small farmer

Chapter 633 Excited little kids and tourists

Chapter 633 Excited little kids and tourists (22)

Uncle Er Niu is also a strongman in the village, and they cleared the trap exit with three or two strokes.
"Xiaofeng is ready! As soon as the wild boar comes out, you will use wooden poles to support it and tie it up." Master Paoshan calmly arranged the next work for everyone.

"Don't worry if you're old! Master Paoshan!" It's not the first time for everyone to catch wild boars. They have already had several experiences, so they don't need to be told by Master Paoshan. Everyone knows what to do, so they raised the wooden bars early. Waiting for the boar to climb out of the trap.

Then Master Paoshan gave Zhang Feng a start gesture, Zhang Feng led the wild boar, and forcefully pulled the wild boar out of the trap.

For a moment, the wild boar's howling was earth-shattering, and it was estimated that the busy villagers far away from the village could hear it, which was enough to show how desperate the wild boar was and how terrifying its cry was.

"Hurry up, hold down the wild boar!!" Seeing the wild boar climbing up, Master Paoshan shouted anxiously.

If you don't hold down the wild boar quickly, the crazy wild boar will go on a rampage and hurt everyone if you are not careful.

Uncle Er Niu and the others had already made preparations, and they immediately put the wooden pole on top of the wild boar without the order of the running mountain master.

It's a pity that the wild boar is too strong, and the wild boar in madness struggled desperately, overturning the wooden bar on its body in two or three strokes.

Seeing that the wild boar was about to flee in all directions, when everyone was at a loss what to do, Zhang Feng made a move in an instant. With a flying kick, the big wild boar weighing more than 100 kilograms suddenly flew out obliquely like a cotton pillow, and fell heavily to the ground, bang With a bang, a cloud of dust splashed up.

After the wild boar fell to the ground, Zhang Feng did not stop immediately. Instead, he jumped up and quickly wrapped the rope around the wild boar. Before it could react, he tied its limbs tightly so that it could not move a bit.

"My boy, your skills are really amazing. If you were in ancient times, you must be the best hunter in the village." Seeing Zhang Feng's series of operations, like flowing water, Pao Shan couldn't help but praise him again and again.

"Tell me, where did you get such brute force?" Uncle Er Niu smiled bitterly and shook his head, pinched Zhang Feng's biceps, looking at this skinny guy, it was really hard to understand, how could he There will be such a terrifying strength.

"Hey, didn't I tell you? I took a Dali pill before, that's why I have such great strength." Zhang Feng said jokingly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu rolled his eyes instantly.

Zhang Feng chuckled, thinking that whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Looking at the two of them, Uncle Dashan shook his head with a smile. As for Li Jun at this moment, he was dumbfounded in horror.

boar! !This is the scariest beast in the mountains, a veritable king of the forest, how it came to Zhang Feng's hands, it was like chopping melons and vegetables, and he was kicked to the ground with one kick, which is too absurd.

Li Jun thought to himself, could it be that what he saw were all fake wild boars? Could it be that the ferocious wild boar has turned into a docile little white rabbit? ? ? ?

Seeing how vulnerable this wild boar was, Li Jun shook his head in disbelief.

Then Li Jun walked towards the wild boar curiously, and kicked it himself, wanting to verify the authenticity of the wild boar.

"Aw... Aw..." The wild boar yelled suddenly, causing Li Jun to back away in fright.

"I'll go, why is this wild boar so fierce?" Seeing the sharp fangs and cruel eyes of the wild boar, Li Jun couldn't help swallowing.

"Haha, the wild boar must be fierce! Did you see that tree over there?"

"Yes, it's the big tree that fell down. It was broken by a wild boar. I was hiding on this big tree at the time. If Xiaofeng hadn't saved me in the end, I would have been killed by a wild boar..."

Then Master Paoshan pointed to the big tree not far away, introduced the horror of wild boars to Li Jun, and talked about the thrilling scene when everyone encountered a big wild boar last year.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng was also there at the time. If he hadn't rushed out with a harpoon in time and beat the wild boar to death, he would have been seriously injured if he didn't die. Black bears and tigers should also stay away.

"Xiao Feng is really so powerful??" Hearing Zhang Feng

"Haha, of course, Xiaofeng has killed not only wild boars, but also black bears!" Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

Hearing that Zhang Feng had also killed a black bear, Li Junzheng was stunned, dumbfounded, and didn't react at all for a while.

Black bear, that is a super beast!In nature, bears are mighty. I don’t know how many people are killed by black bears every year. Therefore, even a three-year-old child knows its horror. I didn’t expect such a terrifying beast to be hunted by Zhang Feng. Let’s look at Zhang Feng It's unbelievable to look like a frail scholar!
"Xiaofeng, did you really kill a black bear?? When did you kill it?" I have to say that men have a certain tendency to violence. Li Jun was also very curious about Zhang Feng's killing of a black bear.

"Hehe, that's okay, it was last year..." Then Zhang Feng said lightly about the matter of going into the mountains to search for black bears last year, as if he didn't take it to heart.

However, after hearing Zhang Feng's narration, Li Jun still felt the danger at that time. After brainstorming, he could completely think about the thrilling time at that time, and he might die at the hands of a black bear if he was not careful.

"Okay, okay, everyone, hurry up and send the wild boar to the village."

Master Paoshan smiled and clapped his hands, calling everyone to carry the wild boar down the mountain.

Uncle Er Niu and Uncle Da Shan cheerfully brought wooden poles, put on ropes, and happily carried the wild boar to the parking place down the mountain.

When a few people carried the wild boar back to the village, the villagers were immediately shocked. Everyone ran to the square to watch. Even the little kids in the village squatted in front of the wild boar, teasing the wild boar boldly.

"Go, go, go away, this wild boar is fierce, I won't eat you later!" Seeing the little guys squatting in front of the wild boar, Master Paoshan rushed over.

"Ah, run quickly, the wild boar is going to eat people!!" The little guy immediately dispersed.

"The wild boar monster is coming, the wild boar monster is going to eat people!!"

The little ones passed on one by one, and after a while, it was as terrifying as the arrival of the Great Demon King. The children who had just heard the news ran away in fright, which made the adults present burst into laughter.

At this moment, tourists from the city who went to Moon Lake for early exercise also arrived in twos and threes.

"Oh, old man, do you see that it is a wild boar?"

"Hey! It seems to be true, let's go over and have a look!"

"What a big wild boar! It should weigh [-] to [-] catties!"

"I don't know how such a big wild boar was caught, and it's still alive!!"

When everyone saw the wild boar in the square, they were very excited. They took out their mobile phones and snapped pictures. This is an authentic wild boar, a terrifying beast that has disappeared in the city for more than half a century. Tied to the big stone mill at the entrance of the village.

It was the first time to see a wild boar at such a close distance, and it was a live wild boar. Everyone was very excited, and felt that today's trip was really worthwhile, and it was really worth it.

 Try to restore the third shift tomorrow, thank you for your support as always, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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