small farmer

Chapter 635 The Story of Dog Blood

Chapter 635 The Story of Dog Blood (22)

Of course, the most unhappy ones at this time are the little kids in the village. The little guys have been watching eagerly all morning, thinking that they will be able to eat wild pork later, but they are all sold to tourists.

So the little ones were all very disappointed, with their cute little mouths upturned, angrily, as if the adults owed them 100 million.

"What's wrong with you guys??" Zhang Feng asked with a curious smile when he saw the angry faces of the little guys.

"Crazy brother, why did you sell all the wild pork?" The little guy pouted and looked at Zhang Feng pitifully and asked.

"Oh... oh, I see, you want to eat wild pork, right?" Zhang Feng suddenly realized, no wonder the little guys looked disappointed, it turned out that they wanted to eat wild pork.


"Hmm..." The little guys nodded vigorously,
Zhang Feng smiled and comforted the little ones: "Actually, wild boar meat is not tasty at all, and you can still eat it if you haven't raised it at home!"

"It seems true!" Xiao Maoya bit her little finger and nodded slowly.

"Yes, I think chicken is the best."

"Chicken is not good, but fish is good!"

"Oh! What you said is wrong, the best thing to eat is mutton, the most delicious in the world!!"

The little guys gradually turned to the wrong floor, chattering about the topic of the best meat, refusing to give in to each other, and completely forgot about the wild boar.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng laughed happily, thinking that these little kids are really cute.


wild boar sold out
Everyone packed things in a hurry. The pig rack and the big iron pot belonged to Uncle Er Niu's house, and he took it home by himself.

Others also took back their own things, only the uncle sat under the big banyan tree with a smile and counted the money, ten... twenty... 120 catties of wild pork, 30 yuan per catty, plus various offal, A total of 800 yuan was sold.

With this money, the infrastructure construction in the village will be more secure. Uncle is going to save some more money and renovate all the gravel roads leading to the back mountain into cement roads, so that the road into the mountain will be better, don't worry When it rains, the ground is covered with yellow mud.


Back home,
Mother is setting up a stall at the door to buy things,
In the eldest sister's room, the two were busy packing packages for customers, and the table next to them was already full of more than a dozen packages of different sizes, waiting to be sent out together at noon.

After taking a shower again to wash off the wild boar smell on his body, Zhang Feng was like walking to Yiyi's house.

"Where are the two old men drinking tea?"

"Wild boar killed?"

"Kill them all, and sell them all to tourists from the city!"

"It doesn't matter if you sell it. Wild pork is rough. If you don't know how to cook it, it won't taste as good as domestic pork." The old man nodded with a smile.

After chatting with the two old men, Zhang Feng walked towards Yiyi's room.

"Who is Yiyi chatting with?" Zhang Feng retreated to watch the door, and gradually Yiyi was leaning against the window and playing video with someone.

"And Qiushui!!" Then Yiyi raised her index finger beside her mouth, signaling Zhang Feng not to speak,
Zhang Feng smiled, went to the computer desk and sat down on his own, opened the webpage and began to browse today's news.

"On the wedding day, the mother-in-law asked for an extra price of 50, and the groom turned around and married the bridesmaid in a fit of anger! "

"I'll go, there is such a mother-in-law, isn't that abominable?" Zhang Feng frowned after seeing the news.

Although Zhang Feng doesn't need to worry about the gift money, he still feels very disgusted when he sees such news. What's wrong with his world, and such a mother-in-law is really a wonderful flower of his.

Zhang Feng clicked on the news

It turns out that this guy and his girlfriend have been talking for several years, and the two families are quite satisfied with each other, so after the parents of both parties negotiated the bride price, they chose a date to get married.
Unexpectedly, when the groom came to the bride's house, it was completely beyond the groom's expectation. No one in the bride's family asked for a red envelope, and the mother-in-law was sitting in the bride's boudoir with a serious expression on her face, which made the groom feel it when he entered the door. Not quite right.

After the bridegroom said some good words, the mother-in-law finally spoke, and the mother-in-law said directly, if there is no 50 today, don't want to take my daughter away,
This made the bridegroom on the side look confused, not knowing what happened. Later, the groom said a lot of good things, thinking that the mother-in-law was testing himself,
But the mother-in-law said that she was not joking, and that she had to take out a gift of 50 yuan today, because her son owed 50 yuan in foreign debts, so the groom needed to take it out, and the groom said on the spot that he didn't have that much money, could he wait When I have money, I give it to my mother-in-law,

The mother-in-law resolutely said no. At this time, the groom looked at the bride and said to the bride, if I can't pay 50 today, you won't leave with me.

The bride said tearfully, I can't help it! ! !

After a fierce quarrel, the bridesmaid standing aside couldn't stand it anymore. This bridesmaid is also a good friend of the bride. The bridesmaid stood up and said, you are taking advantage of the fire, why should the groom pay for the foreign debts your son owes? , Does he deserve it for marrying your daughter?

After finishing speaking, the bridesmaid proposed to the groom on the spot, and expressed that she was very willing to marry the groom. After thinking about it, the groom took the bridesmaid and walked away, leaving the bride's family in a circle.

"I'm going, this bridesmaid is too fierce!! It's so fucking relieved!" Seeing the end of the story, Zhang Feng couldn't help but get angry.

"Crazy, what are you doing?" Yiyi glared at Zhang Feng, and then asked.

"Hey, I saw a rather irritating news, take a look at this..." Zhang Feng smiled shyly, then pointed to the news on the computer and said.

"What made you have such a big reaction?" Yiyi walked over curiously.

After a while, Yiyi looked at Zhang Feng with a strange expression, and then said with a smile: "Hehe, madman is not news, okay?? This is a scene from a TV series."

"What? TV series??" Zhang Feng suddenly looked confused.

What he fucked was actually a TV series. Fuck, these unscrupulous editors actually made the jokes of the TV series into news, and even got them on the headlines of the news. They wereted so much of their feelings in vain.

"Hee hee, of course, this is a TV series that just aired not long ago, it seems to be called "Scenery Marriage" or something!" Seeing Zhang Feng deflated, Yiyi said with a smile.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile, he's really fucked up!I thought it was real news! !Who knew it was a TV series after watching it.
These stupid entertainment reporters really don't even need the most basic morals in order to promote TV dramas! !

Seemingly knowing what Zhang Feng was thinking now, Yiyi smiled slightly and continued.

"What's the matter, isn't that what's happening in the news now? The more horrifying the title, the better, and the more exaggerated the better, otherwise how can it be attractive?"

Zhang Feng couldn't help but sigh, no wonder everyone said that the entertainment industry is really chaotic! !
(End of this chapter)

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