small farmer

Chapter 616 Whole Lamb Feast

Chapter 616 Whole Lamb Feast (12)

In the evening of that day, Zhang Feng received a happy call from Gong Liu.

"Xiaofeng has good news for you, we can finish the project tomorrow!"

"What? The main project of the mountain temple has been completed?" Although he expected it, Zhang Feng was still very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that everyone's progress was so fast, and most of the reconstruction work was completed in only one and a half months.

"Hehe, that's of course, if you don't believe me, go to the construction site to see for yourself tomorrow!" Liu Gong said with a smile,
Mr. Liu was also very happy when the project was completed so quickly, because this project alone brought him an income of 30 to [-] yuan. If he can receive four or five orders a year, he can earn [-] to [-] yuan a year. It's all very easy.

"Haha, that's really great, I'll treat everyone to dinner then!" Zhang Feng was very pleasantly surprised.

"Really? Xiaofeng, can you let us go? We will finish the project tomorrow, okay?" Liu Gong was very surprised.
Although he only ate one meal made by Zhang Feng, he still remembers how delicious it was then, and he will never forget it in his whole life.

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Liu. How about tomorrow afternoon? I'll invite everyone to dinner tomorrow afternoon." Zhang Feng smiled slightly.

"Okay, okay!!! We will definitely go tomorrow afternoon..." Liu Gong said happily.


In order to invite the workers to eat,

Zhang Feng asked Yang Keye to kill the local black goat early the next morning, and he planned to cook a whole sheep feast for everyone in the evening.

"Leave it to me at Xiaofeng's house first, you and Yiyi go to the supermarket to buy things!"

"Understood, old man!" Zhang Feng washed his hands, took Yiyi and galloped towards the county.

Making a whole sheep banquet requires too many condiments, cooking wine, pepper, onion, garlic, and other ingredients need to go to the county to buy.

In about a quarter of an hour, the two arrived at the supermarket.

"Yiyi, I'm going to buy seasonings over there, can you go buy vegetables and fruits?"

"Hee hee, no problem!"

The two quickly divided the tasks, and each pushed a shopping cart to the target area.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, rice wine, onion and garlic, and Chaotian pepper...etc. Zhang Feng bought a total of more than 20 kinds of condiments, and made a whole lot of money.

Yiyi also sells a lot of things, such as celery, onion, ginger, grapes, watermelon and other vegetables and fruits.

When the two returned home, the old man and eldest sister had already prepared most of the ingredients.

A goat has been broken down into various parts, lamb chops, haggis, lamb, etc. are all separated into the refrigerator.

Grilled lamb chops are the old man's specialty,
There are also fried mutton with onions and fried lamb with celery!This is the delicacy that Zhang Feng and his brother will cook at night.

Of course, there are also delicious dishes such as kebabs, stewed lamb, etc. I believe everyone will like it very much at night.


After a busy morning, the two families had lunch at noon.

The mutton noodles made by the old man, the fragrant braised mutton, and the mutton noodle soup, the taste really cannot be described in words, it is simply a supreme enjoyment, a feast for the taste.

"Hello, Uncle Er Niu?" When he was free, Zhang Feng called Uncle Er Niu, intending to invite his family to dinner at night.

"It's me, what's the matter, madman?" Uncle Er Niu was probably watching TV at home, and the sound of the TV series could still be heard on the phone.

"That's right, I killed a sheep today, and I'm going to treat everyone to a meal. Remember to bring your wife and children with you tonight?" Zhang Feng said with a light smile.

"Hey, don't worry, I will go there by myself even if you don't invite me." Uncle Er Niu said with a wretched smile.

I thought about the whole sheep banquet, and it was Zhang Feng's whole sheep banquet, so the taste must be great!Just thinking about it makes Uncle Er Niu salivate, so for a foodie like him, how can he bear it.

"Hehe, you bastard...remember to call Aunt Erniu and Duckling then?" Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head, and reminded him again.

"Understood, we'll come over after the little duck is out of school, and I'll help you then." Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, thinking that with your clumsy appearance, it's fine if you don't cause me trouble, what else can you help me?
After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Feng felt that Uncle Er Niu could help with the fire, and there was really no need to count on the rest. This guy couldn't even wash the vegetables at home, so Zhang Feng didn't dare to expect him to be of any help.

Uncle Er Niu was notified, and Zhang Feng called the village head again to invite the engineering team to dinner. Of course, there must be a leader. After all, Zhang Feng only paid for the matter of the mountain temple, and the village head belongs to Party A. Representative, so the uncle must attend the evening banquet.

As for the second uncle's house, Zhang Feng had already notified him in the morning, and the second uncle and aunt also agreed to come over in the evening.
As for that boy Zhang Yi, who happened to be not at home, Zhang Feng called him and found out that this boy had gone to the county town to find his little girlfriend.

When the guy heard that there was a whole sheep feast tonight, he didn't need Zhang Feng's invitation, so he immediately shouted to attend, and he was not polite to Zhang Feng at all.

"How is it? Will Zhang Yi bring his girlfriend back tonight?" Hearing Zhang Feng calling Zhang Yi, Yiyi asked with a smile.

"Wang Fang probably won't be able to come. Zhang Yi said that she has an evening shift today, and she won't get off work until ten o'clock in the evening!" Zhang Feng shook his head.

"Ah, can't she ask for leave?" Yiyi asked in surprise.

"Hehe! I've asked about this too. Zhang Yi said that Wang Fang has already taken all the leave for this month. If she asks for more leave, the performance of more than 1000 yuan for this month will be lost. Therefore, Wang Fang must not come over!"

After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he and Yiyi looked at each other with a wry smile, thinking that these two guys, in order to fall in love, actually took all the three-day holidays every month, and this month is not halfway yet! !
Yiyi also shook her head helplessly, feeling that it was a pity, and originally wanted to take this opportunity to see Zhang Yi's girlfriend!It seems that we can only wait until later.


"Hee hee, madman brother, here I come!!"

As soon as school was over, the duckling ran over bouncing around.

"Ah, what are you doing here, little duck? Are you helping the lunatic brother with housework?"

"I...I" the little guy stammered, thinking that I'm here to have a big meal, not to do housework!

Seeing the little guy's expression, Zhang Feng didn't know what he was thinking, and thought that this was another little slob who just wanted to eat and didn't want to work.

"Go and peel the garlic with Sister Yiyi, or I won't give you mutton tonight!"

"Oh!" The little guy pouted his cute little mouth, and walked slowly towards the stone table with some reluctance.

"Hee hee, this little guy is so cute!!" Seeing the little guy's expression now, Yiyi also laughed.

"Little duck, come and help sister, later sister will give you watermelon!" Yiyi smiled and waved to the little duck.

"Really?" The little guy was suddenly surprised.

"Of course, I went to the supermarket to buy it with your lunatic brother in the morning!" Yiyi smiled and nodded.

"Hee hee..." When the little guy heard that there will be watermelon to eat later, he immediately smiled, his heart was so happy, and he worked even harder.

(End of this chapter)

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