small farmer

Chapter 629

Chapter 629
The resin of the pine tree is also an excellent preservative and insect repellant. It makes the pine wood immortal after being soaked in water and rain, and most moths dare not attack the pine wood.

In addition to these accidents, pine nuts are also raw materials for candies and pastries.It is crunchy and soft, and exudes a faint rosin. Since the Tang Dynasty, pine nuts have become a snack that people like to eat.

Therefore, the evergreen pine tree is our inexhaustible precious wealth, and it is also a beautiful tree species that guards nature and greens nature.

There were a lot of dead branches of pine trees on the hillside by the river. In just ten minutes, the two of them picked up a lot. It's a pity that such good branches withered and turned into firewood.

"Okay, it's almost there, let's go back quickly, we can't use up too much." Seeing that Wang Bin was still looking for firewood with great interest like digging for treasure, Zhang Yi shook his head and smiled slightly.

"Then, all right. Let's go!" Wang Bin finally stopped, holding the firewood he found, and followed Zhang Yi slowly down the mountain;

The two guys came to the river beach, threw the firewood on the ground, ran over to grab equipment and fishing rods, and rushed to the river to start fishing.

When Niu Zhong saw the actions of the two, he also acted immediately. He quickly grabbed the last fishing rod, and then happily followed Zhang Yi and the two guys to the river to fish.

"Brothers, that's my fishing rod, okay?" Zhang Feng looked at the remaining harpoons on the ground and cried without tears when he saw a few bandits snatching his fishing rod away;

"Hey, it's better to strike first, and then you will suffer. Don't worry, we will catch fish later, and we will share your soup..." Brother Niu said with a wretched smile;

Zhang Feng suddenly smiled wryly and shook his head, but these guys obviously underestimated Zhang Feng's combat power, don't think that Zhang Feng can't get fish without the fishing rod.

Then Zhang Feng smiled slightly, held the harpoon and walked towards the Tapang River, thinking about the dumbfounded expressions of Brother Niu and the others later, Zhang Feng felt very happy;
Spearfishing is almost impossible for most people, because it not only requires super eyesight and decisive reaction, but also requires a lot of experience of the fisherman, because there is refraction in the water The function, only by continuous practice, can you spear the fish quickly, accurately and ruthlessly;

Zhang Feng has experienced wild survival training in the learning system, and has dabbled in various fishing methods. Although spear fishing cannot achieve perfect accuracy, it can still hit nine out of ten, so Zhang Feng is full of confidence in himself, thinking of Everyone's shocked and deflated expressions made Zhang Feng feel very relieved;
However, Zhang Feng did not act in a hurry, but scattered the distiller's grains in a small water bay to make a nest, so that the fragrance of the distiller's grains would attract fish around in the water;

Not long after the distiller's grains were sprinkled, the water began to swell, and carp and crucian carp, which smelled fragrant in the river, all swung their tails and swam towards the bay;
However, these naive little fish have no idea that there is a hidden murderous intention at all. The sharp harpoon in Zhang Feng's hand is waiting for them, waiting to give them a fatal blow.

Soon, Zhang Feng stared at one of the one-foot-long black carp. At this time, the carp did not notice any danger, and plunged into the trap set by Zhang Feng;
When the carp swam in front of Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng made a decisive move. The harpoon in his hand was like a sharp arrow, piercing the river water and stabbing the carp accurately. Zhang Feng flicked the big carp with the needle. flew to the river beach;
At this moment, the surrounding fish also fled in fright. Zhang Feng attacked again with sharp eyes and quick hands, swung the harpoon, and smashed heavily on the head of the big crucian carp that had been eyeing for a long time;

The harpoon hit the water heavily, causing a wave several meters high, and the clear lake water became turbid in an instant. In the next instant, a crucian carp with a length of more than 20 centimeters and a length of about one catty floated on the surface of the water. Zhang Feng was delighted. Picking up the crucian carp, he walked ashore with a smile on his face.

However, at this time, Wang Bin and Niu Zhong on the bank were stunned and extremely shocked. Unexpectedly, in this flash of lightning, Zhang Feng stabbed one to death, slapped one to death, and harvested two in the blink of an eye. Big fish, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it;

"Hey, Brother Niu, Binzi, how are you? Brighten your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. Don't worry, I will make a good fish later. I will definitely save you a mouthful of soup." Seeing the shocked eyes of the two Exploding out of the orbit, Zhang Feng counterattacked with a proud smile;
"I'll go! Brother Feng, how did you do it?" Wang Bin was so excited that he immediately rushed towards Zhang Feng.

"I'll go! Binzi, brother, I don't want to be gay, you stay away from me..." Zhang Feng avoided Wang Bin's bear pounce by turning sideways.

"Xiaofeng, brother, I was wrong, you must not be half-knowledgeable with me." Seeing that Zhang Feng caught two big fish in the blink of an eye, Niu Zhong remembered Zhang Feng's horror, and cupped his hands at Zhang Feng, Immediately confessed.

"Hey, Brother Niu, don't worry, you'll be full with fish soup later!" Zhang Feng still remembered what Niu Zhong said just now, so he said deliberately.

"Ah, Xiaofeng, you can't do this..." For a carnivore like Niu Zhong, not being able to eat meat is more uncomfortable than killing him, so he immediately pleaded with Zhang Feng.


Only Zhang Yi was completely numb, sitting on the river beach with a smile and watching everyone play.

And Wang Bin was completely stunned by Zhang Feng's miraculous fishing technique, and it was the first time he saw such a miraculous fishing technique.

This is the most difficult spear fishing. It requires super experience and patience, as well as strong arm strength. Otherwise, the fish in the water would have slipped away before the harpoon touched the water;

"Brother Feng, this trick of yours is really cool! It's just a supernatural skill!" Wang Bin ran over again, grabbed Zhang Feng's arm tightly and said;
"Fuck off, buddy, am I pretending? This is strength, pure strength, okay?" Zhang Feng glared at the guy and said;

"Yes yes yes! 100% is strength!! Then you teach me!" Wang Bin pleaded to Zhang Feng with a smile on his face.

In Wang Bin's mind, if he had learned this skill, he would be able to catch girls and pick up beautiful women.
It's a pity that this is all a daydream. How can spearfishing be so easy? It's really cool because few people know how to do it.

"Okay, as long as you stick to hundreds of forks every day, you can reach my level in a year or two." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, knowing that these guys would definitely persevere. If Zhang Feng didn't have the help of the system, it would be impossible. Learn in a short time.

"Ah, hundreds of times a day? Isn't this killing me? Doesn't Brother Feng have any other quick fixes?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Wang Bin suddenly smiled wryly, thinking that if I had such strong perseverance, Do you still need to learn to fish?

"What do you think?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"Oh! Let's forget it!" Wang Bin shook his head in disappointment, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​learning spear fishing.

 After the update rhythm is interrupted, it is really too difficult to resume. Try to restore the third update in two days. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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