small farmer

Chapter 636 Open-Air Movies

Chapter 636 Open-Air Movies (12)


"The screening team of 'Send Movies to the Countryside' is coming to our village tonight, and the villagers who want to watch the movie will gather at the square at the entrance of the village at seven o'clock in the evening..."


Zhang Feng was lying leisurely in the yard to enjoy the shade, when he suddenly heard the announcement from the village elder, he immediately sat up and listened attentively.

"Xiaofeng, what is Uncle talking about?" The loudspeaker in the village was a little unclear, and the eldest sister came out curiously after hearing it.

"It seems to be saying that there will be a movie tonight?" Zhang Feng only listened to the general idea.

"Oh, is it the "Send Movies to the Countryside" from the Cultural Bureau?" The eldest sister also knew about this matter, because Qingshan TV station often reported it.

"It should be, this time we finally arrived in our village!" Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that those little kids will be very happy tonight.

In order to enrich the cultural life of the villages, the County Cultural Bureau has learned from the successful practices of many places, and arranges staff to go to the countryside every day and week to show movies for villagers in each village.

Sanjiazhai next door let it go once last year. At that time, Zhang Feng was still addicted to the Internet and didn't go with everyone.

But I have to say that open-air movies are very popular with the villagers. Every time the projection team goes to the countryside, the nearby villages will rush over to watch the excitement, just like watching a big show in the past.


at dusk
The golden sunset shines through the trees on the square at the entrance of the village.

At this time, the place is already extremely lively, especially the little kids in the village moved the stools early to occupy the best seats.

And the old people in the village were not far behind, and came here with their stools or chairs just after dinner.

At this time, the movie has not started yet, and everyone is sitting under the big banyan tree, discussing the movie to be shown tonight.

"Second uncle, is "Tunnel Warfare" showing today?" Da Mao asked the second uncle with a smile.

"Who did you listen to, kid?"

"That's what the little duck said!"

"Nonsense, today is "Southern Expedition and Northern Warfare." The second uncle glared at the little duck next to him, and then said.

When the little duck saw it, he giggled and made a face at Da Mao.

"You liar again, little duck!" Da Mao pouted angrily and said to the little duck.

"It's puppies who lie!" Xiao Maoya also helped her brother to denounce ducklings.

"Oh, I didn't lie to you, I also heard what others said!" The duckling quickly argued for himself.

It's a pity that the little guys still believe him.Da Mao glared at the duckling, then pulled Mao Ya to the stall of Uncle Er Niu's house

"Let's go, sister, let's go buy melon seeds and eat them! Ignore the little duck!"

"Hmph... just ignore me, I'm ignoring you!"

Seeing the two running away, the little duck pouted, and then sat alone on the rock with his back against the big banyan tree, staring blankly at Da Mao and Mao Ya sitting on the side of the square eating melon seeds, his eyes full of envious.

So the little guy snorted, and then wanted to go to his own stall. Of course, the little guy is not sensible to help his mother buy snacks, he must be eating and drinking.

"Uncle, what movie is going to be shown today?" After dinner, almost all the villagers gathered in the square. Ahong helped grandpa move a wicker chair, and then asked the village chief with a smile.

"Have you seen "Southern Expedition and Northern War?" Seeing so many people in the square, the uncle was also very happy and replied with a smile.

"Wow, what an old movie, I seem to have seen it when I was in elementary school!"

"Hahaha, of course, let alone you, even I watched it when I was in elementary school!" Hearing Ah Hong's words, not only the uncle, but even Ah Hong's grandfather laughed.

"Southern Expedition and Northern Warfare" is one of the most classic old movies in China. Together with "Tunnel Warfare" and "Landmine Warfare", it is known as the "Old Three Wars", and it has always been a good movie on the screen for a long time.

Even Zhang Feng himself has watched it two or three times, but every time he reads it, his heart is full of excitement, and he is infected by the positive spirit of the revolutionary fighters back then.

No wonder people say that an army with faith is a good army. At the same time, Zhang Feng thinks that people with faith live a more interesting and exciting life.

You may not know that "Southern Expedition North War" is the first military feature film filmed after the founding of New China. It was shot in 1952. With its magnificent momentum and numerous portraits of characters, this film has left a mark in the history of new Chinese film. Made a bold stroke.

"Southern Expedition and Northern War" is an immortal war epic in the screen history of New China. A large number of classic passages and lines still make people talk about it!The film is based on several real battles that took place in Shandong and northern Jiangsu during the War of Liberation.In the process of writing the script, he received care and support from the senior generals Chen Yi and Su Yu who commanded these battles, and Chen Yi personally revised several passages of dialogue.

With vivid artistic images and rich content of combat life, the movie "Southern Expedition and Northern War" shows the process of the People's Liberation Army correctly using the chairman's strategic thinking of mobile warfare to eliminate the enemy and win the victory under the situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak.

Compared with other war-themed films of the same period, "Southern Expedition and Northern War" is unprecedented in terms of the momentum of the war scenes, the scale of the battle, and the expression of strategic decisions and military thinking. A film with an epic flavor of war—among them, the capture of Motian Ridge and the general attack on Phoenix Mountain, under the conditions of poor technical conditions at the time, the spatial depth lens was used quite successfully. A classic passage in Chinese movies showing the big scenes of war.


Seven o'clock in the evening
When the sun officially goes down,

The movie finally started in the much-anticipated way.

A piece of familiar revolutionary music sounded

Several powerful characters emerged on the subtitles: Bayi Film Studio of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

A large-scale war blockbuster has finally begun.

At the beginning of the film, the historical background of the film is introduced.

In the winter of 1947, the GM Party army launched a key attack on the East China Liberated Area. After seven battles and seven victories in northern Jiangsu, our East China troops stepped back and lured the enemy deep in order to completely annihilate the enemy.

"Why does the lunatic look so emotional!" Yiyi leaned tightly on Zhang Feng's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Hehe, of course, there will be more atmosphere when there are more people. Otherwise, why would so many people enter the cinema." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Yiyi smiled and nodded, Zhang Feng patted the back of Yiyi's hand and continued to watch the movie. The subsequent plot was really thrilling.

Especially when the enemy and us are vying for Motian Ridge, Yiyi tightly grasps Zhang Feng's arm. Zhang Feng can't wait for the warriors in his transformation movie to fly up to Motian Ridge with his wings and hit the enemy at the foot of the mountain hard. .

(End of this chapter)

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