small farmer

Chapter 632 Meeting a Wild Boar in the Morning

Chapter 632 Meeting a Wild Boar in the Morning (12)

Zhang Feng turned around and said to everyone with a smile:

"Come up, everyone, I'll take you around the lake!"

"Okay! Hehe, we haven't been on such a speedboat before!" The old man agreed with a smile.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng's family, Yiyi and grandparents all boarded Zhang Feng's speedboat. As for the second uncle and aunt, of course they sat on the cousin's speedboat.

"Everyone sit down, let's go!!"

Zhang Feng smiled and told everyone to start the engine, and the speedboat shot straight away like an arrow off the string.

Zhang Yi also followed closely behind with his second uncle and aunt, and the two families happily shuttled freely in the beautiful Moon Lake.

The clear lake water, the delicate lotus, and the little dragonflies flying in the lake fly up and down, resting in the lotus leaves for a while, and standing on the lotus for a while, just like beautiful elves, adding to the beauty of Moon Lake. More vitality.


The next day just dawned
After packing up his things, Zhang Feng went to the field to fertilize the corn.

"Where are you going, Xiaofeng?" Li Jun asked quickly when he saw Zhang Feng moving things on the three wheels.

"We are going to fertilize the corn!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Wait for me, I'll go with you." Li Jun quickly finished picking the slime in the bowl, and then said.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded. After preparing the fertilizer and two small plastic pots, he sat in the car and waited for his brother-in-law to come.

"Let's go, Xiaofeng!" Li Jun climbed into the car and said with a smile.

Zhang Feng nodded, drove Li Jun with his three-wheeler, and galloped towards the corn field in the back mountain.

The rolling mountain peaks, from near to far, are lush and lush. From a distance, they look like a green ocean, with green and tall pines towering into the clouds. The green waves, one after another, are really incomparably magnificent and beautiful.

The back mountain of Moon Lake is the undulating Qinglong Mountains, and the outskirts of the mountains are all loess mountains. The foot of the mountain is usually a cornfield of various families, and the middle of the mountain is an orchard. As for the top of the mountain, it is either a wasteland or a forest of everyone.

As for the deeper part of the mountain pass, it is the big mountain forest in the village, and almost every household has a part of it. Before the development of mushrooms, people don’t pay much attention to it, because the state does not allow cutting down the trees in the mountain forest, so everyone just I can stare at the woods without any financial income.

However, with the discovery of russula, boletus, and more precious truffles, the mountain forest has become a treasure land for the whole village, and every household attaches great importance to it, because selling mushrooms and truffles alone can earn more than [-] yuan every year.

"Aw... Aw..." At this moment, a mysterious beast sounded nearby.

"Xiaofeng, did you hear anything?" Li Jun got out of the car, his body stopped suddenly, he looked around in horror, and then asked Zhang Feng immediately.

Seeing that Li Jun didn't look like he was joking, Zhang Feng immediately listened. Sure enough, he soon heard the howling of wild beasts. It felt very familiar, as if he heard it often.

correct!Isn't this the cry of a wild boar? ? ? ?

"It's the sound of a wild boar. Brother Jun, take it here. I'll go over and have a look!" Zhang Feng told Li Jun, and ran towards the mountain pass following the howling of the wild boar.

Seeing Zhang Feng leaving, Li Jun immediately followed, walking lightly, for fear of startling the wild boar not far away.

After arriving at the mountain pass, Zhang Feng suddenly laughed.

"Haha, so it is!"

"What's the matter, Xiaofeng?" Li Jun heard Zhang Feng's laughter, and hurried up to ask.

"Wild boar, it must have fallen into a trap! Let's go and have a look!"

Because the wild boars are at their most rampant recently, they come down the mountain from time to time to harm the crops in the village, so the village arranged for people to dig a few traps at the mountain pass to prevent the wild boars from entering the village.

"What a big wild boar!" The two quickly came to the trap, and Li Jun asked in amazement after seeing the wild boar in the trap.

"Hehe, it's not too big. Last year, our village hunted two to three hundred catties of wild boars." Looking at the desperately howling wild boars in the trap, Zhang Feng said with a smile.


Seeing Zhang Feng and the two coming, the wild boar was startled and howled terribly, trying to climb the trap desperately, but failed every time. Finally, it raised its head and looked at Zhang Feng and the two with fierce eyes. people.

"Xiaofeng, what should we do with this wild boar?" Li Jun asked curiously.

"It's okay, I'll call the village head, and he will find someone to deal with it!" Zhang Feng smiled. The trap was dug by the village, and the wild boar caught must be handed over to the village for disposal.

So Zhang Feng immediately called his uncle. When the uncle heard that the wild boar had been caught in the trap of the mountain pass, he immediately asked Pa Shanye to bring a few young men to the mountain pass.

Zhang Feng and Li Jun waited here for a while, and they saw Master Paoshan running up with Uncle Dashan and Uncle Erniu, carrying wooden poles and ropes.

"What about Xiaofeng? Didn't the wild boar escape?" Uncle Er Niu ran over panting and asked.

Before Zhang Feng could speak, Master Pao Shan gave Uncle Er Niu a chestnut.

"It's all nonsense, the traps I made can make wild boars run away?"

"Hey, I'm just asking casually, the trap you always make must be impenetrable." Uncle Er Niu touched the knocked head, and then said with a smile.

"Why did you go up the mountain so early today, kid??" Paoshan Master walked to the front, glanced at the wild boar in the pit, and asked Zhang Feng.

"Isn't this going to fertilize the corn?" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

Master Paoshan nodded and started to move.

First of all, he tied the rope with a slipknot, just like a man lassoing a horse, threw it casually, and put it on the wild boar's neck accurately.

Gee! !
Seeing Pao Shanye's unique skill, everyone was amazed, just like Nezha in Journey to the West, trick!With a bang, the Qiankun circle hit the enemy, pointing to where to hit, it was more accurate than a missile.

"Aw... Aw..." After being caught by the rope, the wild boar also felt bad, and howled even more fiercely, as if knowing that his end was coming.

"Erniu, Dashan, you both quickly open the shutter."

"Hey! Master Running Mountain!"

The two quickly moved away the big stone at the exit of the trap, and then moved out the thick wooden plank.

"Ouch, does this bastard still want to run for his life?" At this moment, the wild boar sprinted and almost dragged the running mountain master to the ground.

Fortunately, Pao Shan Ye was always strong and strong, and quickly stabilized his body, while holding the rope tightly with both hands.

"Master Paoshan, are you alright?" Zhang Feng hurriedly supported Master Paoshan, and asked with concern.

"Hehe, it's okay, Xiaofeng, you have great strength, you come and pull this beast." Master Paoshan waved his hands with a smile, and then handed the rope in his hand to Zhang Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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