small farmer

Chapter 624 Brave Da Ya

Chapter 624 Brave Da Ya (12)

"Go, let's go home!"

The old man was very satisfied with picking two or three catties of bracken here, and was going to go home.

Everyone smiled and nodded, their respective bamboo baskets were full of harvests, such as small red mushrooms, black fungus, and other wild vegetables. Jane feast.

"Grandma, I'll help you!" The road down the mountain was slippery, Yiyi filially supported her grandma, and went down the mountain slowly.

Zhang Feng smiled and supported the old man. Together, the four of them walked down the mountain while admiring the scenery in the forest.

As the saying goes, going up a mountain is easy but going down is hard.

The mountain road is almost full of yellow mud. After the heavy rain, the mountain road is even more slippery, and many places have steep slopes of [-] or [-] degrees. It is not easy for the elderly to go down the mountain.

Even a young man like Zhang Feng will fall even if he is not paying attention.

"Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu!!" Da Ya greeted everyone obediently when she saw everyone.

"Hehe, big girl hasn't gone back yet?" Grandma Liu asked with a smile.

"I haven't even filled the basket yet. I'll go back when it's full." Da Ya tilted her backpack and said with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help but smiled and nodded, thinking that this girl is really sensible, she is only eleven or twelve years old, she already knows how to earn her own pocket money, and almost every weekend she sets up a street stall by Moon Lake to sell all kinds of small things in the mountains.

Now, in order to earn pocket money for herself, she is still looking for mushrooms in the mountains alone after her friends have gone home, which is really very cute.

From the bottom of their hearts, everyone likes such a sensible girl.

"Then you pay attention to safety, remember to go home early!" Before parting, everyone did not forget to tell the big girl.

"Hee hee, I got it!!" Da Ya smiled and nodded, thinking that there are many adults on the other side of the mountain, Da Ya is not afraid!

Seeing that the big girl was not scared at all, everyone couldn't help but nodded, she was such a brave little girl.

Although there were no other villagers here at this time, the large group of mushroom pickers was in the forest inside, so there would be no danger on the outside, so the group of four left with confidence and continued to walk outside the forest.

"Finally came out!!" Zhang Feng took a deep breath, and suddenly a smell of earth and grass came over his face.

"Yes, look at my head was bitten by a mosquito!!" Yiyi pouted and said pitifully.

"Ah, let me see, I have Fengyoujing here!" Zhang Feng hurriedly checked where Yiyi was bitten, but fortunately there was only a small pimple,

Zhang Feng smeared Fengyoujing on Yiyi, "It's okay, it will be fine in a while!"

"Yeah!" After applying the essential oil, it finally didn't feel so itchy, but instead felt a cooling sensation.

Mosquitoes are the most in the mountain forest after the summer rain

Complete pairs, densely packed like a swarm of bees.

Therefore, when you enter the mountain, you must not only wear long shirts and trousers, but also apply essential oils or mosquito repellent water if possible, so as to avoid being bitten all over your head.

"Ah, grandpa and grandma, why didn't you get bitten by mosquitoes?" Yiyi asked in surprise when she saw that her grandpa and grandma didn't have any marks of mosquito bites on their bodies.

"Haha, that's a good question. Let's see what this is?" The old man laughed, and then raised the branch in his hand.

"Isn't this a pine branch?" Yiyi still didn't understand, and the doubts on her face became more profound.

"Hehe, this is indeed a branch, and its function is to repel mosquitoes!" The old man waved the branch in his hand and said with a smile.

"Ah... ah, I understand, Grandpa, so you are using branches to drive away the mosquitoes around you!" Yiyi suddenly realized, no wonder she saw her grandparents waving the branches from time to time.

Yiyi has been living in the city, and is full of curiosity about all kinds of plants on the side of the mountain road.

So while walking, everyone popularized the knowledge of wild flowers and weeds to Yiyi, just like a field teaching class.

Suddenly, cooking smoke ignited on a hill by the roadside, Zhang Feng looked up, who else could it be if it wasn't ducklings, so he said to Yiyi with a smile:
"Yiyi, look, those monkeys must have stolen the potatoes from the second uncle's house again!"

"Ah, how do you know this?" Yiyi thought to herself, this place is so far away from the mountain, there are still hundreds of meters.

"Hehe, it's summer now, the weather is so hot, the little guys must not be warming up, look at them all squatting by the fire, and they don't look like they are drying clothes, so I can be sure that these little guys must be roasting!"

"The corn and sweet potatoes in the field are not yet ripe, so the only ones that can be eaten are the potatoes from the second uncle's house!" Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Madman, can you guess this?" Yiyi was very surprised, thinking that this is too amazing, why does it feel like Sherlock Holmes.

"Hehe, of course!!" Zhang Feng pretended to be unfathomable.

In fact, this is not only his speculation, but also his personal experience when he was a child, stealing other people's potatoes and baking them, such things were often done by his cattle herding friends when he was young.

So where did the ducklings learn it?This is something that has been passed down from generation to generation in Moon Lake Village.

In fact, the rural areas across the country are almost the same. People in the city just don’t have such an environment. Don’t you see that the game of stealing vegetables was so popular a few years ago, and almost all the people participated, ranging from the elderly in their seventies and eighties to children in their [-]s and [-]s. Playing Happy Farm,
In order to steal vegetables, many people get up in the middle of the night in winter, just to steal a few cabbages and radishes. It is very interesting to think about it.

"Hee hee, these little guys are not afraid of being caught by the second uncle!" Yiyi said with a smile.

"Actually, the second uncle knows that they stole it without asking, but he just doesn't want to argue with these little guys!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Moon Lake is just this big, with [-] or [-] households, two to three hundred people, who else in the village would steal potatoes from their family except for these little kids? Who else.

After returning home
Everyone acted together and began to clean the picked mushrooms.

The mushrooms in the mountains are good for everything, but they are difficult to clean.

Because of the rain, every mushroom is covered with yellow mud, especially the inside of the mushroom cap is full of folds, so you have to work hard to clean it quickly.

Therefore, with only seven or eight catties of mushrooms, it took five or six people an hour to act together.


"Hehe, Xiaofeng, you have also entered the mountain!!"

"Yes, second uncle, you are really fast, and you will be back soon!"

"Hehe, so-so, mainly because I went earlier."

Zhang Feng smiled wryly in his heart, wondering if it's too early for you old man? ?It’s too early to go into the mountains before dawn!
The second uncle quickly said goodbye and left, and was busy cleaning mushrooms by the river! !
(End of this chapter)

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