small farmer

Chapter 618 Dragon Boat Competition Notice

Chapter 618 Dragon Boat Competition Notice (12)

In the evening, the workers began to pack their luggage, and they will rush to the next construction site tomorrow.

"Oh, I really don't want to leave!" one of them sighed and reluctantly said.

"Yeah, don't say anything, just talk about the food here, it's like eating in a star hotel every day!"

"Hey! Of course! This place is full of Moon Lake vegetables, and the taste is even better than those in star-rated hotels!"

Hearing the workers' comments, Liu Gong smiled wryly and shook his head. Although the food here is good, the boss almost didn't go bankrupt because of this. You must know that all the vegetables here are Moon Lake vegetables, and a catty costs at least ten. piece.

Therefore, just for meals every day, each worker will spend at least 60 yuan, and the eight-member engineering team will spend 500 yuan a day.

But fortunately, the project was completed smoothly, and he earned tens of thousands of yuan. Otherwise, enjoying the vegetables in Moon Lake extravagantly every day would definitely be painful to death.

From the bottom of my heart, in fact, Liu Gong is also very reluctant to give up Moon Lake. Not only does it have a beautiful environment and pleasant scenery, it is also a good place to live.

It's a pity that the people who work on the project live in all over the world, and they can move wherever there is a project. It is impossible to live here for a long time, unless they are retired.

But when he thought of the pressure of millions of mortgages, Liu Gong could only shake his head and cut off the idea of ​​retirement.


The next day, Professor Wang arrived in the village with several graduate students.

A group of people are going to start repairing the murals and other decorations in the mountain temple. Because of the specific drawings provided by Zhang Feng, there is almost no difficulty in restoring the murals in the mountain temple.

After all, Professor Wang is an expert in this field and has a deep knowledge of the restoration of ancient buildings.

Therefore, Zhang Feng also gave up the idea of ​​painting murals by himself. Thinking about it now, Zhang Feng feels that his thoughts at that time were really naive.

The restoration of ancient murals is not just about painting, it also requires more professional knowledge, otherwise why do you need ancient architecture experts?

So Zhang Feng had no choice but to increase the budget by 20 yuan, and handed over all the interior decoration of the mountain temple to Professor Wang's team, and he himself resumed his status as a hands-off shopkeeper, wandering leisurely in the village every day.


"Xiaofeng, you came just in time, and I'm going to find you!" When Zhang Feng walked to the gate of the village committee, the uncle said in surprise as soon as he saw Zhang Feng.

"Uncle, what are you looking for me for?" Zhang Feng asked suspiciously, there seemed to be nothing serious in the village recently.

"That's right, just now the county came to the notice, saying that during the Dragon Boat Festival, our village is required to organize a dragon boat team to participate in this year's Dragon Boat Festival." The uncle also wanted everyone to participate in the competition, showing Moon Lake's unusual spirit.

Zhang Feng frowned when he heard it, thinking that uncle wanted me to participate, right?For Zhang Feng, with this little time, he might as well lie in the yard and read novels! !
"What's that expression on you boy?? You are the absolute main force of our village's dragon boat team this year, and I'm going to make you the captain!!" Seeing Zhang Feng's frown, the uncle glared at him and said.

"Ah? Main force? Captain?" Zhang Feng suddenly smiled wryly, "Uncle, let's forget about the captain. You know that this person is lazy. If I'm the captain, then I won't participate."

"Well, it's fine if you don't want to be the captain, but you must train well with everyone and cultivate a team understanding. If you don't win me a championship by then, I will ask for you when you come back."

The uncle thought about it, and knew that Zhang Feng was indeed very lazy, so he was not allowed to be the captain in the end, but the uncle also knew that if he didn't give some pressure to a lazy person like Zhang Feng, he would definitely not do his best.

"Ah? Champion?" Zhang Feng was taken aback immediately, and then smiled helplessly. Isn't this uncle's request too high?

"Yes, there are a total of [-] teams participating this time. I checked. Except for the county armed police team, the other teams are almost all native chickens and dogs. As long as you beat the armed police team, the champion must belong to our village. !!" said the uncle very optimistically.

"Uncle, the best result in our village seems to be No.3, right? Is the goal of this championship too high?" Zhang Feng asked tentatively.

"How tall is it? Can this be compared with this year in previous years? If you don't win the championship this year, hehe..." The uncle snorted coldly, and the thoughts in his heart are self-evident. If everyone fails to win the championship, the uncle will definitely It won't give everyone a good look.

In my uncle's opinion, the reason why I failed to win the championship in the past few years was because the young and strong people in the village went out to work. It would be strange if a group of 50-[-]-year-old old men could win the championship.

But this year's situation is completely different. There are so many young people in the village, especially strong men like Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu. One person can be used by two or three people. If you can't win the championship like this, it is really unreasonable .

Seeing that his uncle was so determined to win the championship, Zhang Feng had no choice but to agree in haste.

"Hehe, that's good, remember to go to the village committee meeting at 07:30 in the evening!" The uncle told Zhang Feng, closed the office door, and informed the others to go.


07:30 pm

The meeting room of the village committee was filled with smoke, and a group of dragon boat team members gathered to discuss the dragon boat race.

"Ahem, everyone, be quiet. Everyone knows that this Dragon Boat Festival will hold a large-scale dragon boat race in the county. So far, [-] teams have signed up for the competition. These are all major units and villages. The representative team, other people can sign up as long as they have the conditions..."

"In order to encourage everyone to participate, this competition specially set up first, second and third prizes. The first prize is 800 yuan, the second prize is 600 yuan, and the third prize is [-] yuan."

"No way! Why is the county willing to give so much money this time??" Uncle Dashan was very surprised.

As a veteran member of the village's dragon boat team, Uncle Dashan has participated in at least a dozen dragon boat races, but the county only rewarded him with 3000 yuan for the most, which is so generous.

"Hehe, everyone is quite surprised, isn't there anything more surprising than this?" The uncle said with a smile.

Sure enough, seeing everyone looking at him curiously, the uncle smiled and continued: "Because the county has found a sponsor for this dragon boat race, and that is the Moon Lake Cooperative in our village!"

boom! !

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and there was a lot of discussion in the conference room. This news was really unexpected, but when everyone calmed down, they also felt that it was reasonable.

Zhang Feng was also very surprised at the beginning. He never expected that Brother Hua would sponsor the dragon boat race, but this was also to further promote the brand of Moon Lake and the promotion of the cooperative. Therefore, Zhang Feng felt that it was really worthwhile to spend [-] to [-] yuan to sponsor the dragon boat race.

(End of this chapter)

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