you madman!!"

The little guy immediately cheered, and happily ran to the water pipe.

(End of this chapter)

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