small farmer

Chapter 627 Rainbow Spectacle

Chapter 627 Rainbow Spectacle (22)

The rain raged for about a quarter of an hour,

The thick black clouds in the sky finally dissipated slowly, leaving only a thin layer floating in the sky,
The sky became brighter and clearer, the sun finally showed its face again, and the entire Moon Lake became brighter.

Seeing the gradually thinning raindrops, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces became more relaxed.

"The sun is raining!"

"Haha, there should be more mushrooms in the mountains tomorrow!"

According to an ancient legend in the village, the mushrooms in the forest grow the fastest after the sun rains, so the villagers couldn't help cheering when they saw the sun raining from the sky, and their faces were full of joy.

Since the rain has not stopped, the raindrops are still falling from the sky.

So everyone still stayed in the gazebo, enjoying the beautiful scenery in the rain.

The water is bright and clear, and the mountains are empty and rainy.

At this time, the scenery in the Moon Lake was not inferior, and the raindrops splashed on the lake water, causing waves of ripples.

On the surface of the beautiful lake, the heat is steaming and the lake water is dense, just like a fairyland in the sky, full of hazy colors.

The breeze is blowing, sparkling, and the lotus on the shore has become more delicate and beautiful after being baptized by wind and rain.

As the writers of the Song Dynasty said:
Out of the mud but not stained, clean and clear but not demonic, open in the middle and straight outside, neither vines nor branches, fragrant far away but clear, pavilions and clean plants, can be seen from a distance but not played with.

look at...

The dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the sky was blue and clear.

"Ah, rainbow, what a beautiful rainbow..."

A sudden exclamation broke the surrounding silence.

A beautiful rainbow traverses the sky and spans the entire world, like a rainbow bridge, towering into the clouds and connecting the mountains in the distance, it is really beautiful.

Seeing such a beautiful rainbow, everyone was so shocked that they completely forgot to react and stared blankly at the rainbow in the sky.

Especially for tourists in the city, it is even more surprising.
Due to the deterioration of the environment, the air pollution in the city is serious, and it is often difficult to see the sky clearly, let alone such a beautiful rainbow.

Therefore, when everyone saw the rainbow in front of them, they were overjoyed and yelled excitedly, and then they took pictures of this beautiful rainbow with their mobile phones. The family and friends who came to the city must be envious.

The rainbow of seven colors spans the sky, like a fairy in the sky, dancing in the air with colorful ribbons. Such a beautiful scenery is really shocking, like being in a fairyland.

Red, orange, red, green, blue, blue and purple, whoever holds the colorful practice dances in the sky.Seeing this rainbow spanning the sky and the earth, Zhang Feng was also shocked, and suddenly thought of this poem by Mao Zedong, which completely described the spectacle of the rainbow after the rain with vivid images, giving people infinite reverie.

Everyone stared at the rainbow in the sky for a long time, and has been indulging in this beautiful spectacle after the rain. Unfortunately, the beauty is always short-lived. The rainbow in the sky slowly dissipates with the passage of time, like a fairy dancing a song. Sleeve away.

It's a pity that beautiful things are always so short-lived. In the blink of an eye, the rainbow in the sky gradually dimmed, and disappeared completely in the sky in a short while.

"Ah, why is it gone?"

"what a shame!!"

Looking at the empty sky, everyone couldn't help exclaiming. Facing the sudden disappearance of the rainbow, everyone felt regretful.

Especially those tourists who didn't record it with their mobile phones, their intestines were full of regrets, and they really wanted to travel back immediately and record all the beautiful scenery at that time.

But more tourists are indeed very happy.

It is really worthwhile to be able to witness such a clear and beautiful rainbow.

Although everyone excitedly posted the photos or short videos they took on the Internet, allowing more people to share the beautiful rainbow that appeared over Moon Lake.


had dinner
Zhang Feng took Yiyi and walked towards the field.Followed by two dogs looking around, they kept sniffing the ground, as if they were looking for something mysterious.

"Crazy, can the mushrooms grow in the ground so quickly?"

Just now I heard Zhang Feng say that the mushrooms would grow soon after the sun rained, but Yiyi didn't really believe it, so she urged Zhang Feng to come to the forest to verify.

"Of course, mushrooms grow super fast, and it probably won't take an hour to emerge from the ground." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

Yiyi nodded slowly, took Zhang Feng's hand, and walked slowly into the mountain.

"Wow! So many mushrooms!!"

As soon as she walked into the forest, Yiyi was stunned by the sight in front of her. The ground was densely covered with mushrooms. You must know that when everyone came in the morning, the place was still barren. At that time, no one had picked all the mushrooms, but now, After a sun and rain, since the mushrooms grow again, it is really miraculous. If you have not seen it with your own eyes, it is really unbelievable.

"These mushrooms grow so fast!!"

"Hehe, of course!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

In the evening, the light in the mountain forest gradually dimmed, and the surroundings were filled with the buzzing of mosquitoes.

Seeing Zhang Feng's arrival and the mosquitoes swarming in the woods, Zhang Feng quickly swung his bow left and right, waving the branches continuously, helping himself and Yiyi to drive away the approaching mosquitoes.

"Oh, there are so many mosquitoes here!" Yiyi said in distress as she slapped the mosquitoes around her.

"Let's go quickly! Otherwise, we will really feed the mosquitoes!" Zhang Feng smiled, and hurried out of the forest with Yiyi.

When the two walked out of the forest, the number of mosquitoes decreased immediately, because the forest environment was more suitable for the survival of mosquitoes.

Therefore, when going into the woods in summer, the most important thing is to prevent mosquito bites. If you go into the mountains wearing short-sleeved shorts, you will definitely be bitten all over your body when you come back.

Walking and walking, I came to my own cornfield unknowingly.

"Crazy, isn't the corn we planted almost ripe?"

"Hehe, it's almost time, it should be ready to eat in about half a month!"

Seeing that the corn has bloomed, Zhang Feng thought that the corn produced by this system is different, and the growth speed is fast.

Zhang Feng gently opened a corn cob, and there were already mung bean-sized corn kernels growing on it. It is estimated that these corns can be eaten within a week at the earliest, ten days and a half months at the longest.

"Hee hee, these corns are all the seeds I planted myself!" Seeing this green corn field, Yiyi said proudly.

"Of course, our Yiyi is amazing!" Zhang Feng smiled and gently stroked Yiyi's hair, and suddenly a faint fragrance came over his face.

Looking at the corn that was about to mature, Zhang Feng thought it was time to apply fertilizer for the third time.

Because now is the time when corn needs nutrition the most. Only with sufficient nutrition can the corn cobs grow more and the corn will be fuller.

(End of this chapter)

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