small farmer

Chapter 619 Training and Preparation

Chapter 619 Training and Preparation (22)

"Hehe, not only did you not expect that, but the kid didn't tell me. I didn't know until the county issued a notice. It turns out that this dragon boat race is called the Moon Lake Dragon Boat Race."

"Haha, I didn't expect our village to be so rich!"

"That is, the cooperative in our village is the largest agricultural company in the county. I don't know how many farmers it has supported."

When everyone heard the words of the village elder, they were immediately proud, and their faces were full of accomplishment, as if they were sponsored by themselves.

"Okay! Alright! Everyone, be quiet for a moment, and then I will tell you about the time, place, and rules of this competition!"

Competition time: [-] am on Dragon Boat Festival

Venue: Moon Lake
Competition rules: 300-meter race

"As the host of this dragon boat competition, our village must win the championship of this competition. You are all elite soldiers selected by me. I believe that everyone will be able to achieve this goal."

"This time our village dragon boat team has recruited a total of 21 members, including 18 regular members and three reserve members."

"As the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head. I think Da Shan will be the captain this time. He is also the drummer of the dragon boat team."

When they heard that Uncle Da Shan was made the captain, everyone nodded in agreement. Although Uncle Da Shan is in his forties, he has experienced many battles and experience. It is not a problem for him to be the captain and drummer of the dragon boat team.

"That's good. Since everyone has no objections, let's talk about the training plan for the next few days..."

After everyone's discussion, everyone will train for three hours every day, from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.


I have to say that the village elder is very considerate.

I just received the notice of the dragon boat race today, and I immediately asked Uncle Yu and Uncle Carpenter to check the dragon boats in the village.

Although it has not been used for two or three years, the dragon boat is still very strong, and even the paint on the dragon boat is still very bright, almost like a new one.

"Dragon boat rowing!!"

"Dragon boat rowing!!"

The next day, when everyone moved the dragon boat out from the village head's house, the little kids in the village shouted excitedly when they saw it.

Dragon boat rowing is a very rare thing for the little guys. As soon as the dragon boat comes out, the little guys gather around the dragon boat, pat here, beat there,

Even the naughty little duck sat on it with a smile, and the other little kids followed suit, and soon the dragon boat was full of children from the village.

"Hurry up, monkeys, we are going to launch the dragon boat!!" The adults smoked a cigarette, rested for a while, and prepared to launch the dragon boat.

The little kids patted their buttocks and got up quickly, and stood by the side with a smile, watching the slender dragon boat in front of them being pushed off the lake beach by the adults.

"How is Uncle Da Shan? Is the dragon boat in good condition??" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"That's right, there is no water leak at all, everyone come up!" Uncle Dashan was the first to upload, and after observing for a few minutes, he waved to everyone with a smile.

So everyone picked up their paddles, boarded the dragon boat one after another, and started today's training.

After a while, the gongs and drums in Moon Lake attracted many tourists to watch the fun by the lake.
There are also the little kids in the village who have been chasing the dragon boat by the Moon Lake, running back and forth, even though they were sweating profusely from running, they were already shouting excitedly and couldn't be happier.

"Haha, okay, I really didn't expect everyone to cooperate so well in the first training session! Keep going!" As soon as we rowed back and forth, Uncle Dashan, who was in charge of the command, was very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect everyone to cooperate so tacitly.

"Hey, isn't this Uncle Dashan, you have a good command?" Brother Zhuzi said with a smile.

Zhang Feng also nodded with a smile. Although there are still a few old players in their 40s and [-]s in the dragon boat team, maybe their strength is not as strong as that of the younger players, but their experience is very rich, precisely because of their help. With the band, the young players can follow the gourd and keep up with the rhythm of Uncle Dashan's drums.

"Haha, everyone performed well. This time I have a hunch that our village will definitely win the first place!" Seeing everyone's performance, Uncle Dashan said very confidently.

Hearing Uncle Dashan's words, the members of the dragon boat team were immediately full of energy. Although the training was very hard, everyone was full of confidence.

Seeing the training situation of the dragon boat team, the village elder standing on the bank of the lake smiled knowingly and nodded in relief. He felt that although everyone's goal this time is a bit high, as long as everyone works together, there is a big chance to win the final championship. possible.

"Hey buddy, is your village going to have a dragon boat race?"

"That's right, it's just during the Dragon Boat Festival, and everyone is welcome to come and play."

"Haha, definitely!!!"

When they heard that there was a dragon boat race in Moon Lake during the Dragon Boat Festival, most of the tourists were moved and decided to take advantage of the three-day holiday to bring their families here to enjoy the dragon boat race in Moon Lake. Such an opportunity is very rare.

It has to be said that Zhang Hua's sponsorship of the dragon boat race is very wise.

Originally, this dragon boat race was to be held at the reservoir in the lower reaches of the Tapang River, but due to the request of the cooperative, it was later changed to Moon Lake.

Therefore, Zhang Hua only spent [-] to [-] yuan in sponsorship to hold such a dragon boat race, which would attract seven to eight thousand tourists to the village at least.

This not only greatly promotes the tourism industry in the village, but also increases the popularity of Moon Lake Cooperative, which really serves multiple purposes.

In order to hold the dragon boat race,

Villages and cooperatives work together.

The villagers of the whole village came out of their homes one after another, and started preparing for the dragon boat race in full swing.

Everyone cleaned up and launched a general cleaning of the whole village, sweeping the ground spotless, and the graffiti of the monkeys on the walls were also cleaned up.

The water hyacinths in Moon Lake were also swept away by the villagers. As for the pink lotus in the lake, only a part of the lake needs to be cleaned.

Since the whole village, old and young, joined the battle, even the three- and five-year-old kids in the village were assigned their own tasks!Therefore, in just one day, the entire Moon Lake has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With clean and tidy roads, a brand-new lake scenery, and the removal of water hyacinths in the water, the entire Moon Lake has become more orderly and more beautiful.

"Oh, the little duck told you not to litter, I just cleaned this place!" Mao Ya said angrily when she saw the little duck playing tricks again.

"Hee hee, you can just sweep it again!" The little guy teased Mao Ya mischievously.

"Hmph! I won't clean it for you? If you don't pick it up, I'll sue Erniu Uncle!" Mao Ya knew that she couldn't do anything with the duckling, so she raised her mouth and threatened the duckling.

"Pick it up and pick it up, little girl! I won't play with you anymore!"

As soon as the little duck heard that Mao Ya was about to complain, he quickly picked up the leaves he dropped, then glared at Mao Ya, and ran away.

Mao Ya also snorted softly, poised her small mouth, looking extremely cute.

(End of this chapter)

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