small farmer

Chapter 630 Fighting Cock Grass

Chapter 630 Fighting Cock Grass (12)

After learning about the extreme difficulty of spearfishing,
Wang Bin couldn't help but shook his head, sighed, and picked up his fishing rod again to fish honestly.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng changed a few nests and harvested four or five fish again. Of course, he did not succeed every time. Once, because he did not find out the underwater terrain, when the harpoon was inserted, it was caught by a stone. Blocked, the target ran away without a trace;
"Hahaha... I caught a fish, buddy, I finally caught a fish!" At this moment, Brother Niu's smug voice suddenly came from not far away;
"I'll go! Just such a small one can make you so excited, Brother Niu?" Zhang Feng couldn't help joking when he saw the crucian carp on Brother Niu's fishing rod, which was only the size of a palm, but only two taels of meat;

"Hey, isn't Xiaoyu a fish?" Brother Niu didn't care so much, his face was full of joy.

Immediately afterwards, several people had harvested one after another, especially Zhang Yi, who caught a big carp weighing one or two catties, about [-] centimeters, only slightly smaller than the first one Zhang Feng caught;

Several people caught fish, and suddenly became excited, and the atmosphere on the shore of the lake became more lively.

"Xiaofeng, it's time for us to cook!!" Brother Niu also rubbed his belly and asked with a smile.

"Why are you hungry, Brother Niu?" Zhang Feng turned around and asked.

"Hey, it's almost twelve o'clock now!" Niu Zhong rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Okay, then I'll cook a pot of mushroom fish soup first." Zhang Feng smiled and put away the harpoon,
Zhang Yi also finished fishing to help light the fire, and Niu Zhong couldn't wait to start killing the fish, and the beach was busy all of a sudden.

"The fish soup is ready, everyone, come and taste how it tastes?" Zhang Feng took a sip, and the taste was indescribably delicious.

"Well, it smells so good!"

"Drink well!"

"It's really fresh! It's really delicious!"

Brother Niu blew it, and drank a bowl of mushroom fish soup in one gulp, and then he didn't forget to lick his mouth.

"Why don't we just eat it directly, and just put other vegetables in it, just eat hot pot once, what do you think?" Niu Zhong couldn't wait for such a delicious mushroom fish soup, and suggested to everyone with a smile arrive.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were all a little hungry, so they agreed with Niu Zhong's suggestion, and ate mushroom and fish hot pot with a pot on the river beach.

"Come on! Let's have a toast first!"

"Dry!" "Dry"

Everyone happily toasted and drank. It’s been a long time since I’ve been so relaxed. By the side of this beautiful Moon Lake, everyone is facing the breeze, eating a gluttonous feast, and enjoying the supreme delicacy in this mountain.


The fishing boat sings late, and the sun sets.

Luo Xia and Lone Frog fly together, the autumn water is always the same.

The fiery sunset illuminated the entire sky, and the entire lake surface was dyed fiery red. From a distance, it looked like a huge ruby, emitting bright light, which was incomparably beautiful.

"Brother Niu, can Binzi come over to play again when he has time?" At the entrance of the village, Zhang Fengyiyi and Zhang Yi were waving goodbye to Niu Zhong and Wang Bin.

"Don't worry, we will come again when we are free!" The two nodded with a smile, waved their hands reluctantly, and drove away to the county seat after finishing.

In the blink of an eye this weekend is coming to an end.

The little kids in the village were also called home early by their parents. Of course, the little kids who hadn’t finished their homework were spanked.

Ever since, the sounds of urging and crying came one after another, becoming extremely lively.


the next morning

Zhang Feng had just returned from the vegetable field, and saw two little guys, Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou, sitting on the threshold of their house playing with rooster grass.

"Crazy brother..."

"Crazy brother, you are back!"

The two little guys asked with a smile when they saw Zhang Feng.

"Hey, are you fighting rooster grass?" Zhang Feng saw a pile of broken rooster grass on the ground, so he asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, crazy man, look at my rooster grass. It beats Mao Ya's ten rooster plants!!" Xiao Shitou happily shook the rooster plant in his hand, and smiled at Zhang Feng. report to.

"Hmph, my strength is yet to come!" Xiao Maoya said with her lips curled up unwilling to admit defeat.

"Hee hee, I don't believe it!"

"No, let's compare again..."

The two little guys who refused to admit defeat started the cockfighting competition again.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, stepped over the two little guys, and walked into the yard.

Fighting cock grass! !
This is also one of Zhang Feng's favorite games when he was a child.

In fact, it is to tie the rooster grass into a knot, and then the two people cross each other, and pull them together in opposite directions. Whoever breaks the cock grass will lose, and the one who does not break will win the competition.

In fact, fighting rooster grass is to fight their toughness. Eight out of ten people with good toughness can win.

And rooster grass, everyone may be familiar with it.

Because it can be seen almost everywhere in the environment we live in.

Cock grass is also called goose grass,

It is widely distributed, as long as you walk around in the mountains, you can basically see it. Goosegrass has a well-developed root system and can absorb various nutrients in the soil. If it grows with crops, it will rob crops It interferes with the normal growth of crops. In the eyes of farmers, it is the natural enemy of crops. As long as it is seen in the field, it will be uprooted.

Goosegrass can be said to be a ruthless character among weeds. In the past, when farmers went to herd cattle, they would use goosegrass to tie the rope on the grass, so that the cattle would stay in place obediently and would not run around. Goosegrass In addition to being able to bind cattle, it is also a good feed and cattle medicine. In the past, cattle were caused by excessive force when plowing the land, and farmers friends would use goosegrass to treat this symptom.

In addition to the above uses, goosegrass is actually a Chinese herbal medicine.The whole herb is used for medicine, its taste is sweet, and its medicinal properties are flat.Used to prevent and treat Japanese encephalitis, meningitis, rheumatic joint pain, jaundice, indigestion in children, diarrhea, dysentery, urinating pain; bruises, traumatic bleeding, dog bites.

Because goosegrass is a common weed in rural areas,

It is also recognized as a "harmful weed". Its root system is extremely developed, its vitality is also very tenacious, and its stems and leaves grow very tough.

If you cut off its stems and leaves with a sickle, it will start to thrive again in a few days.Therefore, it can only be uprooted to avoid future troubles.I remember that Zhang Feng used to pull up this kind of weed when he was a child. At that time, because he was young, he had to spend a lot of effort to uproot it every time.

But don't ignore its value just because it can be seen everywhere and is not liked by people.
Because goosegrass is also a common Chinese herbal medicine, Zhang Feng also looked it up on the Internet. When this thing was the most expensive, it could be sold for 40 yuan per catty, and the value should be pretty good!
(End of this chapter)

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