small farmer

Chapter 617 Peach Blossom Wine

Chapter 617 Peach Blossom Wine (22)

The little guy took a piece of watermelon and ate it with relish.
Suddenly seeing Zhang Feng skewering mutton skewers, his eyes lit up, his mouth smirked, and he ran towards Zhang Feng.

"Crazy brother, what are you doing??"

"Mutton skewers!" Seeing the little guy's foodie look, Zhang Feng said amusedly.

"Hee hee, there are mutton skewers tonight!" The little guy was so excited that he didn't notice that the watermelon juice dripped down his sleeves.

"Go and play over there, don't stand in front of the light here!" The little guy wanted to stick his head into the bowl, Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, and waved to the little guy.

"Hee hee, got it, madman!!"

The little guy confirmed that there would be kebabs in the evening, and he was already very happy. He stood up, and ran into the main room with a jump, watching cartoons with Dahei Xiaohei.

After a while, Zhang Feng heard a man and two dogs arguing. Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile, thinking that the ducklings were fighting over TV with Big Black and Little Black again.

"Haha, here I come, madman!" At this moment, Uncle Er Niu's rough voice sounded in the yard.

"Come on, come on, why are you so loud?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you're really a kid, don't you think I brought you a jug of good wine?" Uncle Er Niu didn't care, and said with a smile.

"Bring it for me? You won't drink it yourself later?" Zhang Feng said angrily.

"You kid really bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart. This is my peach blossom wine made from peach blossoms. There are two jars in total, and I brought one of them here." Uncle Er Niu said speechlessly

This peach blossom wine is a fine wine he brewed with the secret technique handed down by his family. It has a rich and mellow taste and a long-lasting fragrance. If it weren't for the whole sheep banquet today, he would really be reluctant to take it out.

It can be said that peach blossom wine is really the treasure of Uncle Er Niu. It not only has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but also beautifies the skin. If you drink two small cups every day, it will have great benefits for the body.

Speaking of peach blossom wine, it has an ancient legend.

Beside the Queen Mother of the West is a beautiful flat peach fairy named Dong Shuangcheng.

It is said that Dong's family planted a peach forest, and the thatched cottage was surrounded by bright red peach blossoms, as if living in a fairyland.

One day, Dong Shuangcheng looked at the peach blossoms in full bloom in the garden and seemed to realize something, so he soaked the peach blossoms in wine, and the peach blossom wine he brewed was clear and mellow. People are salivating, and those who have tasted it are even more unforgettable.

On a bright spring afternoon, Dong Shuangcheng made a furnace of Hundred Flowers Pill. After Dong Shuangcheng took the fragrant medicine with peach blossom wine, he felt refreshed and full of energy. When he was excited, he took the Yusheng to play.

This wonderful music attracted the cranes to descend, and Dong Shuangcheng stepped on the crane's back. The cranes carried Dong Shuangcheng to Kunlun Mountain, where she became a maid beside the Queen Mother, and was ordered to guard the Peach Garden.

Dong Shuangcheng also brought the craftsmanship of peach blossom wine to the Fairy Palace. At every grand event in the Yaochi, the flat peaches and peach blossom wine bestowed by the Queen Mother of the West to the fairies were all handpicked by Dong Shuangcheng.

After Dong Shuangcheng became a fairy, the peach blossom wine left in the world is even more popular in the world. People also call it "beautiful wine", and it is still widely spread today.

As the saying goes, "this wine should have been in the sky, but it is rare to taste it a few times in the world"

"How about it, does this wine smell good?" Uncle Er Niu opened the wine jar, and suddenly a strong smell of wine and flowers came over his face.

"It's not bad, so-so!!" Although Zhang Feng said so, he was already shocked by the aroma. It really deserves to be a good wine secretly made by Uncle Er Niu.

"I knew you'd have a tough mouth, and you're just so-so? Can you find better wine than this in Qingshan County?" Uncle Er Niu curled his lips.

"Why not? Doesn't Qingshan sell Moutai Wuliangye?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Fuck, I'm talking about the wine made by Qingshan, okay? Besides, my wine is not necessarily inferior to Maotai Wuliangye." Uncle Er Niu widened his eyes and said unhappily.

"Hehe, it's over, put the wine away quickly, and skewer the mutton skewers with me, Liu Gong and the others will be coming soon!!"

"Oh, so you didn't specially invite us to dinner? I said why are you so thoughtful!!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu 'suddenly realized'.

"Hey, what do you think?"

"You kid just think of me as a strong man?" Uncle Er Niu smiled wryly.

"What's the matter? A meal of mutton can't please you??" Zhang Feng glared at the guy and said.

"Please move, why don't you please, as long as there is mutton to eat, you can pull me a strong man every day from now on." Uncle Er Niu put the wine on the stone table, then walked over, and skewered the mutton with Zhang Feng.

"It's a beautiful idea! He still eats mutton every day. Which landlord's family can hire a long-term worker to have such a good meal?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, who doesn't know that you are the big landlord and rich local tyrant in our Qingshan County, what's the point of eating some mutton every day."

The two chatted while skewering mutton skewers.

After a while, Li Jun also came back, washing his hands and followed by the two of them in full swing.


In the kitchen, the old man and Grandma Liu were also busy.

The stewed mutton on the fire is steaming, and the whole room will be full of meaty aroma.

The grilled lamb chops on the charcoal fire are golden brown, dripping fat drops on the charcoal, crackling and frying, igniting a raging flame, exuding a tempting aroma.

As the sky gradually dimmed.

Finally all the guests arrived.

Uncle, Uncle Er, Uncle Er Niu, and today's main guest Liu Gong and the others, a total of 20 people sat at two tables.

The men sit at the main table and the women and children sit at the other table, which is not sexist but just for the convenience of drinking.

A table of grilled golden lamb chops, a bowl of fragrant stewed lamb, fried lamb haggis with celery, fried lamb with onions, and roasted lamb skewers made by Zhang Feng, which are good for wine nice one.

"Come, come, everyone, fill up the wine..."

"Today, the main project of the mountain temple has finally been completed. On behalf of the whole village, I would like to thank Mr. Liu Gong and Li Gong... and the uncle who has been busy working on the mountain temple. I would like to thank everyone with this glass of wine."

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, you are too polite..."

"Come on!!" Everyone laughed and drank it all.

"Come on, let's eat, you're welcome..." Then Zhang Feng said to everyone with a smile.

"Haha, don't worry, we don't know how to be polite as long as we are at the table!!" Gong Liu laughed.

For people who work outside all the year round, it is not polite to eat, because if you are polite, you will probably be hungry all day, and it will be yourself who will suffer.

With that said, everyone moved their chopsticks one after another.

Grilled lamb chops that are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, spicy and hot fried lamb, and mutton soup with a strong flavor, each dish is very popular with everyone.

For Liu Gong and others, cooking by the old man and Zhang Feng's sister and brother is simply delicious in the world, more attractive than the dishes in five-star hotels.

A gluttonous feast, the guests and hosts had a good time, lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and everyone slowly dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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