small farmer

Chapter 631 The Speedboat Arrives

Chapter 631 The Speedboat Arrives (22)

There are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky
The cicadas on the tree were chirping, and the atmosphere was extremely dull.

At this moment, Zhang Feng received a call from manager Wang of the shipyard.

"Hello, Manager Wang, hello, hello..."

"Yeah, ok! We'll go get it right away!"

"What? You can deliver the goods to your door, haha, that's great!! Thank you so much!!"

After Zhang Feng hung up the phone, he was pleasantly surprised. He didn’t expect to wait and see. The B-class shipping driver’s license he took last time finally arrived.
This is what Manager Wang called to talk about just now. At the same time, the speedboat ordered by the two brothers can also be picked up. At first, Zhang Feng thought that he would go to Gudu Shipyard to pick up the goods in person. Who knows that other people’s service is quite considerate, and they can actually deliver the goods. Because of this, Zhang Feng was also very happy.

"Who can call Xiaofeng?" Li Jun just came out and asked curiously when he heard the call just now.

"It's the sales manager of Gudu Shipyard. He said that our driver's license has arrived and will be delivered to the village with the speedboat later." Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"That's right. If I go to take another test for an aviation driver's license, I'll have all the water, land, and air!" After living for a while, the two have become very familiar with each other, and Li Jun would joke with everyone from time to time.

"That might be it!" Zhang Feng said with a smile, thinking when will he sell a helicopter? ?
But buying an airplane is no different than buying a car or a speedboat. Not only are these things more expensive, but they also require various complicated procedures, especially for applying for routes, which ordinary people simply cannot handle.

Moreover, it is very troublesome to obtain permission from the aviation management department every time the plane takes off, so Zhang Feng just thought about it and immediately cut off the idea of ​​buying a plane.

Moreover, the most important thing for Chinese people is not to reveal their wealth, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and the most taboo thing is to show off.

Therefore, in China, there are very few people who own private jets. Even the richest people on the rich list almost don't have their own planes.

Because everyone wants to keep a low profile, high-profile people are easily criticized by public opinion. Everyone may still remember Uncle Benshan who was almost hacked out of Xiangxiang two years ago.

Because he owns a private jet, he was dragged out by many gossip media and netizens to criticize him, and he wished to tie him to a cross as a heretic and burn him to death.

Although Zhang Feng has nothing to do with him, and he will not sympathize with him, of course, Master Benshan does not need Zhang Feng's sympathy.

But this kind of thing shows the complexity of Chinese culture, which is completely different from that of Europe and the United States.

Moreover, Zhang Feng himself is quite a traditional person, keeping a low profile and pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger are Zhang Feng's consistent principles of life.


After getting the news that the speedboat was coming, Zhang Feng immediately ran to his second uncle's house, wanting to tell his cousin the good news immediately.

"Ah? The speedboat is coming?" Zhang Yi immediately put down his favorite game when he got the news, and almost jumped up in surprise.

"Of course, Manager Wang just called. He said that around two o'clock in the afternoon, our speedboat and driver's license will be delivered to the village!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Haha, that's great!!"

Zhang Yi laughed happily, thinking that with a speedboat, he could run freely in the lake. Thinking about that time, it must have been quite coquettish and carefree.

"What's the matter, are you smiling so happily?" Hearing his son's laughter, the second uncle walked into Zhang Yi's room and asked.

"Hey, our speedboat will arrive soon!" Zhang Yi reported to the second uncle with a happy face.

"It's coming soon, let me learn it too!" The second uncle said with a smile,
Uncle Er, of course, can also drive traditional fishing boats, and almost everyone in the village drives them well, but this speedboat with power has never been driven before, so Uncle Er wants to have fun and see the difference between the two.

"Don't worry, dad, I'll teach you when the time comes, it's very simple." Zhang Yi promised with a smile and patted his chest.

"Really?" Second Uncle asked in disbelief.

"Of course, in fact, this speedboat is similar to driving a motorcycle. You will definitely learn it by then!" Zhang Yi said with a relaxed smile.

The second uncle nodded with a smile. He really imagined the speedboat to be too complicated just now. In fact, not all mechanically powered boats are so complicated.

Only large ships on the sea are not so easy, but small speedboats on rivers and lakes are much simpler, in fact, it is almost as difficult as driving a car.

And the second uncle has already obtained a B-class driver's license for cars. Apart from being unable to drive buses, he can also drive small trucks and cars, and the second uncle's skills are very good.

Therefore, learning to drive a speedboat can definitely be learned quickly. It is estimated that it will take less than half an hour to get started.


Two o'clock in the afternoon
Zhang Feng's family was already standing by the small river at the entrance of the village, and even the two dogs at home were looking downstream curiously, wondering what the owners were looking at?Look so attentively.

"Ah! Here we come!!" Suddenly, a cry of surprise came out.

"Oh, everyone, look, the speedboat is really here!!"

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, two white speedboats sailed towards the village unhurriedly along the calm Tapang River. The speedboats crossed the river, leaving two long water splashes, like Like dragging their tails, the two big fish swam straight towards Moon Lake.

After arriving at the small pier at the entrance of the village, Manager Wang walked down with two drivers.

"Mr. Zhang, hello!"

"Hello, Manager Wang!"

"These two are Master Li and Master Ma from our company!"

"Master Li, Master Ma!"

Everyone greeted each other, Zhang Feng handed everyone a cigarette, and the handover began immediately.

After paying the money and delivering the goods, Zhang Feng immediately transferred the money to Manager Wang.

"Mr. Zhang, you can call me if there is a problem with the speedboat in the future."

"Understood, Manager Wang, please go slowly!"

Since Manager Wang was busy, he left immediately after handing over.

After waving goodbye to Manager Wang and the others, Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi took everyone to the boat to experience it for themselves.

"Tsk tsk, this speedboat is different. It looks much more beautiful than our fishing boat!" The second uncle said with a smile.

"Of course, otherwise, would we be able to spend so much money?" Second Aunt rolled his eyes at Second Uncle.

"Hey..." The second uncle smiled and stopped talking.

"Madman, isn't there a reservoir below? How did they drive the speedboat up?" At this moment, Yiyi asked curiously.

"Because the reservoir has newly built a ship lock!" Zhang Feng turned around and explained with a smile.

"Ship lock??" Yiyi said doubtfully, as if she didn't understand what a ship lock was.

Ship locks are actually introduced in junior high school physics textbooks. They are actually marine facilities that use the principle of connectors to connect the upstream and downstream of the river.

When the ship is about to sail from the downstream to the upstream, the downstream ship lock is first opened, and the water level in the ship lock drops rapidly. After the ship enters the inner pool of the ship lock, the downstream ship lock is closed, and then the upstream ship lock is opened. The water surface will slowly rise, and when the water surface is level with the upstream, the upstream ship lock will be opened, so that the ships in the ship lock pool can drive from the downstream to the upstream.

"Ah, so it is like this!"

Yiyi finally realized suddenly, and finally understood the principle of the ship lock.

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(End of this chapter)

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