small farmer

Chapter 625 Happy Little Kids

Chapter 625 Happy Little Kids (22)

With the return of the second uncle, the villagers returned one after another after a while. Everyone carried mushrooms to the Tapang River to clean the mushrooms they had picked.

Looking from a distance, the riverside is extremely lively, and the road is full of villagers washing mushrooms. Everyone is talking and laughing, which is also very fun.

The little kids in the village were also laughing and playing by the river, and of course they didn’t forget to clean their own mushrooms, which might sell for a lot of pocket money!

At noon, Yiyi's family ate at Zhang Feng's house
The master himself made a chicken Hericium erinaceus, and the pot was steaming, and the fragrance permeated the whole kitchen, and slowly spread to the entire farmyard.

"Well, the soup the old man cooks is really delicious!!" Sitting in the yard, Zhang Feng couldn't help sniffing, and said in amazement.

"Hehe, it's okay! The Hericium erinaceus in the mountains is mainly good, and the quality of free-range chickens in the village is also good!!" The old man said with a smile on his face.

"Xiaofeng, what are you going to do with your mushrooms later?" The old man asked with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

"I'm going to make stir-fried mushrooms with green peppers. I know this dish since I was a child. I used to do this with almost all the mushrooms I picked from the mountains!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Stir-fried mushrooms with green peppers is indeed Zhang Feng's special dish since he was a child, because there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest outside the village. Every summer, whenever Zhang Feng has time, he will go to the mountains with his sisters to pick mushrooms.

Every time the mushrooms are picked, after cleaning them quickly, they will first pass the mushrooms in boiling water. Of course, don’t forget to add garlic.

It is said that garlic is a good thing to test for poison. If the garlic is still white, it can be eaten.If it turns black, it must not be eaten, indicating that the mushroom is poisonous.

But since he was a child, Zhang Feng has never encountered a time when garlic turned black.

Because the little friends firmly remember the instructions of the adults, and only pick up the mushrooms they know. No matter how good other mushrooms are, they can’t take more.

There are also some mushrooms that are not sure. Even if you have an impression in your heart, you can't take them as long as you haven't eaten them. After all, many people lose their lives because of mushrooms every year.

In fact, Zhang Feng knows that there are many precious mushrooms in the mountains, such as Hericium erinaceus, bamboo fungus, chanterelles, etc.
But everyone has eaten it before. If it weren't for the food expert of the old man, Zhang Feng would not pick Hericium erinaceus even if he encountered it.

Not even the precious wild mushrooms, because the precious mushrooms are not as important as the lives of yourself and your family.

Therefore, students who have never picked mushrooms should not pick them rashly. Even those who have picked mushrooms should not pick them in unfamiliar places. Mushrooms, so although picking mushrooms is interesting, but also cherish life, don't pick them randomly.

Having said so much, let's get down to business again and continue to talk about the practice of stir-fried mushrooms with green peppers.

After passing the fresh mushrooms with boiling water once, filter them in a Shau Kei, and wait for the water to filter dry.

Then you can start to fry the mushrooms, first put an appropriate amount of cooking oil, then pour the minced green peppers into the large pot, stir fry twice, then add tomatoes, garlic sprouts, coriander and other condiments.

After the seasoning is sautéed, you can pour in the mushrooms, keep the fire in the pot, stir-fry several times, add salt and stir evenly, and finally add some shallots and everything will be OK!
"Well, it smells so good! My saliva is almost dripping out!"

Yiyi stood beside the fire while watching Zhang Feng stir-fry the mushrooms, smelling the strong fragrance in the pot, she shrugged Xiaoqiong's nose, and said like a greedy cat.

"Hehe, I can eat it right away, wait a little longer." Seeing Yiyi's impatient look, Zhang Feng smiled.

To be honest, wild russula is really better than all the meat he has eaten. It tastes very delicious, smooth and indescribably good. Only those who have really eaten it can appreciate it. The delicacy is completely indescribable in words, just like the legendary fairy food, delicious beyond imagination.

"Okay, it's time to serve dinner!!" With a ladle of water in the pot, Zhang Feng walked into the main room with a large bowl of fragrant mushrooms.

At this time, Yiyi and the eldest sister had already set up the tables and chairs, and when Zhang Feng brought the dishes to the table, everyone also took their seats.

Then I started to eat a delicious mushroom feast, fragrant fried red mushrooms with green peppers, delicious Hericium erinaceus chicken soup, a cold cucumber, and a cowpea melon soup.

Although there are few types of dishes, each one has a large amount. It feels good to eat a large bowl of wine and a large piece of meat. It is really refreshing to eat.


Just after lunch, the second uncle walked into the yard with two baskets of washed mushrooms.

"Xiaofeng, come and weigh the mushrooms!"

"Yo, the second uncle is still the first one you came!" Zhang Feng was lying on the chair, and when he heard the second uncle's voice, he immediately got up.

"Haha, can you not be happy if you have money?" The second uncle had a good harvest today, so he was very happy. Since he came in, the smile on his face has never stopped.

Zhang Feng had already prepared the scale, and immediately moved the second uncle's mushrooms to it.

"How many?" The second uncle bent over and squinted his eyes to look, but he still couldn't see clearly, after all, he was old and had presbyopia.

"Thirty catties of russula mushrooms, let me call it bovine liver fungus!" Although thirty catties was still a bit short, Zhang Feng also counted it as thirty catties for the old man.

"Hehe!" The second uncle nodded with a smile, and continued to stare at the remaining boletus that Zhang Feng said.

"The boletus weighs... 28 catties," Zhang Feng looked at it, and then said.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the second uncle's face burst into smiles!Cheerful heart can not tell the joy.

Thirty catties of red mushrooms cost 15 yuan per catty, that is 450 yuan.

Adding 28 catties of porcini mushrooms, this is another 280 yuan, plus 450 yuan of red mushrooms, the second uncle earned 730 yuan in the morning, so the old man was indescribably happy, and his face was full of smiles.

With the arrival of the second uncle, Pao Shanye, Aunt Osmanthus, and the third uncle also came one after another.

Due to the heavy rain yesterday, mushrooms in the mountains have popped up one after another today, and they are almost everywhere in the mountains and plains.

Therefore, everyone reaped a good harvest, and everyone earned at least 600 yuan.

Among them, what surprised Zhang Feng the most was that the big girl actually earned more than 270 yuan, which was really beyond Zhang Feng's expectation.

Zhang Feng couldn't help sighing, no pains, no gains, that girl is usually very shrewd and capable, and it's only natural that she earns so much money.

Except for Da Ya, the rest of the little kids also had a good harvest. Duckling picked five catties of red mushrooms and earned 75 yuan, Da Mao earned 68 yuan, Erya earned 55 yuan, and Little Stone earned 38 yuan.

Even the three-year-old Xiao Maoya picked more than a catty of red mushrooms. To reward the little girl for her hard work, Zhang Feng also gave her 30 yuan, which is the price of two catties.

The little guys made money, and they were really happy, so they ran to the small shop of the little duck's house.

(End of this chapter)

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