small farmer

Chapter 614 Fully Automatic Machine

Chapter 614 Fully Automatic Machine
"Well, it's delicious!"

The little duck bites down, and the sweet and sour tomato juice stimulates the taste buds, making the mouth full of saliva and fragrant.

The other little guys each held a big tomato, bigger than their fists, and tried to open their mouths wide, trying to bite off half of it in one bite. They were really greedy little guys.

"Eat slowly, don't get your clothes dirty?" Seeing the juice splashed by the little ones, with red tomatoes all over their mouths, Zhang Feng reminded with a smile.

"Understood, madman!" The little guys muttered with puffy faces.

Looking at Mao Ya again, the tomato juice flowed down to her neck, and she wanted to wipe it off with her sleeves. Zhang Feng shook his head, and quickly took out a tissue to help the little girl wipe off all the juice on her neck.

And wet the water with a handkerchief to help the little girl scrub again.

"Thank you, Brother Crazy!" Maoya thanked her, but she didn't want to stop for a moment, still eating delicious tomatoes.

"You too, go to the water pipe to clean your mouth after eating, you know?" Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly.

"Understood, Brother Crazy!" The little ones nodded obediently, as long as they had something to eat, they would have nothing to do with washing up later.

The little ones did not leave after eating, so they set up a swing in the yard.

You push me, I quit you, it's fun to play.

At this moment, Uncle Yu walked into Zhang Feng's house with two employees.

Old Uncle Yu smiled and said, "Xiaofeng, we brought you fish!"

"Ouch, I'm sorry to trouble you, old uncle Yu!" Zhang Feng stood up quickly.

"Hehe, why, giving you small fish can make us some extra money!" Old Uncle Yu said with a smile.

Now I send small fish to Zhang Feng's family every three days, about 150 catties, five yuan a catty, which is more than 700 yuan.

The work of the farm is not busy on weekdays, so the employees are also idle, so it is better to catch some small fish and sell them to the boss to earn some extra money.

Don't think it's too little, 750 yuan for three days, 500 yuan a month, even if divided by ten people, one person can get more than 700 yuan, plus everyone's monthly salary of 700 yuan, that is [-] yuan Many pieces.

Moreover, Zhang Feng is not stingy at ordinary times. Everyone has five days of vacation every month, and he will give three to five hundred red envelopes during the holidays. Especially at the end of the year, the red envelopes are even more terrifying. Last year, every old employee took To 5 yuan.

Therefore, everyone catches small fish and sells them to Zhang Feng, not entirely to earn some extra money, but more to repay Zhang Feng for the job opportunity he gave them.

Because Zhang Feng works in this farm, not only is the work easy, but also the pay is good. Where can you find such a job?

After all, not every village has joined the cooperative, and everyone is very satisfied with a monthly income of more than 5000.

Four buckets of fish, exactly 150 catties
Zhang Feng paid the bill immediately, and the old uncle Yu smiled and left with the two employees.


"Xiaofeng, do you think our crispy fish can be made by machine?"

Recently, my eldest sister is almost exhausted from cooking crispy fish. She has to be busy every two or three days, and she has to work for a whole day every time. Manual frying is really too troublesome.

"This should be fine." Although Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, he seemed to have thought of something, so he assured the eldest sister: "Don't worry, elder sister, I will leave the matter of the machine to me! It will be done soon!"

"Really?" The eldest sister asked with some doubts.

"Of course, look at my electric oven, isn't it bought from a special channel? Look at how efficient it is now, and the quality of the mushrooms baked with it is also very good!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the eldest sister nodded with a smile, thinking that it would be great if there is a machine for making crispy fish, so that she doesn't have to be so busy anymore.


"Eggy, design me a machine for making crispy fish. Hey, by the way, let's see if there is a suitable automatic packaging machine in the system. Remember to choose the most cost-effective one!"

Lying on the bed at night, Zhang Feng communicated with Eggy with his eyes closed.

"Don't worry, master, this is simply too simple, it will be done in 2 minutes." Eggy squinted her eyes and said proudly.

This guy is still so arrogant, but his efficiency is really good.

Soon, some machines for automatically frying crispy fish and an automatic packaging machine were introduced.

"Not bad, not bad, the designs of several schemes are good."

Zhang Feng took a closer look. The first type has a large output and high efficiency, but the price is very expensive. The second type is not expensive, but the operation is too troublesome. Only the third type is the most suitable. It is not only easy to operate, but also the price It's not high, only [-] points are needed, although there is also the disadvantage of small production, [-] catties of crispy fish are produced every day.

However, this is also a shortcoming, because Zhang Feng does not need too much output, and the family only has more than 100 catties in two or three days. This machine is completely sufficient, and there is no need to replace a larger machine for at least one or two years.


The next day, the sky began to rain lightly.

Waking up early in the morning, Zhang Feng drove three wheels towards the county seat, preparing to take the exchange machine home.

A fully automatic crispy fish frying machine and an automatic packaging machine, as long as they have these two artifacts, Zhang Feng and his brother will be much more relaxed. They don't have to fry the crispy fish by themselves, and they don't need to worry about packaging.

"Wow, Xiaofeng, this is the machine you mentioned for frying crispy fish?"

When Zhang Feng moved the machine home, the eldest sister asked in surprise.

"Of course, as long as the ingredients and small fish are placed, the machine can automatically fry the crispy fish..."

Moreover, this machine can also automatically record the optimal ratio of various condiments, so that automatic production can be realized soon.

"So powerful??" The elder sister blinked her eyes and asked in disbelief.

"Hehe, let's try it for ourselves later." Zhang Feng said confidently, the system's production has never disappointed him.

Hearing that his brother was so decisive, Zhang Qin also nodded with a smile, hoping that this machine is really as easy to use as his brother said.

"Hey! This seems to be a packaging machine, right?" Suddenly, the elder sister saw another machine beside her, and asked in surprise, wondering if she already had one at home?
"Yes, this one is a fully automatic packaging machine, which is not only more efficient, but also..." Then Zhang Feng introduced the basic performance of the automatic packaging machine to the eldest sister with a smile.

Hearing that this machine has such a powerful function, the eldest sister is also very happy. With these two good things, she will be much more relaxed in the future, and finally no longer need to spend so much time preparing crispy fish.

"Then, let's give it a try!!" The eldest sister said impatiently.

"Hehe, good, but wait for me to install it first!!" Zhang Feng smiled, and installed the automatic frying machine in two or three clicks.

After cleaning the machine and preparing the ratio of various materials according to experience, press the automatic start button, and the machine starts to run quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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