small farmer

Chapter 621 Pinch 1 of you, and then shape 1 of me

Chapter 621 Pinch a you, and then shape me (22)

"Hey! Crazy, look, isn't that the ducklings?" Suddenly, Yiyi saw the little guys playing with mud in the field with their buttocks up.

"Hehe, it's them. They probably played house in the field!!" Zhang Feng knew what kind of game these guys were playing when he saw the posture of the little guys.

"Hee hee, let's go and have a look, okay?" Yiyi asked with a smile.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, held Yiyi's hand, and walked towards the wasteland where the little ones played while admiring the field scenery in the evening.

The little guys were so focused on playing, Zhang Feng and Yiyi walked behind them, but the little guys didn't notice.

"Oh, crazy brother, sister Yiyi!!" Suddenly, the little duck found that the sunlight in front of him was blocked, and looked up to see Zhang Feng and the two. The little guy was stunned for a while, and then shouted excitedly.

"Ah, Brother Crazy, Sister Yiyi, you are here!!" The little ones immediately turned their heads when they heard the little duck's words, and exclaimed in surprise.

Yiyi nodded with a smile, touched Da Mao's head, and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Hee hee, Sister Yiyi, we are playing house! Look, this is my house. Over there is Little Stone's house. Opposite is Er Dan's house. The ugliest one is Little Duck's house! Hehe!" Said When he arrived at the little duck's house, Da Mao covered his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

"My house is not ugly, yours is the ugliest, okay? Look at the car you made, even the wheels are broken!" The little duck retorted with its mouth raised when it heard Da Mao's words.

"Your house is already the ugliest, if you don't believe me, just ask Little Shitou and Erdan."

"The little duck's house is the ugliest!!"

"It's really ugly!!"

Xiaoshitou and Erdan nodded quickly.So the ugliest house in the whole village was born, and its creator is our lovely duckling classmate.

Seeing the bickering of the little guys, Yiyi and Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, these monkeys are really cute.

"Wow, Da Mao, is this the robot you made?" Yiyi asked in surprise when she saw the clay figurine in front of Da Mao.

"Hee hee, this is the Optimus Prime I pinched!" Da Mao replied reluctantly, raising his head.

"Da Mao, you are awesome, you look really nice when pinched." Yiyi couldn't help but patted Da Mao's head again, and praised the little guy.


Da Mao laughed honestly, as if he had been praised by the teacher, he felt like eating honey in his heart, very happy.

"Sister Yiyi, look, this is a clay figurine I made..."

"Sister Yiyi, this is the Moon Lake I made..."

Erdan and Xiaoshitou saw that Da Mao was praised, and immediately introduced their favorite works to Yiyi.

"Hehe, not bad, you are all amazing! You really look alike!"

"Hee hee!" The two little guys were praised, and their faces immediately burst into smiles.

Seeing that the little friends have all been praised by sister Yiyi, the little duck couldn't sit still at this time, and anxiously shook Yiyi's hand and asked:

"Sister Yiyi, do you think the house I built looks good?"

"Hehe, it's beautiful, of course the house you built is also beautiful!"

Seeing the eager eyes of the little duck, Yiyi had no choice but to praise the little guy.

Hearing Yiyi's words, the little guy also laughed cheerfully, and then glanced proudly at his friends, as if to say, look at sister Yiyi who also said that the house I made is beautiful!

Seeing the little guy's triumphant expression, Zhang Feng and Yiyi looked at each other and smiled, and couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Sister Yiyi, will you play house with us?" Xiao Shitou said with a smile.

"Yes, Sister Yiyi, it's fun to play house!!"

"Sister Yiyi, shall we play together?"

The little guys sent out their invitations one after another.

Seeing the little kids looking at her expectantly, Yiyi was stunned for a while, then smiled and nodded, agreeing to the little guys' proposal.

"Crazy, come and make a home for us!"

"Okay!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

Playing house and playing with mud, these are things I often did when I was young. Yiyi grew up in the city, so she was full of curiosity. She followed Zhang Feng and Huang Ni, built houses, fenced, and had a great time playing. Almost.

"Hee hee, it really looks alike!" After working for about half an hour, a small farmyard based on Zhang Feng's house was finally completed.

Because of Zhang Feng, a skilled craftsman, the house built by the two must be more beautiful than that of the little kids.

"Wow, lunatic brother Yiyi and sister, you are so amazing!!" The little guys were also surprised when they saw it.

"Of course, can you lunatic brothers not be good at pinching?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hee hee!!" Yiyi covered her mouth and laughed.

"Well, there is no one in the yard, how about I make a few more clay figurines and put them in there?" Zhang Feng looked at it, and felt that the yard was empty, and always felt that something was missing. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he finally understood what was missing. Just angry, there must always be talents in the yard.


When the little guy heard that Zhang Feng was going to make a clay figurine, he immediately stopped what he was doing, tilted his head, and looked at Zhang Feng curiously.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly. Although he has never learned how to make clay figurines, he can sculpt. There are still many similarities between the two.

Grabbed a ball of yellow mud the size of an egg, and kneaded and sketched it in my hands, the body and limbs took shape quickly,
Then Zhang Feng began to outline the facial features, eyes, nose and ears, and soon a familiar face appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah! Why do you look like me?" Suddenly the duckling exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hey! It really seems to be a little duck!!"

The little guys looked at the clay figurine in Zhang Feng's hands, and then at the duckling. After some comparisons, the little guys finally confirmed that Zhang Feng really made a duckling.

"That's right, what I squeezed is the duckling!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Oh, crazy brother, why don't you pinch me!"

"And me, crazy brother, can you pinch me too?"

Da Mao and the others couldn't bear it immediately, they didn't have their share in such a good thing, how could this work, so the little guys shouted at Zhang Feng one after another.

"Okay! Okay! I'll pinch one for each of you after I finish pinching the ducklings!" Zhang Feng smiled and agreed to the little guys' request.

"Hee hee, thank you madman!!" The little ones were overjoyed immediately, now each of them has their own clay figurine, which is really great!

"Madman, and mine!" Yiyi also said with some excitement.

"Hehe, I'll squeeze one for you too!" Zhang Feng looked at Yiyi and said with a smile.

Yiyi suddenly showed a happy smile, and couldn't help but think of Duan Sheng's "My Nong Ci":
You and me, so affectionate

hot as fire

Take a piece of clay, twist a you, and mold a me
Break the two of us together

reconcile with water
Make another you, make another me
I have you in the mud, you have me in the mud

You are born with the same quilt, and you die with the same coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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