small farmer

Chapter 626 Summer Rain

Chapter 626 Summer Rain (12)

a heavy rain last night

Let the people in the village become busy.

Almost all the young and strong members of the dragon boat team in the village went to the countryside, or went to other counties to collect mushrooms.

Therefore, today's noon training plan can only be put on hold and changed to 06:30 pm. Today's training starts at [-]:[-] and ends at [-]:[-]. Because everyone is very tired, it takes half an hour less than usual.

Around 04:30, the members of the dragon boat team came to the Moon Lake one after another, and everyone gathered together to inquire about today's harvest.

"How is Uncle Dashan's business today? How many mushrooms did you collect?" Ahong asked Uncle Dashan with a smile.

"It's almost the same as before, and you only earn four or five thousand. Seeing your blushing face, you should have earned a lot, right?" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

"Hey, I didn't earn much today, just a little over 6000!" Although Ah Hong said it modestly, the smug smile on his face immediately betrayed him.

"Damn it, did you have shit luck today? 6000 is not too much?" Uncle Dashan was very surprised. You must know that everyone usually only earns four or five thousand, and it is really rare to reach six thousand. few.

Other villagers also came over curiously, wanting to see what Ahong had to say.

"Ah Hong, tell me how did you earn so much today??" Hearing what A Hong said, Uncle Er Niu couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hey, speaking of it, it's all luck. I also received more than 50 catties of chicken fir today!" Ah Hong said cheerfully to everyone.

"More than 50 catties??" Everyone gasped suddenly, and then everyone couldn't help complaining, thinking that this guy is really lucky!
You must know that chicken fir is the king of mountain fungus, and everyone should be thankful if they can meet a dozen catties. I didn't expect that this guy, A Hong, was so lucky today, he was really lucky.

"You paid 100 yuan a catty?" After being amazed, everyone asked again.

Seeing A Hong nodding his head, everyone shook their heads enviously. You must know that Zhang Feng's purchase price here is not low.

More than 50 catties, that is more than 1000 yuan, so it is not surprising that Ah Hong can earn more than 6000 yuan today.

But the one who earns the most among them is not Ah Hong, but the fat guy.

Today, Fat Dun's luck is very good. Although he didn't receive much chicken fir, he was pleasantly surprised to receive a few catties of even more precious wild bamboo fungus.

Zhang Feng directly gave a high price of 200 yuan per catty. This was because the Qingshan was too small and there was no consumer market.

Otherwise, such a high-end wild fungus can sell for 600 yuan a catty at least.

But Pang Dun is a low-key person, and what he likes most is boring hair and making a fortune, so seeing that everyone envies Ah Hong so much, he just smiled silently beside him, and did not say anything about his earning 7000 yuan.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's get started!" Uncle Dashan scanned the surrounding area and found that all the team members had arrived, so he clapped his hands and told everyone to get on the boat.

"Oh, I still have to train after being so tired today!" The young people couldn't help complaining.

"Hey, you don't want to train, do you?" Uncle Da Shan asked with a smile when he heard what A Hong and the others said.

"The main reason is that I have been busy for most of the day today, and I am really tired!"

"Yeah, my back is sore and my legs are cramping now! I don't have any strength in my whole body!"

Several young people immediately complained to Uncle Dashan.

"That's fine, you don't have to train if you don't want to. The village chief is over there. Did you see that? If you don't want to train, just ask the village chief to ask for leave!" Uncle Dashan said sadly.

"Ah! Going to ask the village chief for leave? Let's forget it!" Then everyone realized that the village chief had been standing by and watching everyone!
Guys who wanted to be lazy couldn't help shrinking their heads. When they saw the village chief, they immediately gave up and jumped on the dragon boat, straightened their backs, cheered up, and were ready to start training without using Uncle Dashan.

"One, two, three, let's go!!"

With the beating of Uncle Dashan's drums, everyone followed the same rhythm, looked for the direction, and rowed the oars in their hands vigorously. At the same time, the dragon boat was like an arrow off the string, and it shuttled quickly across the calm lake.

For a while, Moon Lake became extremely lively.

The sound of beating drums and everyone's chant resounded throughout Moon Lake, attracting almost all the tourists in the village.

Even the little kids in the village were on the shore, chasing the dragon boat and running along the shore of the lake, it was so lively.

Seeing that everyone was well connected, the village head nodded with a relieved smile, thinking that there is really hope for this year's champion.

At this moment, dense raindrops fell from the sky like thousands of arrows. Countless raindrops slapped on the lake surface, causing countless splashes. The lake surface, which was smooth as a mirror a moment ago, instantly became bumpy.

However, when

A dark cloud quietly floated over Moon Lake, covering the sun in the sky, and the light in the lake suddenly dimmed.

"It's not going to rain!!" I don't know what suddenly called out.

As soon as the words fell, a few drops of rain fell from the sky and fell on the lake, causing ripples.

Suddenly, a bolt from the blue pierced the sky, and a dull sound resounded through the sky.

With the sound of thunder, there was a strong wind blowing in the lake, and the raindrops became more and more large.

All of a sudden, there was a storm, and the wind and waves in the lake made everyone's dragon boat sway. Uncle Dashan looked at the sky seriously, and then directed everyone to adjust the course immediately, and galloped to the not-nearest small pier.

"Oops! It's raining! Go home!"

"It's raining!! Go home!!"

The little monkeys by the lake were very happy, cheering non-stop in the rain, jumping and running to the house.

Tourists also ran to the gazebos by the lake to hide from the rain, and many tourists walked quickly to the bus station at the entrance of the village with umbrellas, preparing to go home, ending today's trip to Moon Lake.

The rain in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, and the big raindrops slapped on the dragon boat team members. Suddenly everyone panicked, the rhythm became chaotic, and the dragon boat began to sway from side to side.

"Hold on, everyone, don't worry, we're going to dock soon." At this moment, Uncle Dashan said with a relaxed smile.

Seeing Uncle Dashan's calm and composed appearance, the young people also regained their rhythm, and everyone worked together to reach the shore soon.

"Okay, let's leave everyone. Today's training is over. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, it will still be two o'clock in the afternoon. If it rains, it will be the same as today. Training will start at five o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone must remember !"

"Don't worry, Uncle Dashan (Captain)" Everyone climbed out of the dragon boat one after another. When they heard Uncle Dashan's words, everyone was very happy, and finally no more training!

(End of this chapter)

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