small farmer

Chapter 638 Amazing Painting Skills

Chapter 638 Amazing Painting Skills (12)

The weather is extremely hot at noon

The two dogs were also lying on the ground, panting heavily.

Zhang Feng was very leisurely, moved the recliner left by his grandfather, and sat under the shade of a tree to read his favorite novel comfortably.

"Hey, there are too few updates here. I saved the book for half a month and finished it in 10 minutes."

As an old bookworm, Zhang Feng couldn't help but feel very helpless. Although there are tens of millions of books on the Internet, there are very few that meet his own appetite. Therefore, Zhang Feng once again suffered from a book shortage.

After walking in the yard distractedly for a while, Zhang Feng still felt that he should ask Yiyi to go for a walk by the lake and draw a few pictures by the way.

It has been a long time since he has painted, and Zhang Feng is worried that his painting skills will become rusty.

Bringing all kinds of painting tools, Zhang Feng and Yiyi came to the beautiful Moon Lake. The clear water of the lake slowly flows eastward. The lotus leaves in the lake meet the sky, and the pink and tender lotus flowers stand proudly, which is really extremely beautiful.

"Yiyi, you are sitting on the boat, how about I draw a picture for you first?"

"Okay!" Yiyi smiled and got on the boat by the pier. Zhang Feng untied the rope, pushed the oars lightly, and the boat cut through the lake and sailed slowly into the lake.

The boat came to the lake, Zhang Feng found the most beautiful place, let Yiyi sit on the bow, and sat in the stern by himself, moved the painting tools, and started to paint for Yiyi.

Zhang Feng observes carefully and outlines boldly.

After a while, a graceful beauty appeared on the paper,

The black hair, the beautiful dress, and the beauty smiling, sitting on a curved boat, really has the feeling of a Jiangnan beauty, gentle and charming, extremely beautiful.

Zhang Feng sometimes sketched carefully, and sometimes his pen was fast-paced. After a while, a beautiful picture was created.

"Done the painting??" Seeing that Zhang Feng had stopped writing, Yiyi was shocked. It seemed that it was less than a quarter of an hour. How could it be so fast?

"Okay, Yiyi, come and have a look." Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"Ah, lunatic, you are so fast!" Yiyi smiled in surprise and ran over.

But when Yiyi saw the painting on the drawing board, she was even more shocked.

If I could describe this painting in one word, it would be beautiful!

Two words, beautiful!Three words, very beautiful!

After Yiyi saw it, she was not shocked at all. I never thought that Zhang Feng could paint himself so beautifully. It was like a beautiful art photo. Yiyi couldn’t believe that the beauty in the painting was herself. A fairy in the sky is not like a mortal.

But Yiyi took a closer look, she had the same eyebrows, the same eyes, and her entire face was exactly the same, and the fairy in the painting was actually herself.

But the temperament in it and the environment in the painting will be more beautiful and extraordinary, just like a fairy descending from the world.

"How is it that I draw well?" Seeing Yiyi's stunned appearance, Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, madman, you draw really well!" Upon hearing Zhang Feng's words, Yiyi finally came to her senses and said with a pleasant smile.

On the boat, under the willow tree, in the lotus bush...

In the most beautiful places in the entire Moon Lake, the figures of the two left behind, leaving a beautiful picture scroll of Yiyi.

"Yiyi, let's go to the shore and draw a few more pictures!"

"Forget it, you can draw it yourself..."

Yiyi quickly waved her hand. She drew a few pictures just now. In order to maintain her posture, her body was a little tired.

"Alright then!" Zhang Feng smiled, waved his oars, and rowed the small wooden boat towards the small pier in front of his house.

When they came to the shore of the lake, Yiyi held a few of her paintings and spread them out on the grass to dry, while Zhang Feng walked into the gazebo on the lake, set up the easel, and continued to create.

"Wow, what a beautiful painting! Beautiful sister, did you draw this yourself?" At this moment, two girls in their twenties came over and were amazed when they saw Yiyi's watercolor painting hanging on the lawn endlessly.

"Hehe, I didn't draw it myself, it was drawn by my boyfriend!" Yiyi said happily when she saw the shocked expressions of the two.

"Ah, sister, your boyfriend draws really well. Is he a painter?" one of the beauties in a white manga T-shirt asked curiously.

"Hehe, no, painting is just his hobby!" Yiyi smiled slightly, and then said to the two girls.

"No way, amateurs are so good at painting, I would say it's at the level of professional painters!" The girl in the dress exclaimed.

"That's right, I don't think professional painters paint so well!" Another girl in a white T-shirt nodded in agreement.

It has to be said that Zhang Feng's painting skills have already reached the level of a master, so even laymen have seen it and applauded it again and again.

With the arrival of the two girls, many tourists were attracted in a short while. Everyone was shocked when they saw Zhang Feng’s painting for Yiyi. It felt like the work of a master of Chinese painting. There is no Chinese painting of 50 years It is very difficult to draw such amazing paintings without basic skills.

However, when everyone learned that these paintings were all Zhang Feng's works, their jaws dropped in shock and they were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that these paintings were actually drawn by Zhang Feng.
Because Zhang Feng is really too young, he looks to be in his twenties, not as everyone imagined, he is a master of traditional Chinese painting in a long gown with gray hair.

"This can't be fake, right?" Some people couldn't help muttering.

"How is it possible that we all saw this just now!" A tourist immediately confirmed.

Because when Zhang Feng and the two were painting in the lake just now, they did not avoid everyone. Many tourists witnessed the scene of Zhang Feng painting with their own eyes, so everyone was amazed for a while, and finally admitted this fact.

It turns out that this handsome little brother is really the author of these paintings. He is really a master among the people. It is unbelievable that this young man has such superb painting skills. Even the masters of traditional Chinese painting are no more than that.

It was too unbelievable. Everyone thought to themselves, could this little brother be from a scholarly family, and he started to learn painting at the age of two or three, otherwise how could he have such good painting skills.

So curious tourists immediately asked.

"Did this little brother learn to draw since he was a child?"

"That's not true! My boyfriend is from Moon Lake. His ancestors have been farmers for generations. There is no family background. Painting only started when he was in college." Yiyi smiled slightly, quite proud Said.

"Then did he study Chinese painting in college?" The tourists still couldn't believe it and continued to ask.

"Of course not! He majored in resources and environment at university." Yiyi said with a smile.

"My God, then he's a genius!"

"Of course, he is self-taught in painting!" Yiyi nodded proudly, and said proudly.

Gee! !
What a genius! !
Everyone was amazed! !

(End of this chapter)

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