small farmer

Chapter 622 Entering the Mountains After the Rain

Chapter 622 Entering the Mountains After the Rain (12)

A pair of dexterous hands kept waving.

Soon a clay figurine was born in his hands, just in a few minutes.

Seeing him pick up another ball of mud, first knead it into a round shape, and then gently rub it with his hands to make it soft and smooth.

Then, rubbing on it again gradually separates the human head, body and legs.He held the clay figurine with his left hand, and fiddled with the head with his right hand. After a while, a straw hat was put on the little clay figurine's head.

"Ah, this is me, the lunatic made me!" Seeing the clay figurine made by Zhang Feng, Da Mao was very pleasantly surprised. It even had a hat, which was much better looking than the bald duckling.

"Crazy brother, can you pinch a hat for me too?" Xiao Shitou looked at Zhang Feng eagerly and asked.

"Hehe, no problem, I'll wear a straw hat for you too! There are also bastards." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Ah, madman brother, you are so kind!!" The two little guys immediately cheered.

Only the little duck looked at the clay figurine in his hand, and saw that everyone's clay figurines had nice hats. The little guy's mouth was raised high, and the words "I'm unhappy" were directly written on his little face.

Seeing Zhang Feng's ingenious hands, kneading a ball of clay up and down, and quickly turning into beautiful little clay figurines, Yiyi's face was also full of smiles, and she was proud of Zhang Feng's versatility.

After pinching the clay figurines of the three little guys
Zhang Feng took a look at Yiyi, and the mud ball in his hand changed rapidly, just like a magic trick, and a delicate and beautiful beauty appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the clay figure in Zhang Feng's hands gradually taking shape, Yiyi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and her heart was full of surprises and sweetness, as if a warm current flowed through her heart, which was very warm and warm.

"Yiyi, how do you like it?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, I like it very much!" Yiyi held the clay figurine in her palm like a baby, and said with a flowery smile.


boom!Click! !
Suddenly a thunder resounded through the sky.

Zhang Feng looked up, and at some point in the distant sky, dark clouds floated in, and the atmosphere in the air suddenly became oppressive.

"Wow! It's going to rain, madman!!" the little duck exclaimed.

"Well, let's go, let's go home quickly." Zhang Feng nodded, and walked quickly to the village with Yiyi and the kids.

When I got home, the sky was completely dark.

Zhang Feng quickly put away the dry goods in the yard, then climbed upstairs and closed all the windows on the second floor.

"Big sister, you guys are back!" Just as Zhang Feng went downstairs, the big sister and Li Jun also came back from a walk.

"I'm back, I didn't expect the weather to change so quickly!" the elder sister nodded with a smile.

The sky was still clear just now, but in a blink of an eye, it was covered with dark clouds, soldiers were approaching the city, and a heavy rain was about to come.

"It's raining!"

"It's raining heavily, go home!"

The little kids in the village cheered enthusiastically and stretched out their little hands to catch the raindrops falling from the sky. They were so innocent and cute.

Crackling! !
The raindrops are getting denser and bigger.

The bean-sized raindrops slapped on the tiles of the roof, and suddenly crackled, like a natural symphony, which shocked people's minds.


A bright light pierced the sky, illuminating the whole world.

The dense raindrops fell from the sky like thousands of arrows, hitting the ground heavily.

"Help, help!!"

At this moment, Xiao Ba walked through the rain curtain and fled into the house in embarrassment, like a drowned chicken, the feathers were all glued together, it looked like a bald bird, and its appearance was very funny.

I saw Xiao Ba fled into the house in a panic, standing on the stairs trembling all over, still looking undecided.

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, this guy has become a wild bird now, he can't stay at home for a moment, he only comes home at night.

"Xiao Ba, come down quickly, my sister wipes off the rain!" The eldest sister found a dry towel, and waved to Xiao Ba with a smile.

"Thank you! Thank you!!" Xiao Ba was immediately flattered, and flapped his wings and flew to the shoulder of the eldest sister.

"Hehe, the little guy is quite polite!"

The eldest sister smiled, gently grabbed Xiao Ba, put it on the table, and then gently wiped the water stains on it with a towel.

Xiaoba is also very cooperative, spreading his wings, just like a child opening his arms, so cute.

I have to say that although this little guy is very wild, he is indeed very cute, not only has a sweet mouth, but also can sing, so not only the family likes it, but even the villagers and tourists love it very much.

Summer rains come and go quickly.

About half an hour later, the heavy rain slowly stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky had completely dissipated.

The moon also showed its head,

The bright moonlight swayed in the yard, sparkling under the reflection of the rain, and the stars in the sky twinkled, as if winking at the people on the ground.

At this time, the yard was already full of rainwater, and the dead branches and leaves were in a mess.

Zhang Feng turned on the light outside the house, which instantly illuminated the entire small courtyard. Zhang Feng took a bamboo sweeper to clean up the fallen leaves blown by the strong wind, and soon the courtyard returned to a clean and tidy appearance.


Whoa whoa! ! !
The rooster sings the whole world.

The remote mountain village of Moon Lake gradually became noisy.

Today just happened to be Saturday, and the little kids from the village headed into the mountains in groups, some with a vegetable basket, some with a small basket on their backs, and everyone met to go to the mountain to pick mushrooms and earn pocket money.

"Madman, how about we go mushroom picking?" Yiyi was very curious about picking mushrooms, so she asked Zhang Feng.

"Okay, but Yiyi, you have to wear long sleeves!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Ah, I forgot, I'll go back and change it right away!!" Yiyi saw the short-sleeved t-shirt she was wearing, and immediately understood it, said something to Zhang Feng, and ran back home.

After a while, Yiyi and grandparents came over together.

It seems that the two elders are also planning to go for a walk in the mountains to relive the fun of picking mushrooms when they were young.

Seeing the outfits of the two elders, Zhang Feng nodded, thinking that he really deserves to be an old man who has lived in the countryside for 30 to [-] years, and knows what to wear when going to the mountains.

Long clothes and trousers, and soft shoes, it is best not to wear leather shoes, so that you will not sprain your feet in the slippery mountains, even if you slip and fall, there is no big problem.

"Haha, Xiaofeng is gone!!" The old man stood at the door and shouted with a smile.

"Hey!" Zhang Feng quickly picked up his backpack, joined everyone, and walked slowly towards the mountain.

Leaving the gravel road that was just built last year, the mountain road began to be difficult. The mountain road that had just rained was even more slippery. Everyone was cautious, stepping up and stepping down slowly towards the forest.

"Ah, there are huge mushrooms here!"

"Wow, I have so many mushrooms here!"

At this time, the mountain forest is extremely lively, and the little kids are running around in the forest, shouting every time they find a mushroom, as happy as picking up gold.

"Hehe, these skinny monkeys!!" Hearing the cheers of the little kids, Grandma Liu couldn't help laughing, and her mood became more comfortable.

The old man also nodded with a smile, full of anticipation for this trip into the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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