small farmer

Chapter 628 Boiling Friends

Chapter 628 Boiling Friends
That night
I saw the rainbow pictures sent by Zhang Feng and Yiyi to the group
The brothers and sisters in the group were all stunned, and they were envious!I really hated myself for being there.

"Fuck, if only I was there at that time!"

"Yiyi, you guys are too much! You don't call me everyone when you meet such a beautiful rainbow!"

"Yiyi, lunatic, the two of you have been spreading dog food and showing off the scenery in the group all day, are you still letting us live?"

Seeing such a beautiful rainbow, as well as Moon Lake in the rain, the dense water vapor, and ethereal expressions, everyone was envious, and they clamored to travel to Moon Lake this weekend.

Ever since, someone in the group climbed up and shouted, and immediately a dozen people signed up.

Maybe everyone's longing for Moon Lake is not necessarily because of the beautiful scenery here, but also the leisurely atmosphere and comfortable rural life here.

Because the friends in the group are almost all working-class people, they live from [-] to [-] every day, [-] o’clock and [-] line. It’s too boring, so everyone wants to take this opportunity to go to Moon Lake to relax. .

But they haven't waited for them yet.

Binzi and Brother Niu arrived at Moon Lake the next day.

The purpose of their coming here is not only to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also for the delicious mountain delicacies here - mushrooms.

"Xiaofeng, are there really a lot of mushrooms in the forest?" Early the next morning, Zhang Feng and Yiyi took Niu Zhong to walk in the forest.

"Of course, but we started late, there must not be many mushrooms around the forest!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"Ah, then don't we still have to go to the deep mountains?" Niu Zhong asked bitterly while walking on the rugged mountain road, panting heavily.

"Haha, Brother Niu, don't worry, we'll just stay on the outside. When everyone is picking mushrooms, they rush into the depths, so they won't light up the outside." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Hehe, that's good!" Niu Zhong finally heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

The competition for picking mushrooms in the forest is very fierce. Everyone scrambles to enter the mountain, always looking for the place with the most mushrooms. Might as well walk faster, run farther, and find more mushrooms.

"Wow, these are all red mushrooms?" Niu Zhong exclaimed in surprise as soon as he walked into the forest, some small red umbrella-like mushrooms appeared sparsely on the ground.

"Hehe, of course!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's pick it quickly!" Niu Zhong shivered in surprise, and immediately rushed towards the mushrooms with a basket in his hand.

Wang Bin's speed is not slow, running up and down the hillside, he is very happy every time he picks a mushroom.

"Hee hee, lunatic, you two are having so much fun!!" Seeing the joy on the faces of Niu Zhong and Wang Bin, Yiyi whispered to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded. Labor and harvest are indeed a very happy thing.


Moon Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Qingshan County. It is about four or five kilometers away from the county seat. It is not only beautiful and pleasant, but also rich in animal and plant resources.

There are many kinds of freshwater fish in the lake, including common crucian carp, carp, grass carp, black fish and other rare fish, because they are all wild fish, so the taste is very delicious, and every tourist who has eaten it praises it Absolutely.

The scenery here is beautiful and picturesque, and the beautiful Moon Lake is like a blue gem, a pearl in the mountains, embellishing the vast land;
In summer, the sky above Moon Lake is clear and full of birds, the lake is crystal clear, and the fish in the water play happily among the aquatic plants, like elves in the water, full of spirituality;
When the breeze blows gently, the lush reeds around are like wheat waves, rolling green waves, just like a dynamic landscape painting, the beautiful scenery is fascinating, and coming here is like arriving in a beautiful paradise, a paradise in the mountains;

Thanks to Brother Niu's proposal, after picking mushrooms, everyone prepared to have a delicious picnic on the open river beach by the lake.

Zhang Feng and the others brought fishing rods, harpoons, fishing bait, pots and bowls, cabbage, lettuce and other vegetables, as well as essential condiments and a lot of other things. So many things almost made the three baskets stuffed;

"Is everything packed? Let's see if there is anything missing?" Zhang Feng stood in the yard and finally reminded everyone to come;

"All right!"

"All the work is done, there is no shortage of pots, pans and ladles!"

Zhang Yi and Binzi replied with a smile.

As for the big fat man Niu Zhong, of course he has become the hands-off shopkeeper, and he happily expects everyone to leave early.

After checking all the items and found that there was nothing missing, everyone set off happily, talking and laughing along the way and feeling indescribably comfortable.

"Moon Lake is still so beautiful..."

The beautiful Moon Lake appears in everyone's eyes. The light blue lake water is like a blue gem, inlaid on the golden crown, exuding charming colors in the summer sun;

"Haha... finally here..."

"Ah... a delicious picnic here I come..."

Looking at the charming scenery in front of him, Niu Zhong shouted excitedly, and the rolling echo echoed in the mountains, like an ancient and melodious bell, resounding throughout the world;
Zhang Feng suddenly smiled wryly, thinking this guy is really a foodie!A picnic got him so excited.

"Okay! Okay! Everyone, don't be too busy fishing. Brother Yiyi, let's take out all the things together. Xiaoyi and Binzi, you two, go around and find some firewood. We can cook later."

"Okay Brother (Feng)!" Zhang Yi and Wang Bin nodded and left after taking orders.

"It's okay, I'll go find it with you later, I know where it is." Zhang Yi is very familiar with the mountains and forests on both sides of the river beach. He has been here many times since he was a child, so he knows exactly where there is firewood nearby. .

The hillsides beside the Tapang River are full of lush pine trees, which are evergreen all year round. Looking from a distance, it is green and extremely beautiful.

Pine trees have many functions, almost all of them are treasures.

Pine wood is good in material, high in strength, decay-resistant, straight in texture, has the characteristics of combining rigidity and softness, bearing weight without breaking, straightness without deformation, toughness and elasticity, and can be used for buildings, bridges, mine pillars, sleepers, poles, vehicles, Agricultural tools, paper and man-made fibers and other materials.

What's more, the pine needles of pine trees can also be processed into pine needle powder, which contains more than 40 kinds of nutrients necessary for the growth of livestock and poultry.

The aromatic oil extracted from pine needles has been widely used in soap, toothpaste, cosmetics, candy, essence, biscuits and many other products.The residue of distilled pine needle oil is still the first-class raw material for refining rubber, alcohol, etc.

In addition, pine trees also produce rosin and turpentine

Rosin and turpentine are important industrial raw materials, widely used in soap, paper, paint, ink, matches, rubber, adhesives, printing, food processing, chemicals, spices, medicine, plastics, electrical, pesticide and electronic industries, etc. department.

(End of this chapter)

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