small farmer

Chapter 634 Snap 1 Empty

Chapter 634 Sold out (12)

While the tourists and the little kids of the village are cheering for the wild boar

Zhang Feng and Li Jun were busy in the corn field, each carrying a pot of chemical fertilizer to fertilize each corn plant.

Zhang Feng's speed is fast, like a fairy scattering flowers, grabbing the fertilizer and throwing it, and throwing it accurately at the root of the corn, very precise and fast.

"Xiaofeng, come here, there are fungi!" At this moment, Li Jun's surprised cry came from the other side.

"What?" Zhang Feng was taken aback and then asked.

"There are bacteria, I found bacteria!" Li Jun shouted happily with a smile.

"Ah, let me take a look!" Zhang Feng put down the basin and ran over there quickly.

Soon, five or six chrysalis mushrooms appeared in front of Zhang Feng's eyes, the largest one was fully opened, about the size of a large bowl, and the smallest one just popped out.

"Brother Jun, you are really lucky!!" Seeing these fungus, Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hey..." Li Jun didn't say anything, but just laughed happily.

Then Zhang Feng found a wooden stick and carefully dug out the mushrooms on the ground one by one, but the fungus pond was not damaged.

The bacteria ponds of the chicken fir fungus are generally above the termite nests, and the reproduction of the chicken fir fungus depends on the termites, so when digging the fungus, we must be careful not to damage the ant nests, so that the bacteria ponds can grow again next year Bacteria come out.

Although everyone relies on mountains to eat mountains, and depends on water to eat water.

The villagers also often go to the mountains to collect mountain treasures to dig medicinal materials, but everyone will not destructively mine them, and they will often take the big and let go of the small, and open one side. This concept has been engraved in everyone's hearts since childhood. For the villagers, This is the law of nature, a concept that has been passed down for thousands of years, and everyone will never forget it.


"Xiaofeng, are you finished now?" Seeing Zhang Feng and the two of them packing up their things and preparing to go home, the second uncle asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's only half an acre of corn." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Your speed is simply faster than animals!" The second uncle shook his head with emotion.

The second uncle is praising me or scolding me! !I couldn't laugh or cry immediately.

Although the second uncle spoke in a low voice, with Zhang Feng's keen ears, he still listened.

have to!Unable to offend the second uncle, Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile, and drove Brother Jun as if walking home.

After returning home and taking a shower, Zhang Feng walked like a square.

When Zhang Feng came to the square, it was already crowded with villagers and tourists.

Zhang Feng squeezed in and saw that Uncle Er Niu and Uncle Da Shan were preparing to kill wild boars, no wonder they attracted so many tourists.

"Your boy is finally here, come and help!" The sharp-eyed Uncle Er Niu immediately saw Zhang Feng, and waved to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"No, I just took a shower!" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head immediately.

"What's the matter, just wash it again later!" Uncle Er Niu had never been Zhang Feng before, and wanted to drag him into the water.

"That's right, Xiaofeng, I want you and Uncle Er Niu to hold down the wild boar later!" Uncle Dashan also said with a smile.

At this time, hot water was gurgling on the ground pot stove not far away, and when the water in the pot boiled, it was time for everyone to kill pigs.

At the same time, Uncle Dashan also took out a bright butcher knife from the basket. The sharp edge of the knife exuded a cold light, and suddenly a chilling atmosphere rushed over his face, and even the chattering kid next to him stopped.

At this moment, the uncle brought a few large pots from home, and the others hurried up to help, and arranged the big pots one by one, making final preparations for the slaughter of pigs.

As for the wild boar on the slaughter rack, it was probably in complete despair, staring blankly at the sky, looking hopeless. If the wild boar was not still panting on its chest, everyone would have thought it was completely dead.

"Okay, the boiling water is ready!" The villager in charge of boiling water shouted loudly.

"Er Niu Xiaofeng, you two hold down the wild boar, and Ah Hong comes over to catch the pig's blood." Uncle Da Shan smiled and directed everyone to come.


Everyone hastened to act, and was already familiar with all kinds of precautions for killing pigs.

Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu held the wild boar's four hooves tightly to prevent it from moving at all. Ahong immediately brought the big plate under the wild boar's neck. Uncle Dashan had already taken the butcher's knife, and took a last breath Smoke, throw away the butt, and get ready for action.

"Get out of the way if you can't see the blood, we are going to kill the pig!" At this moment, Uncle Dashan turned his head and said to the onlookers with a smile.

"It's okay, kill it quickly..."

"It's just killing a pig, I've seen killing people before!"

"I'll go, buddy, have you ever seen a murder??" The tourist next to him suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Hey! Of course, it's in the execution ground in the northern suburbs. I don't know how many death-row inmates have been shot!"

"I'm going, this is also called watching murder? If so, we have all seen it!" The tourists who heard it rolled their eyes and kept complaining in their hearts.

Shooting death row criminals in the past is different from now. In the past, it was necessary to announce the sentence publicly to deter criminals, but now due to various reasons, outsiders are no longer allowed to watch the execution.

Closer to home.

Uncle Dashan asked, and seeing that everyone did not avoid it, he stabbed the wild boar in the chest with a shining butcher knife.

Whoa! !

Immediately, blood spattered, and all the bright red blood flowed into the big basin.

At the same time, the wild boar wailed terribly and struggled vigorously. Unfortunately, both Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu were well-known strong men in the village, so the wild boar couldn't move at all.

Ever since, with the loss of blood, the wild boar's vitality became weaker and weaker, and its cry became smaller and smaller. After about 2 minutes, the wild boar finally stopped struggling and howling, and its soul returned to heaven.

I have to say that the tourists from the city were also bold, watching the whole process without blinking their eyes, and some recorded the whole process with their mobile phones.

And the little kids in the village didn't seem to know to be afraid, instead they shouted excitedly, because there would be wild boar to eat later.

I have to say that the little guys are really brave in order to eat.

"Bro, do you sell wild boar?"

"Yeah, how about selling us a few catties?"

"Sell, but we'll wait until we've sorted it out." Uncle Dashan smiled. Isn't the purpose of killing wild boars so much to attract tourists?

Just now everyone has discussed that all the wild boars will be sold this time, and the money from the sale will be poured into the village's account as the village's construction fund.

The tourists were overjoyed when they heard that they could buy wild boar meat, and they waited with smiles on their faces.

Afterwards, everyone snapped up a wild boar for three catties and five catties.

Even the internal organs of the wild boar were all bought, especially the most precious wild boar belly, which was sold at a high price of 800 yuan, so everyone was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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